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Is restoring character possible now?

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  • Is restoring character possible now?

    Sorry being abit lazy here, but i would really want a direct forward answer, is it possible to restore a character that was unsubscribled 2 year ago (not deleted, just unsubscribled).

    I missed the event when they allow restore characters 4 months ago, but now i really want to play again with my lvl 75 chr.
    -add later-

  • #2
    Re: Is restoring character possible now?

    I think up to two years is the maximum the event will go.


    • #3
      Re: Is restoring character possible now?

      no. you'll have to wait until they do another return to vanadiel campaign. the character restore is only up to 3 months (by policy).

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: Is restoring character possible now?

        I think what the others said is pretty much true. Your best bet is to wait on the Return to Vana'Diel campaign to make a reappearance.

        I really *want* to say they do it about every 6 months or so. Might be once per year, but my gut is telling me there's something coming around Xmas.

        Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


        • #5
          Re: Is restoring character possible now?

          The Return to Vana'diel program is run once per year, sometime around February. You're going to have to wait a few months.



          • #6
            Re: Is restoring character possible now?

            From top of my head, square enix only did once character restore and that was when the expansion for treasure was out.

            The game is already 4 years old, that mean character restore every 4 year ? I heard people actually make it from calling them, but i want to make sure if i could or not if i have to call them, since they going to pull me on hold and everything and end up cost me 20-30 bucks long distance call.
            -add later-


            • #7
              Re: Is restoring character possible now?

              They've done two Return to Vana'diel events, around the time of each expansion. I don't see another expansion coming any time soon, but they'll likely do another Return to Vana'diel campaign some time before the summer.
              PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
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