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Coming Back.. What Servers? / State of the Game?

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  • Coming Back.. What Servers? / State of the Game?

    Greetings all!

    I played FFXI for a solid year or so after the US Launch and after many years away from the game I am considering coming back. I have tried all the new MMOs on the market even the new WoTLK expansion for WoW and I have been extremely disappointed and I remember the fun and challenges that existed in FFXI. FFXI didn't spoon feed you content with 1 button press instant wins.

    A few questions in regards to the current state of the game. I would like to know how are general population levels especially at lower and mid levels I'd be leveling a new character on a new account as my old one has been deleted according to SE due to inactivity for so long.

    I prefer playing hybrid/support classes so leveling a healer or buffing type class I can see being rather painful if I am forced to solo. I loath soloing with a passion and would definitely be wanting to find a LS/Guild asap.

    Assuming there are high population/very active servers are groups or guild that group together generally easy to find? I like being able to log in and have a lot of options for things to do particularly in guild or tradeskill wise.

    I am also curious what kind of options are available for end-game content at max level? I've traditionally been heavily into raiding in other games EQ/EQ2/WoW etc.

    What kind of options are best for full healing/support rolls is WHM still the best route for healing? or is RDM/WHM with fast casting and Convert on par/better in situations?
    I like have a lot of options available but i prefer to play Crowd Control + Heals + Group support / Buffing and deal moderate dmg as necessary.

    Any recommendations on servers / linkshell would be greatly appreciated.
    There doesn't seem to be a lot of activities on the forums like there was earlier on in the year did everyone jump ship from FFXI?
    After spending a lot of time reading through here and other sites. I picked Hades to roll on. Currently starting off as a WHM.
    Last edited by neuromuse; 11-16-2008, 02:10 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  • #2
    Re: Coming Back.. What Servers? / State of the Game?

    *bump* I'd love to know too if someone can answer :D


    • #3
      Re: Coming Back.. What Servers? / State of the Game?

      I recently came back, 3 days ago. I am on Odin server.

      Some low-level areas are populated properly. An exception is of Windurst area where it is almost completely empty. I made a mistake of choosing Windurst and I had to spend an hour and half running to Valkurm Dunes to find people to group.
      In general, with exceptions of a few area, it is empty. Popular low-level area, level 10 to 30ish, will have around 10 to 25 people seeking group. Expect half of them to be Japanese.

      Grouping isn't very active from my own experience. Even after reaching Valkurm Dunes, I had some troubles finding parties.

      Some info to put in your consideration, I am a level 17 red-mage.


      • #4
        Re: Coming Back.. What Servers? / State of the Game?

        the game is still pretty busy at all levels, but with the holiday season, a lot of people have been spending less time in game.


        • #5
          Re: Coming Back.. What Servers? / State of the Game?

          Originally posted by neuromuse View Post
          1) I would like to know how are general population levels especially at lower and mid levels I'd be leveling a new character on a new account as my old one has been deleted according to SE due to inactivity for so long.

          2) I prefer playing hybrid/support classes so leveling a healer or buffing type class I can see being rather painful if I am forced to solo. I loath soloing with a passion and would definitely be wanting to find a LS/Guild asap.

          3) Assuming there are high population/very active servers are groups or guild that group together generally easy to find? I like being able to log in and have a lot of options for things to do particularly in guild or tradeskill wise.

          4) I am also curious what kind of options are available for end-game content at max level? I've traditionally been heavily into raiding in other games EQ/EQ2/WoW etc.

          5) What kind of options are best for full healing/support rolls is WHM still the best route for healing? or is RDM/WHM with fast casting and Convert on par/better in situations?
          I like have a lot of options available but i prefer to play Crowd Control + Heals + Group support / Buffing and deal moderate dmg as necessary.

          6) Any recommendations on servers / linkshell would be greatly appreciated.

          7) There doesn't seem to be a lot of activities on the forums like there was earlier on in the year did everyone jump ship from FFXI?

          8) After spending a lot of time reading through here and other sites....
          1) The general population has dipped since its release. Of course, it has peaks and valleys though. It peaks with a new patch or expansion or release on a new system (such as the NA PS2 and Xbox releases) and it valleys during important holidays. Right now with Thanksgiving and Christmas, many people are busy in real life so the population dips slightly, of course thats true with most MMO's.

          Does this mean its not worth while because the game is going down the tubes? Far from it. FFXI has a very dedicated and loyal base and there are new players joining or old players coming back constantly. It's quite evident by the amount of new/old players posting that they are coming back on this forum!

          And right now we have the awesome new level sync feature! It really has revitalized the game for people and given new players more options. You can basically level your low level character with higher level people. The higher levels don't have to buy/find equips or change jobs. The game will adjust their level to a lower one and the equips they wear will be adjusted too.

          2) Well this isn't really a question but I'll put my 2 cents in. It sounds like you are a candidate for red mage. You can solo if need be, you debuff mobs, you buff your party members, and you can heal. Soloing isn't for everyone but sometimes you might want this option when finding a party is slow. Red mage is a great mage class for soloing at these times.

          3) Well when it comes to finding a linkshell (a guild basically), you really need to make friends in game to do that. Just talk with people, be polite and friendly, and when you find someone that you "click" with ask them about their linkshell if they have one. In the lower levels, its not that difficult to get into linkshells for the most part. Just communicate to your friends that you are looking for one and you'll be invited. In the higher levels, there is often times requirements for you to be able to join. Sometimes you must visit their linkshell website and fill out an application and wait for approval. In the higher levels, there is a lot of competition for the awesome equips so some linkshells are very picky about their membership.

          4) There really is a huge amount of end game content. I know in my linkshell we have varying events planned for 6 out of the 7 days of the week. You can camp for HNM's (Highly Notorious Monsters), there are pop NM's (use an item to pop them), God's (Sky HNM's), Nyzul Isle Assualts, Salvage, Dynamis, etc. If you find an active linkshell in endgame, you will be plenty busy!

          5) As I said before, you sound like a red mage to me! They have to sleep mobs, debuff mobs, buff party members, and heal. You are one busy person when you play red mage AND they are a good job for endgame too. White mage is a very good job also. I enjoy my white mage immensely. They don't do much crowd control though and are basically full support.

          6) As stated above, you will make your way in game via linkshells by the company you keep. Talk with your friends or people you admire in game. Ask them about their linkshells and if there are requirements to join. It's basically word of mouth and who you know.

          7) Our forums aren't for everyone. We are quite strict on the behavior of our members compared to some other websites. This allows for people to have good healthy debates, share information, and ask questions without constantly being worried if someone is going to treat them badly. It's not to say that we are perfect because we still do have some people step out of line but we try to make an enviroment for people to be comfortable. Because of this, it doesn't go over well with a large segment of people so there are other websites that cater to them. We enjoy our smaller but tight knit group here at FFXIO and hope that you'll find it a good place to share and grow too.

          8) I'd like to comment on this statement. One of the most important things for new players to do is to gather information but they also have to understand that many times forums are loaded with new players asking the same questions over and over. It's one of the reasons why people don't answer back. You can find many answers to questions just by browsing the forums of various websites and reading what others have asked and been answered. It's best to do this first instead of making a post and expecting people to answer. We get a lot of that and many times people are tired of repeating themselves again and again. It's nothing personal, it's just best if new players do some of the footwork themselves and then form questions that they couldn't find the answer to.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

