So it's the time of year that I get the urge to play again and I've usually caught the return campaign so I getmy character back. Unfortunately this year I'm not so lucky and I can't reactivate my content ID so it's the dilema of is starting over even really worth it? Opinions either way would be helpful.
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Considering coming back but...
Re: Considering coming back but...
Originally posted by Princess LeiaIt's a trap!
Welcome Back campaigns seem to happen around expansions (or at least it seemed to me), and since there just was one of those, I don't know if waiting would be high on your list of things to do.
If you didn't delete the entire account, you should be able to get it back, though, right? I thought it was always possible to reactivate, so long as you hadn't dumped the entire POL account. I kept mine. It's free, dunno why anyone would ditch the whole thing.
As to whether or not your characters will be intact, is up in the air. Mine were after a 4 month quit. Then I quit again for good. I don't know if they're there or not. Maybe. Haven't looked.
For me: Starting over would suck if it was Telera I was starting over. Caeryn, not so much. Most I did on her was WHM to 31 before I gave up. Really the only person who can answer that is you. Do you feel like doing all you did again, or will it only make you bitter?"If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan
~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~
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