Greetings all!
I played FFXI for a solid year or so after the US Launch and after many years away from the game I am considering coming back. I have tried all the new MMOs on the market even the new WoTLK expansion for WoW and I have been extremely disappointed and I remember the fun and challenges that existed in FFXI. FFXI didn't spoon feed you content with 1 button press instant wins.
A few questions in regards to the current state of the game. I would like to know how are general population levels especially at lower and mid levels I'd be leveling a new character on a new account as my old one has been deleted according to SE due to inactivity for so long.
I prefer playing hybrid/support classes so leveling a healer or buffing type class I can see being rather painful if I am forced to solo. I loath soloing with a passion and would definitely be wanting to find a LS/Guild asap.
Assuming there are high population/very active servers are groups or guild that group together generally easy to find? I like being able to log in and have a lot of options for things to do particularly in guild or tradeskill wise.
I am also curious what kind of options are available for end-game content at max level? I've traditionally been heavily into raiding in other games EQ/EQ2/WoW etc.
What kind of options are best for full healing/support rolls is WHM still the best route for healing? or is RDM/WHM with fast casting and Convert on par/better in situations?
I like have a lot of options available but i prefer to play Crowd Control + Heals + Group support / Buffing and deal moderate dmg as necessary.
Any recommendations on servers / linkshell would be greatly appreciated.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of activities on the forums like there was earlier on in the year did everyone jump ship from FFXI?
After spending a lot of time reading through here and other sites. I picked Hades to roll on. Currently starting off as a WHM.
I played FFXI for a solid year or so after the US Launch and after many years away from the game I am considering coming back. I have tried all the new MMOs on the market even the new WoTLK expansion for WoW and I have been extremely disappointed and I remember the fun and challenges that existed in FFXI. FFXI didn't spoon feed you content with 1 button press instant wins.
A few questions in regards to the current state of the game. I would like to know how are general population levels especially at lower and mid levels I'd be leveling a new character on a new account as my old one has been deleted according to SE due to inactivity for so long.
I prefer playing hybrid/support classes so leveling a healer or buffing type class I can see being rather painful if I am forced to solo. I loath soloing with a passion and would definitely be wanting to find a LS/Guild asap.
Assuming there are high population/very active servers are groups or guild that group together generally easy to find? I like being able to log in and have a lot of options for things to do particularly in guild or tradeskill wise.
I am also curious what kind of options are available for end-game content at max level? I've traditionally been heavily into raiding in other games EQ/EQ2/WoW etc.
What kind of options are best for full healing/support rolls is WHM still the best route for healing? or is RDM/WHM with fast casting and Convert on par/better in situations?
I like have a lot of options available but i prefer to play Crowd Control + Heals + Group support / Buffing and deal moderate dmg as necessary.
Any recommendations on servers / linkshell would be greatly appreciated.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of activities on the forums like there was earlier on in the year did everyone jump ship from FFXI?
After spending a lot of time reading through here and other sites. I picked Hades to roll on. Currently starting off as a WHM.