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Very eager to return

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  • Very eager to return

    After getting 70 on WoW,I feel that the endgame is just not for me, and the PvP grinds in the game are just too long and not worth it. I played the game around the time of the NA release, and came back once during the "Return to Vana'diel" campaign, but quit later for other game releases.

    Due to time, I had lost my manual and any other papers that could have had data of my playonline/content ID, so I'll have to rebuy the game. Before I do, theres a few questions I would like answered.

    First, is it harder to get up to the higher levels or is there still a lower level population still alive? I'll be replaying my old combination, Paladin/Warrior and I'll probably be playing hardcore.

    I got to level 50 on my paladin, but groups were still hard to come by. Is it still the same in those mid levels, or will I be getting groups quicker?

    Edit: Also, I was a bit curious, what are some of the higher population servers?

    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by Krekko; 03-04-2007, 03:05 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Very eager to return

    While I haven't gotten to the higher levels yet, I have had no trouble in my return to the game in finding a party so far. I might even say it has gone faster, but that can more likely be attributed to the fact that I have a much better idea of what I am doing this time around.

    As far as high population servers, they are all just about even. That may change, as SE has just decided to allow server selection at character creation, and server migration - see this thread. At this point, however, the servers should be pretty even.
    FFXIV Balmung Server
    Tenro Matashi

