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Finally back

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  • Finally back


    I'm finally returning to this game, but i just had question that you guys could maybe answer.

    1) What server are you on and do you think that it has a good atmospher and whatnot for somebody that has to start fresh again? (such as enough lowbies running around that you can get groups when you need/want them at low lvls)

    I'm mainly just looking for a good, friendly server (i'm assuming they are all pretty much the same though) that i can get a fresh start on. Also, if you feel your server is right for me would it be possible to get a world pass to your server?

    This is off topic but, with the gold pass i know you get items after a certain amount of time. If i were to buy 3 world passes and give them to 3 new people would i get 3 gifts after each of the 30, 90 and 365 day marks?

  • #2
    Re: Finally back

    In my opnion I think all the servers have the same amount of people, and the same amount of jerks too. I dont think it would really matter what server you get on for this reason inless you have like friends on a server that you want to join. I really dont know thats just what I think lol...

    I see the color of blood and hatred within your eyes, tell me, "Who Are You?"
    Ninmin: Mage Of Chaos


    • #3
      Re: Finally back

      Yea, that's true pretty much, the economys are slightly different, although I believe Asura is highly inflated(not for sure, just remember something of the sort). Just join a server that you like the name of pretty much. And as far as the WP thing goes, I do believe you can do that...but you may not get the prizes...and I know for sure you'll only be able to get one sprout hat/instructor hat or whatever.

      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


      • #4
        Re: Finally back

        Thanks a lot for the info guys. What servers are you two on, and would it be possible to get a world pass to your server? If so, you can just pm me or email it to

        Thanks in advance


        • #5
          Re: Finally back

          Servers are all pretty equal these days (high or low prices don't much matter since nearly all prices are inflated at the same rate, and you can't generally move money from one server to another), with one slight difference.

          Of the various servers, the five newer ones (Fairy, Midgardsormr, Asura, Remora, Hades) have a somewhat larger English-speaking presence, due to those servers being either newly opened or opened shortly after the North American release three years ago.

          If you want a World Pass, decide on a server and post a request in the appropriate server-specific forum (called the World Pass Request thread for each server).



          • #6
            Re: Finally back

            ok, so it's sounding like most of the servers are pretty much equal and it won't really matter where i go. Although, i was looking to get on ramuh (I will go somewhere else but I just want on this server for some reason) and I have posted in the WP request thread for under the ramuh server forum but that place seems a little dead.

            Oh well, thanks for the info and please feel free to add any information that you feel would benefit a new player. (I'm not totaly new but i havn't played in a while so i most likely have forgotten most of what i learned)


            • #7
              Re: Finally back

              This website has some of the auction prices on any server.

              Might be helpful in choosing a server.


              • #8
                Re: Finally back

                Cool, thanks for the link to that AH site. I didn't know that there were sites like that out there.


                • #9
                  Re: Finally back

                  wow, that website is really helpful! thanks for that link. if you guys know any other cool links like that for final fantasy, throw them on! I'm at work right now and anything I can do to learn more about this game would be a great help!

                  thanks again!

                  Also, another quick question. World Passes...they only work for new character creation, right? You can't move an existing character, can you?


                  • #10
                    Re: Finally back

                    Originally posted by Viryn View Post
                    World Passes...they only work for new character creation, right? You can't move an existing character, can you?
                    Thats right, you can't move characters.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: Finally back

                      You CAN move an existing character, just not whenever you want but when Square decides to open the option. Then you don't have a choice of where you get to move to, and they don't tell you where you are moving to until it's too late to change your mind. Movement of existing characters is called a World Shift, and Square has only done it 3-4 times in the history of the game, the last time being to World Shift Xbox 360 beta testers off of the beta server and onto a full server of their choice, which was the only time a World Shift has ever given a choice of destination.
             (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
                      My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.

