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A Possible Return

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  • A Possible Return

    hey guys n girls a quick question, im thinkin of returning since i found a temp job n was wonderin if i started with a new character would i have 2 pay a reactivation fee i not been on since around end of august, i am thinkin of goin back with my old character but i kinda dont want 2 pay £20 since last time i went in 2 overdraft

    many thanks.

  • #2
    Re: A Possible Return

    You don't have to pay to re-activate. Just purchase a new content ID exactly as if you were creating a new character, and link it to your existing character.



    • #3
      Re: A Possible Return

      ok cool thanks but sorry 4 the yet dumb question how would i link it 2 my character?


      • #4
        Re: A Possible Return

        Originally posted by SiC_fAiTh View Post
        ok cool thanks but sorry 4 the yet dumb question how would i link it 2 my character?
        When you deactivated (voluntarily or otherwise) your content IDs previously, it should have deactivated your character.

        Square-Enix recently updated the way in which Content IDs are handled, so I'll refer you to their update notes on the process of purchasing a content ID to reactivate a character:

        You'll want to chose the option to "Reactivate ID".



        • #5
          Re: A Possible Return

          Note that there's no reactivation fee, but you pay the full monthly fee for the Content ID for the month you activate it in, so if you activated on the last day of the month, you still pay the full $12.95 for that month. No unit of time exists for the billing system for this game that is smaller than a month.

          You also aren't billed until the start of the month, so it will look like a double fee when it gets charged, but it's actually them charging for this month then, and then charging you for the current month for the ability to play all that month.

 (Adoulin install on NA PS2)

          My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.


          • #6
            Re: A Possible Return

            ahh i understand wht u mean thanks 4 the info

