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Issues with the WBC?

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  • #16
    Re: Issues with the WBC?

    Directly from WBC FAQ:

    "Type A of the campaign is aimed for customers who are unable to use their PlayOnline IDs because they have cancelled their PlayOnline membership."

    I'm fairly sure Type A is for those who no longer have a POL acct either due to inactivity, cancellation, or deletion - so they issue you a new POL acct and restore your character to that account.
    Kamewari - Shura Togi/Haidate
    75 Samurai Kujata


    • #17
      Re: Issues with the WBC?

      I first played FFXI right at its US release, canceled my FFXI account a month or so later. In 2005 I tried to resubscribe 'cause Summoner sounded neato, loaded everything from my disks, logged back on, failed, contacted customer support, was told 'Oh, your account's all old and stuff, you have to re-buy the game', said 'Screw that.' and uninstalled everything again. I hadn't canceled my POL ID, but since I hadn't logged in in over a year, they wiped me anyhow.
      Right now I'm on with a starter pack, so new POL and FFXI IDs. If I can reactivate my old stuff, I would just for the anniversary band. If I can't, I won't lose any sleep over it. We'll see what their support guys say.
      Last edited by Greyfist; 09-25-2007, 08:22 AM.


      • #18
        Re: Issues with the WBC?

        I don't think my case will help the topic poster, but I'll post it anyways in case there are others like me who are of type B but lost their ffxi registration codes. I can login into POL just fine (still have my POL ID and passwd), but my characters are gone since I deactivated them when WoW came out. I refuse to pay for long-distance phone call support, so I tried to see if they can retrieve my registration codes thru web live chat. Here's the log:

        You have been connected to SER Wesley S.
        SER Wesley S: Hello, Darez, thank you for contacting the PlayOnline Information Center. Just a few moments while I review your question, please.

        SER Wesley S: The PlayOnline Information Center is unable to issue or re-issue lost, stolen, or damaged registration codes for any reason. If you are attempting to apply for the Type B application for RHVD, we can do it for you after verifying account information.

        SER Wesley S: If you do decide to reactivate your character, I would definately recommend waiting until after October 1st as if you reactivate today, you will be charged for the full month of September, even though it is the end of the month.

        Darez: I see, so you guys can complete my application for RHVD even though I dont have my FFXI registration codes?

        SER Wesley S: Yes, we can. Would you still like to process the application today even though you will be charged for September even though it is the end of the month?

        Darez: Oh no, I'll do it in october. Thanks
        Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

        Looks like I might not need my registration codes to restore my character. I'll try again on October 1st..


        • #19
          Re: Issues with the WBC?

          [ Application Requirements ]
          To apply for the campaign, you must be able to provide one of the two sets of information listed below:
          -Applicants who possess both their previous PlayOnline ID and registration code(s) 1. Enter your PlayOnline ID.
          2. Enter one of your registration codes. *
          3. Enter the name used on the previous account.
          4. Enter a current e-mail address where you can be contacted

          Ok I don't understand this... i can't find my reg codes but i found my PO id with an old password. Its says "provide ONE of the TWO sets of information"

          I can provide my POL id thats one...I'm on hold right now...been on hold for 20 mins...wanting to clairify this info.

          Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


          • #20
            Re: Issues with the WBC?

            I had my POL name and password, so all I had to do was log in and update payment info so my POL was active again.
            Then did type B today morning, purchased new content IDs and reactivated all my 3+ year old characters.
            No problems with type B, can't tell you anything about type A though.
            After all, it DOES say the following on the official site:
            The Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign - Type A
            - The applicant must be a former PlayOnline member (i.e. the person whose name was registered) who played FINAL FANTASY XI before cancelling the account.
            - The membership information of the applicant has been deleted, thus the regular reactivation process for PlayOnline accounts and FINAL FANTASY XI Content IDs cannot be used.
            as opposed to Type B which states you have to currently be a member of POL.


            • #21
              Re: Issues with the WBC?

              How would people that get their character back go about getting the anniersary ring? I played before this so called 'gobbiebag'. How would I go about getting one?
              75/37 BLM/WHM
              61/30 WHM/BLM
              50/25 RDM/BLM


              • #22
                Re: Issues with the WBC?

                If you are allowed to get one, the only thing you have to do it talk to the moogle. Here's the locations:

                Port San d'Oria (J-10) / Port Bastok (J-13) / Windurst Walls (C-14)

                When you talk to them they should give you a ring, and if you are not able to get one, he will tell you why.


                • #23
                  Re: Issues with the WBC?

                  Called up SE and they helped me through the verification process, turns out it was correct but for whatever reason the application on the website was rejecting me.

                  So to clarify:
                  Yes, it works with COP registration
                  Yes, it works for deleted POL id's

                  Now I'm back with my 75 sam on Kujata - time to go finish cop ; ;
                  Kamewari - Shura Togi/Haidate
                  75 Samurai Kujata


                  • #24
                    Re: Issues with the WBC?

                    No he made it back ; ;. Wb neithan, I know you don't know me but I'm in JE with ya lol. I am helping my social members get thru cop might as well drag you thru.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #25
                      Re: Issues with the WBC?

                      Originally posted by Neithan View Post
                      Called up SE and they helped me through the verification process, turns out it was correct but for whatever reason the application on the website was rejecting me.
                      So to clarify:
                      Yes, it works with COP registration
                      Yes, it works for deleted POL id's
                      Now I'm back with my 75 sam on Kujata - time to go finish cop ; ;
                      My problem was exactly the same as yours... Thanks for helping with this info :D I'm joining again in November. Would be joining again right now, but school is hanis. If I couldn't get my character back, I basically wouldn't re-join period. Ha ha...


                      • #26
                        Re: Issues with the WBC?

                        What constitutes "Cancelling POL ID"? I don't recall ever cancelling anything; all I did was stop paying altogether. Could uninstalling POL mean cancelling my POL ID? Sadly, that's what I did.
                        Seiiguram Lv75THF, Lv75BST


                        • #27
                          Re: Issues with the WBC?

                          I know it's annoying because the only thing there seems to be is hear-say and sometimes rather cryptic POL service and support.

                          I think there's canceling your Content ID which holds your characters or tetra master game, then there's canceling your POL ID in the POL Service & Support area. I'm sure that's just like canceling all your Content IDs at the same time, and I'm assuming the 3 month rule applies to your POL ID as well as Content ID, since the standalone POL service is free, supposedly.

                          So I'll guess that to stop paying is like canceling your POL ID. You pay for your content IDs through the POL handle, since that's where all your information is stored. But just in case, you should try logging into POL with your handle and password.


                          • #28
                            Re: Issues with the WBC?

                            So im currently playing again with the same POL account that i used 3 years ago and im trying to get an old character back, but whenever i fill out the registration form for the return to vanadiel campaign i keep getting the Incorrect Playonline ID etc..
                            Did calling customer service fix this problem for you guys?

