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Day Dreaming About FFXI..

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  • Day Dreaming About FFXI..


    I used to play FF XI 3'ish Years ago(RDM 37, WHM 36, BLM 20, WAR 30).. Then I came back to it a Year .. Maybe a Year and a half ago.. Made a new Character on Leviathan(WAR 33, NIN 20 w/ Uti Scroll, DRK 27).. Stopped shortly after.

    I've been thinking about it a lot lately and decided to come back and pick up my Leviathan Character.. This time I'd like to hit 75 and Experience the game to the fullest because there is so little I know about it.. (I've played roughly 1.5-2.0 Years total).. Yeah I know.. All that time and no chars over level 40!

    Truth be told I played WoW for 2+ years now and Can't Stand the kids! Plus it's Very easy to get Level 70 on that game and yet still find people who don't know how to Play their classes in Party's which makes it very Frustrating! Especially when FF XI was my First Good MMORPG - the game when everyone knows how to Party great Level 20+ (Even Level 12+ in Most cases that I've seen).

    Any who.. Heres my Job Choices..
    I love the Damage Melee Type - DRK, SAM, THF, WAR, NIN - Possible combinations could be DRK/THF.. DRK/WAR.. and in some cases DRK/NIN.

    Jobs planning on getting to 37


    Jobs Planning on getting to 75


    Basically I want a Great DD'er thats fun to play and is liked in parties! I am completely unaware at how most jobs preform in the Level 75 Area.. Some of the newer Melee DD Jobs I didn't Mention because again.. No knowledge of them! So Help in that area would be nice.
    "Kill One, Scare a Hundred. Kill a Hundred, Conquer a Thousand." - (Unknown)
    "To remind that all humans make mistakes, and that all leaders are but human." - Leto Atreides II

  • #2
    Re: Day Dreaming About FFXI..

    Originally posted by Leesuke View Post
    the game when everyone knows how to Party great Level 20+ (Even Level 12+ in Most cases that I've seen).
    We must play different games.

    Getting to 75 can be a long road so play what you have fun doing. Taking those jobs to 37 will give you an idea what you want to stick with further. You'll learn what you need to learn as you go.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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    • #3
      Re: Day Dreaming About FFXI..

      Sam is a fun DD to play and well liked in many situations.

      Good to xp/merit with, good for end-game melee dmg too.

      If you went with sam, you'd want to have atleast /war and /thf ready at your disposal by the time you hit 75.

      /rng is not needed always but its also nice to have around just incase you want to go on a sidewinder spamfest.
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #4
        Re: Day Dreaming About FFXI..

        Aside from /WAR and /THF, I think DRKs these days want to have /SAM as an available support job.

        /SAM15: Third Eye
        /SAM20: Zanshin
        /SAM25: Hasso
        /SAM30: Meditate
        /SAM35: Seigan

        Probably want to wait until DRK50/SAM25 before using that combination, but your taste may differ.

        p.s. I'd also recommend /WHM as for utility and soloing, and /NIN for Utsusemi.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #5
          Re: Day Dreaming About FFXI..

          That sounds pretty good.. DRK Current Level is 27
          So.. 27-50 DRK/WAR or DRK/THF
          then.. 50-75 .. DRK/THF, DRK/NIN, or DRK/SAM
          and throw in DRK/WHM or DRK/THF at any level between there for Solo/Farming

          ..SAM I'm thinking will be my Second Job to 75
          Last edited by Leesuke; 10-18-2007, 10:19 AM.
          "Kill One, Scare a Hundred. Kill a Hundred, Conquer a Thousand." - (Unknown)
          "To remind that all humans make mistakes, and that all leaders are but human." - Leto Atreides II

