Basicly I don't wanna do another, "Which Server is Best??" a brief history of myself and then the question:
I started over 2 years ago, sucked in all my friends, and played for a year before logging in one day and being hit with the dreaded "Why am I playing this?" feeling...I quit. Within a month I tried to come back, and could not.
Since then I hit several other MMORPGs with Vanguard and WoW being the last two. In WoW I thought I found what I wanted but after soloing my way to 53 with a hunter (In less then one month!) I realized I wanted the chalenge and flexability FFXI had...but could not bring myself to try again.
Oddly enough it has been two weeks of FF Tactics A2 and a little FFXII that has me back. Is it just me or does XII feel like a dry run at a FFXI-2?? Heh, anyhow I am back and excited, but stuck at choosing a server, which is all me and I will figure out one.
Gonna be the same as last time: Taru Male...cuz the stumpys rule.
So my question:
- What has changed in the past two years? (What are the biggest changes to make the question able to be answered!)
To better place when I quit it was just before breeding Chocobo's was introduced and I think right before the ToAU expansion. A while ago I know!
Thanks for any help and hopefully I make it longer then two weeks this time! (A brand new character will help I am sure!)
* Sorry about the spelling: it is late, I have had little sleep for three weeks (Wife with c-section/gangrinous appendix removal wounds and a baby in the NICU) and I am used to my MAC which has built in spellcheck unlike my HP with XP :p )
I started over 2 years ago, sucked in all my friends, and played for a year before logging in one day and being hit with the dreaded "Why am I playing this?" feeling...I quit. Within a month I tried to come back, and could not.
Since then I hit several other MMORPGs with Vanguard and WoW being the last two. In WoW I thought I found what I wanted but after soloing my way to 53 with a hunter (In less then one month!) I realized I wanted the chalenge and flexability FFXI had...but could not bring myself to try again.
Oddly enough it has been two weeks of FF Tactics A2 and a little FFXII that has me back. Is it just me or does XII feel like a dry run at a FFXI-2?? Heh, anyhow I am back and excited, but stuck at choosing a server, which is all me and I will figure out one.

So my question:
- What has changed in the past two years? (What are the biggest changes to make the question able to be answered!)
To better place when I quit it was just before breeding Chocobo's was introduced and I think right before the ToAU expansion. A while ago I know!
Thanks for any help and hopefully I make it longer then two weeks this time! (A brand new character will help I am sure!)
* Sorry about the spelling: it is late, I have had little sleep for three weeks (Wife with c-section/gangrinous appendix removal wounds and a baby in the NICU) and I am used to my MAC which has built in spellcheck unlike my HP with XP :p )