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The Plan

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  • The Plan

    So here's my plan please let me know if i will encounter any problems or hitches in the giddyap.

    I plan to buy the vana diel collection for pc and treasures for both pc and ps2( even though i have a ps2) I have ffXI and roz loaded on the hard drive of my ps2. I plan to use the codes for FFxI and roz to get back on the game, and in about a couple of months i will be making the switch to pc gaming. I realize i wont be able to access any cop areas until the switch, but chances are that i won't be even close to ready to go to any of those areas by the time my rig is built.

    the only downside i can see is having to buy treasures twice but even that is optional.

    so will this work?

  • #2
    Re: The Plan

    why buy treasures twice? there's nothing really for low levels to do in ToA so you might as well wait until you're on your PC for that.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: The Plan

      thanks mon (^^) i will adjust accordingly ( man I can't wait) /salivates


      • #4
        Re: The Plan

        You don't have to buy ToAH for PC find a friend with a copy of find a copy to download online.

        Also keep everything for your PS2. Honestly i find partying-XP grinding for long periods of time on the PS2/3 a lot better then on the PC ( wrist pain, carpultunnel, back strain, eye strain from being close to the monitor) playing on a PS2 you can be 2' to 15' away from your. But if you're experiencing any pain...i think its time to get up and out for a lil bit...maybe call it a day.

        Solo Questing, fishing, crafting and taking screen shots are much much better on the PC than PS2/3. Both platforms have pros and cons and useful in any situation just some better than the other...and vice versa.

        Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


        • #5
          Re: The Plan

          so internet hookup is wed (dsl)6mb speed how long do you think the update will take? Ordering vana diel collection in about three hours.

          So dont I need codes for TOA?


          • #6
            Re: The Plan

            [quote=Zeraze;666927]so internet hookup is wed (dsl)6mb speed how long do you think the update will take? Ordering vana diel collection in about three hours.

            So dont I need codes for TOA?[/quote]

            You do need the codes for ToAH just on one platform. Sounds like you're getting the PC version. if you intend to do anything in the expansion areas on your PS2 you'll need the install disc for Toah formatted for PS2. You won't need the codes for the PS2 becasue you'll already have it registered on your PC.

            Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


            • #7
              Re: The Plan

              so I haven't played in about 18 months. I got a 6mb connection through dsl. I will start the updates and logging on wed nite on the ps2. how long do you think it will be before i can play? I'm thinking thurs or fri nite.


              • #8
                Re: The Plan

                Originally posted by Zeraze View Post
                so I haven't played in about 18 months. I got a 6mb connection through dsl. I will start the updates and logging on wed nite on the ps2. how long do you think it will be before i can play? I'm thinking thurs or fri nite.
                Updates should take 3-4 hours depending on network performance between you and the update server.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


