hey guys well be4 i come back i was wondering if anyone could give me a pros and cons list of this game. also i was wondering if you really need 5+ hours a night/day just to play this game. help me out here people be4 i buy this game and end up upset!
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Pro's and con's anyone?
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Pro's and con's anyone?
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Re: Pro's and con's anyone?
like any mmorpg, those that spend more time *actively* playing get more done/obtain more stuff.
its got great storylines, and as for the graphics even though theyre 4+ years old they still outdo things like EQ & WOW (imo... but i saw oblivion the other day... very pretty o.o)
iuno how much your spending on playing, but it is definitely a timesink. oh... and dont buy gil >.> an inexperienced player with "leet" gear still sucks.
Thanks 0
Re: Pro's and con's anyone?
-Multiple jobs can be played simultaneously
-Several great storylines and plots in the FF tradition
-Cooperation is a neccesity, binding the community together
-Huge amount of content from almost 4 years development
-Graphics and audio are second to none, at least I think so
-Auto translate lets you play with non-native english speakers
-Even the PvP content requires teamwork
-Timesink: It can take a while to find a party in later levels, and once found they usually last 2+ hours
-Timesink: It also takes quite a while to level a craft, farm materials and acquire gil.
-Soloing for experience is extremley difficult for most classes after about level 20.
-RMT scum (gilsellers/gilbuyers) are a problem here as in every MMOG
-Prices can be extortionate for +1 and rare items, though NQ or normal quality versions are usually affordable.
-Cooperation is a neccesity, meaning you have to rely on strangers for a lot of things.
Compared to other MMOG's this is a very community based game, and while the better for it, this causes problems, mainly what to do when no-one is looking for a party. There are still plenty of things to do solo after level 20, except for levelling up, which you need a party for. Some people feel no sense of achivement if they don't get exp, and tend to skip the missions and quests. They are missing the better part of the game I think, you can solo the missions up to rank 5 fairly easy, and most quests you can do solo. THe timesink factor isn't too important, you can get by doing one or two 4-5 hour sessions a week for partying, and if you have less than 2 hours at your disposal, you can do some missions, quests, farming, crafting, duo with your NPC, find a BCNM party (instanced battle with a boss) and others. Most of these things increase your other levels rather than your main job level, ie. crafting level and fame level, and help[ you get more gil for better equipment/food/ammo.
I have been playing for 700+ hours ingame, here are my respective job levels:
I also have over 5mil gil worth of equipment and furniture, most of it didn't cost me even 1 gil, I merely quested it. Those with money issues usually haven't done enough quests.
As you can see, even after all this time my main job (rdm) is still only level 50, I have spent my time exploring a wide variety of jobs and generally exploring the world. If I spent all that time levelling, I would probably have it at 75, and would also probably feel burnt out and bored of the game. I like taking my time in Vana'diel and not rushing through, it can be very pleasant just to visit an unexplored area.
So no, you don't need 5+ hours a day to play, four/five hours one or twice a week should be sufficient to level a main job and a subjob and one or two hours here and there will let you finish missions and quests, and do a little crafting or gardening on the side.
Thanks 0
Re: Pro's and con's anyone?
Thats pretty good for just under 30 days gametime Nazlfrag. You mentioned a lot of things I *should* have lol..
However, to note some of the stuff (yes storyline included) is geared towards endgame players.
Zilart up through obtaining Sky is uncapped and a person as low as 60 can be "carried" through it, same with Rank 10 in the cities.
Chains of Promathia is level capped up to Mission 8-1 where it becomes uncapped. *Most* players have a hard time with CoP due to its incredible curve, basically you *must* bring your "A-game".
Treasures of Aht Urghan is geared towards the player with at least 1 job 75 (imo) and *most* of it is still unreleased, however a player @ 50+ can still do a lot of the stuff available. It does have some level capped things such as Assault (can be capped, its not mandatory) and tons of quests. But most of the gear I've seen as rewards are 70+ to equip.
On a side note... Nazlfrag's post is a good view from someone that hasnt logged a bunch of time. Personally, I have 263 days and some hours (roughly 6300 hours) logged and (not bragging, just comparing) while I don't have the furniture like he does, my characters net worth is around 50m in equipment and craft.
However, imo, the most worthwhile thing is your reputation amongst the other players, if your good people then others will remember that ^^
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