Alright I just got final fantasy the other day installed all the games onto my 360. I think I am going through final update since I just clicked play and its updating.
I am still unsure about what to play but no problem ill figure something out.
Anyways not to be a noob or a begger. But is there anyone who would consider helping me out with gear and other stuff in game?
If anyone wants to help me out and hook me up with some stuff to make my leveling easier let me know.
Since I have not made character yet ill go to any server.
No one wants to help..? =(
I am just asking I am not a noob at game I can handle farming for gil and stuff.
I am still unsure about what to play but no problem ill figure something out.
Anyways not to be a noob or a begger. But is there anyone who would consider helping me out with gear and other stuff in game?
If anyone wants to help me out and hook me up with some stuff to make my leveling easier let me know.
Since I have not made character yet ill go to any server.
No one wants to help..? =(
I am just asking I am not a noob at game I can handle farming for gil and stuff.