So here's the deal; Over Winter Break(Dec.16-Jan.9?) I got an Xbox 360, installed my stuff onto the Xbox 360 (POL account, Content IDs, etc) -- I'm not sure on the dates. Which worked perfectly, was able to play. Then I went away for about a week and came back. When I went to log on, it said something about account being deleted or payment error. So I asked my mom, she said she took all the money out of the bank when we left on vacation, and I'm guessing that's when we were billed the FFXI fee. So she said she's going to put the money back next week or something, so I said okay. Then I did some stupid stuff irl which goes beyong saying and isn't important, and ended up getting in trouble with my parents. So, here I am 3 months (?) later, near my "un-groundation." I guess you can see the dilemma already, and if you can't well, I'm not sure if my account was perma-deleted after the 3 month leave (since I can't check yet due to the fact I'm still semi-grounded.) My question to you, assuming the worst and my character was perma-deleted (/cry) then what do I do to get it back? I'm a 4 year veteran to the game (all dedicated to one account) and if I loose it all then well, I'm done. I hear about that Return to Vana'diel event, is that still active or is it once a year? From what I've concluded, either: A: I have to wait till the next Return to Vana'diel event B: I can talk to POL and get it reactivated somehow (Even though it's been three months) C: I'm screwed or D: It hasn't been deleted since I didn't delete it personally with my finger? Please help. Thanks in advanced.
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Quite the confusion.
Quite the confusion.
In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
Yeah, It’s true.
It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.
[I love you, Rebecca :D!]
Re: Quite the confusion.
1. Paragraphs. Use them please.
2. It is hard to say what might have happened without you logging in. As you have said already - if your charaters are gone when you get back on, you can call POL support or wait for the Return to Vana'diel.FFXIV Balmung Server
Tenro Matashi
Thanks 0
Re: Quite the confusion.
You havn't changed at all, Tipsy.
If your account was deactivated because of insufficient funds, then so were your content IDs. When you log in it's going to ask you to reregister a payment method, and afterwards you'll most likely need to reactivate that content ID.
They've rarely ever deleted old accounts after three months, and they've shown that rather than completely deleting they store all old data in a seperate database from which they retrieve it during the Return to Vana'diel promotions. Even player-deleted characters are stored in this database, and can be retrieved by POL staff. If you've reactivated everything and found your character is gone you can contact POL about having your character restored.
Thanks 0
Re: Quite the confusion.
...and thanks, I'll probly end up calling them to see what's going on.Last edited by Tipsy; 03-09-2007, 09:33 AM.In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
Yeah, It’s true.
It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.
[I love you, Rebecca :D!]
Thanks 0
Re: Quite the confusion.
Dak is almost completly right. While POL DOES state that after three months of content ID inactivity they CAN delete your characters (although I beleive shortly before I left in november they changed this time to nine months), they have never deleted characters which were left idle from content ID deactivation to the best of my knowledge, and even player deleted characters can usually be recovered.
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