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Install time.

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  • Install time.

    Yo, it's been about 7 months or so since I last installed FFXI, obviously scanning two DVDs in doesn't take TOO long, but how big have the updates been since then? I know the TAU disc took off quite a bit of the update time (updates through most of it's release), but I have no idea how big updates have been since then.

    I'm strongly thinking of coming back. About 95% sure or so.

  • #2
    Re: Install time.

    It'll take about 3-5 hours I guess. I think Jarre (or someone) posted all about it recently. Although in light of the recent problems folks have been having with the update (think mid-05' problems) it may take considerably longer.


    • #3
      Re: Install time.

      I noticed you have been assaulting the forums this morning - I had a feeling you might be considering a comeback. I did a reinstall back in December and it was a not a huge affair. I don't remember the actual time it took, but it was not so long of a time that I remember it distinctly. Maybe 1-2 hours?
      FFXIV Balmung Server
      Tenro Matashi


      • #4
        Re: Install time.

        I actually reinstalled in January and it only took a couple as well. But I was installing from the 2007 Vanadiel collection.


        • #5
          Re: Install time.

          Wait, mid-'05 as in The Great Server Crashes and Rollbacks?

          Oh my god, painful memories of R5 coming back... "YAY! Finally made it through the well...about time. Zoning...Zoning...This Zone is taking a long time to load..... does it go right into the cutscene? ...LOST CONNECTION TO POL!?"

          ...the next morning.

          "Yay, I can connect again! Now to finish Davoi...*login*..." "DAVOI ZONE?! WHAT THE HELL! I HAVE TO GET BACK THERE *AGAIN*?!"

          ...three hours and 5kXP later.

          "Finally got to the magicite! Damn that sucked... Wow, this cutscene is pretty coo- LOST CONNECTION TO POL!?"

          And you don't know me very well, do you donkey? I'm just a forum whore. I actually had to have someone block my wiki account for a month so i'd study.


          • #6
            Re: Install time.

            Well, no server rollbacks, but the download times are reminiscent of that. 10-12 hours for some. Not me, but I'm special like that I guess.


            • #7
              Re: Install time.

              I haven't had any problems with POL in the past. now, to find a desk..

