Hello!!! I've been getting really bored of the gaming scene lately and thinking about coming back to ffxi. Wanted to get some info since I'm not even sure if my characters are still alive or not...
Hows the server populations now? Are there still many people playing? This is my main concern. I was in when game launched but remember that by level 20? or so it was impossible to solo and knowing that most players are extreme high level by now I'm wondering what the chances are of even levelling up a new character now??
I heard they removed trains
Please PLEASE tell me they havent made many changes to the crafting system or the AH! This game has, Hands Down, the BEST Auction House and crafting system of any mmo I've ever played!
What are the most popular classes to play now so I can hopefully find groups faster.
What about gear? Are the auction houses insanely expensive now?
Do they still have the really cool holiday events like they used to?
I have REALLY missed this game. Was hoping that they would rework this mmo with a new graphics engine but without changing any of the playablility that I remember. Any responses will be helpfull and thanks in advance!!.
I MISS VANA'DIEL!! \(^_^)/
Hows the server populations now? Are there still many people playing? This is my main concern. I was in when game launched but remember that by level 20? or so it was impossible to solo and knowing that most players are extreme high level by now I'm wondering what the chances are of even levelling up a new character now??
I heard they removed trains

Please PLEASE tell me they havent made many changes to the crafting system or the AH! This game has, Hands Down, the BEST Auction House and crafting system of any mmo I've ever played!
What are the most popular classes to play now so I can hopefully find groups faster.
What about gear? Are the auction houses insanely expensive now?
Do they still have the really cool holiday events like they used to?
I have REALLY missed this game. Was hoping that they would rework this mmo with a new graphics engine but without changing any of the playablility that I remember. Any responses will be helpfull and thanks in advance!!.
I MISS VANA'DIEL!! \(^_^)/