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Former FFXI Vet-Thinking about coming back on my 360, please read

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  • #16
    Re: Former FFXI Vet-Thinking about coming back on my 360, please read

    Thank you very much to all of you...Seriously, I appreciate so many people taking the time to respond to my post. Obviously, this game is NOT dead

    I have thought about it and researched...I think I do want to make a comeback run. This is the thing: My guy at gamespot/EB who I've known for ages says that the newest 360 version (the only one so far apparently) has been discontinued and recalled...anyone have any ideas as to why? Is this because that new one that includes everything up to date (including a "new" expansion) is out soon? <shrug>

    I thought I remembered seeing it in Wal-Mart the other day, but everywhere else I've called is either out of them, or says that they've been discontinued (or both).


    • #17
      Re: Former FFXI Vet-Thinking about coming back on my 360, please read

      I don't think a recall on the 360 version has anything to do with the new combined pack being released. As far as I know, the Xbox360 version already ships with Treasurs of Aht Urhgan, so there's no reason to recall it in favor of the combined pack of Vana'diel Collection II.

      Are you sure it's being recalled, and not simply out of print?



      • #18
        Re: Former FFXI Vet-Thinking about coming back on my 360, please read

        I picked up the 360 disc a couple weeks ago at Walmart so I could get ToAU reg codes for an account I took over. There were a few copies there at the time. I would just suggest ordering it online through Amazon or a normal chain's online site. Like Icemage said, the 360 version has all the expansions to this point.

        The only reasons I can see it being pulled is for some flaw in the game or a lack of sales. I know the sales numbers were a lot lower then SE expected and some stores were giving the game away with 360 purchases. Maybe they are just trying to dump stock before they re-shelve it.

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • #19
          Re: Former FFXI Vet-Thinking about coming back on my 360, please read

          I mean if I'm a level 25 thief and I want the peacock's charm (I forget the exact names, I'd have to dig deeper into my memory heh) I might have to spend what...3 months farming for a 2.5 million gil item? That's not reasonable...a new player would be scared away by this.
          I had to laugh here, you must have been gone a long time then, man I wish it was still 2.5mil (20+ million now FYI)
          Yeah, it's not totally reasonable, heck I'm not a new player by any means and buying a woodsman's ring for 750k is a serious investment for me.
          Very simply, unless you rip people off, you were in the original fish botting/rusty cap thing, or are one of the few people to obtain and sell a Mercurial Kris, this game requires alot of time to make money and to advance in levels and missions.
          To be honest, every rich person I know, they were either in gardening and legitamately earned their gil, or fish botted and semi legitametly earned their gil. Then of course they join a HNM LS and have gil up the wazoo, /shrug.
          The game's economy has stayed more or less the same in the sense that there are alot of ways to make gil, and alot of ways to spend gil. Since making gil can be alot easier the higher level you are, just be a little spend thrifty and don't buy every single shiney thing that catches your eye if you really want a particular piece of expensive gear.
          That being said, don't take it like it is impossible to make gil, but you will be working for those items that are in the 1mil range. Items up to 300k in price are kinda chump change. If you sell items on the AH and buy from npc shops, you can actually save alot of money now. If you level a craft you can also make a decent amount of gil pretty quickly, depends on the market and the day you sell on though.
          Myself personally, I like those shiney items, so it's hard for me to hold onto my gil, heck, I always complain about being poor and I dumped 1mil+ into mog house furniture /blush
          I also hate to think of how much gil I spent in getting the GP for my weaving glasses, that 500k that I had that just kinda disappeared had to go somewhere >.>
          As for the 360 version being discontinued, I don't know about that. I do know that the main computer stores around here like Best Buy, Target, and another one I'm forgetting, are no longer carrying the FFXI pc version in any of their stores, east and west coasts. I have not seen a PS2 copy of FFXI in a very long time, but the HDD required for that was discontinued.
          I would recommend checking some oddball stores like Fred Meyers, of all places they had a large number of copies, and I did see some Xbox copies there when I picked up the last expansion when it first came out.
          Format got screwed up somehow
          Last edited by Vyuru; 10-15-2006, 08:46 PM.

          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.

