So as most of you know I have been in retirement for the last several months. Well I lucked out and got 3 weeks off from work and school at the same time, so I figured what the hell lets fill the void with some Final Fantasy XI.I logged into Atthowa Chasm as RDM/NIN (no Idea why I was there, must have done Xoltol before my account subscription ended). So that was kind of a Kick in the junk, having to deathwarp out back to, Windurst woods, Im not even from windy and have no Idea why my HP was there. Anyhow, over the last few days I have been getting back into the party scene on several different jobs, and have some concerns. Primarily in higher level parties on my RDM.
Is it just me or does this game seem totally devoid of any knowledge in party systems?
I don't know what caused it, the new Level Sync system (which is pretty cool), an influx of new people over the last few months, or just plain lack of skill. I personally would bet on ToAU and as a direct resault from it, the third option. Last night I was invited to a level 70 sync party as RDM/WHM, our plan was to go fight Imp's in the mire, this however did not happen because the mire had 5 parties packed into it already. We checked MJSP same deal, so I offer up Bibiki bay as a possible camp, the Giraffe/Gob camp that used to be so good to me in the old days.
I should have recognized the problem that I was getting into right away...
"SAM says where is Bibiki bay? I have never heard of it."
Luckily everyone had CoP so we entered the zone and set up camp. Now comes the lack of skill, we had MNK/WAR, DRG/WAR, SAM/WAR, PLD/WAR, BRD/NIN, RDM/WHM. Now I am sure all of you know or can remember that these CoP camps do not have endless chains, they often require downtime (even with convert), and the mobs can and will kill you. So this SAM starts going balls out, I mean full throttle insane damage blah blah blah. Using all the tricks... and getting his face smashed in in the process.
"I tell him, slow down dude, this is not a bird party, these mobs will kill you, and you need to let the tank actually tank. Its not a meripo so just take it easy and control your hate level."
Sure enough he replies with the typical epeen reply
"But I would have to deal less damage, and if I do that whats the point of being here."
So I tell him to do whatever and if you die it is your own fault, I do not have botomless MP here, because these mobs are actually dangerous to a party. So after all that he settles down, hes not going super nuts and everything is Kosher. Then the MNK decides he needs to pump his epeen up and pulls out his stops, and quickly (very quickly) eats a Goblin Rush followed by a Crit hit. Starts Screaming at me for a heal (which is already on the way) so I explain to him he needs to let the tank, tank. All this and the BRD pulling like its a meripo in the thickets did not help me reach convert with a severley stretched MP pool and Timer.
Anyhow to make a long story short, the SAM ends up commiting suicide (via opening on a mob with 2x WS) , the PLD says.
"If you want to be the tank let me know Ill switch to a staff and help cure your dumbass"
The only one who didnt make a comment or even take really any damage outside of bomb toss was the DRG who was busy super jumping his face off. After a party wipe (after I died burning a DS Cure IV on the SAM instead of myself after a Vert) the SAM and MNK decided they would rather go back and sit in WG and get no EXP then gimp their damage to have a functioning 10-12k/hr party. (almost there exact words except scratch 10K/hr for shitty exp).
After this I thought to myself, what happened to people. Ive been down there many times in the past on RDM as the lone healer and pulled in 10-12K/hr with no issues. The only thing I can figure is a lack of skill in the melee side of things, who are now accustomed to 20+ levels of balls to the wall epeen stroking. Is this the norm now? Are people so lost in terms of party tactics that these camps are no longer viable at all? Or is it just a case of a couple bad players? I wish I knew what happened to the game I loved, I mean I can live without skillchains, but being in parties with people that don't understand the mechanics of how to party is disturbing?
So which is it?
1) Level Sync
2) Influx of new players
3) just a lack of skill(knowledge) caused from ToAU
Im a sad panda
Is it just me or does this game seem totally devoid of any knowledge in party systems?
I don't know what caused it, the new Level Sync system (which is pretty cool), an influx of new people over the last few months, or just plain lack of skill. I personally would bet on ToAU and as a direct resault from it, the third option. Last night I was invited to a level 70 sync party as RDM/WHM, our plan was to go fight Imp's in the mire, this however did not happen because the mire had 5 parties packed into it already. We checked MJSP same deal, so I offer up Bibiki bay as a possible camp, the Giraffe/Gob camp that used to be so good to me in the old days.
I should have recognized the problem that I was getting into right away...
"SAM says where is Bibiki bay? I have never heard of it."
Luckily everyone had CoP so we entered the zone and set up camp. Now comes the lack of skill, we had MNK/WAR, DRG/WAR, SAM/WAR, PLD/WAR, BRD/NIN, RDM/WHM. Now I am sure all of you know or can remember that these CoP camps do not have endless chains, they often require downtime (even with convert), and the mobs can and will kill you. So this SAM starts going balls out, I mean full throttle insane damage blah blah blah. Using all the tricks... and getting his face smashed in in the process.
"I tell him, slow down dude, this is not a bird party, these mobs will kill you, and you need to let the tank actually tank. Its not a meripo so just take it easy and control your hate level."
Sure enough he replies with the typical epeen reply
"But I would have to deal less damage, and if I do that whats the point of being here."
So I tell him to do whatever and if you die it is your own fault, I do not have botomless MP here, because these mobs are actually dangerous to a party. So after all that he settles down, hes not going super nuts and everything is Kosher. Then the MNK decides he needs to pump his epeen up and pulls out his stops, and quickly (very quickly) eats a Goblin Rush followed by a Crit hit. Starts Screaming at me for a heal (which is already on the way) so I explain to him he needs to let the tank, tank. All this and the BRD pulling like its a meripo in the thickets did not help me reach convert with a severley stretched MP pool and Timer.
Anyhow to make a long story short, the SAM ends up commiting suicide (via opening on a mob with 2x WS) , the PLD says.
"If you want to be the tank let me know Ill switch to a staff and help cure your dumbass"
The only one who didnt make a comment or even take really any damage outside of bomb toss was the DRG who was busy super jumping his face off. After a party wipe (after I died burning a DS Cure IV on the SAM instead of myself after a Vert) the SAM and MNK decided they would rather go back and sit in WG and get no EXP then gimp their damage to have a functioning 10-12k/hr party. (almost there exact words except scratch 10K/hr for shitty exp).
After this I thought to myself, what happened to people. Ive been down there many times in the past on RDM as the lone healer and pulled in 10-12K/hr with no issues. The only thing I can figure is a lack of skill in the melee side of things, who are now accustomed to 20+ levels of balls to the wall epeen stroking. Is this the norm now? Are people so lost in terms of party tactics that these camps are no longer viable at all? Or is it just a case of a couple bad players? I wish I knew what happened to the game I loved, I mean I can live without skillchains, but being in parties with people that don't understand the mechanics of how to party is disturbing?
So which is it?
1) Level Sync
2) Influx of new players
3) just a lack of skill(knowledge) caused from ToAU
Im a sad panda
