I had a LVL21 WAR/? on Lakshmi named "Tighfield", I think... or Kolbreed one of the two. Had my Chocobo license too. But I just got bored trying to find a decent group to level and my identity was stolen on top on that... on frikkin' X-mas! I'm more stable now, I'm married for one LOL! I'm just undecided as to if I should bother coming back. I doubt anyone on Lakshmi would remember me at all.
I had one question though, about the Fellowship quest. To access that quest do you need a certain expansion pack? I have the Original + RotZ CDs. I would bother to get the CoP at this time.
I had one question though, about the Fellowship quest. To access that quest do you need a certain expansion pack? I have the Original + RotZ CDs. I would bother to get the CoP at this time.