I played Final Fantasy XI a number of years ago on the PC when it was first released. I loved the game, but I just could not get used to using the controls and the interface on the PC. Sadly, I gave up trying after only 3 months, and never got to experience much of the world. In that month, however, I learned that the community in FFXI was wonderful and helpful, and was very welcoming and willing to help a new player.
Recently, FFXI was released for the Xbox 360, and, figuring the controls and interface might be much better on a console controller, I gave it another shot. I must say I am very pleasantly surprised by the interface and controls on the Xbox
360, and am extremely thrilled to be with you all again. The world if vibrant, and there seems to be a number of friendly and helpful players wandering the world.
I still play and love World of Warcraft, and, since I am used to that game (I have played since the day of release), I am having a difficult time getting used to a few things. If I may, I would like to ask a few questions:
1. Questing: I am not exactly sure who I need talk to to obtain quests. Missions seem fairly easy to obtain, as I have learned that I need to speak to one of the guards near the gates to the outside world. However, it seems quests are not
easily identified in the game (no one has a big, yellow exclamation point above their heads), and I understand that for some quests you need a certain level of fame before you can even obtain a quest. Are there any pointers concerning
questing you guys may have for a new player?
2. Con system: I am not quite sure I understand the "Check" system for monsters. Some monsters that have conned tough to me were rather easy to kill... others that conned easy pray left me lying dead on the ground (and there is nothing sadder than watching a poor Taru Taru fall face down in the dirt, slain by a rabbit). What exactly determines how difficult a monster is?
3. Loot: do any monsters drop loot that is usable other than crafting supplies?
4. Crafting: I am used to World of Warcraft in which all crafting recipes are learned and stored in something like a recipe book. It seems as if crafting in FFXI is more trial and error. Is there a good reference guide for crafting?
It is a pleasure to meet all of you. If any of you are on the Kujata server happen to see a tiny little Taru Taru Black Mage named Maladict running around Windurst (or the outlying areas), please be sure to say "Hi". I love meeting new people, and look forward to playing with you all.
Recently, FFXI was released for the Xbox 360, and, figuring the controls and interface might be much better on a console controller, I gave it another shot. I must say I am very pleasantly surprised by the interface and controls on the Xbox
360, and am extremely thrilled to be with you all again. The world if vibrant, and there seems to be a number of friendly and helpful players wandering the world.
I still play and love World of Warcraft, and, since I am used to that game (I have played since the day of release), I am having a difficult time getting used to a few things. If I may, I would like to ask a few questions:
1. Questing: I am not exactly sure who I need talk to to obtain quests. Missions seem fairly easy to obtain, as I have learned that I need to speak to one of the guards near the gates to the outside world. However, it seems quests are not
easily identified in the game (no one has a big, yellow exclamation point above their heads), and I understand that for some quests you need a certain level of fame before you can even obtain a quest. Are there any pointers concerning
questing you guys may have for a new player?
2. Con system: I am not quite sure I understand the "Check" system for monsters. Some monsters that have conned tough to me were rather easy to kill... others that conned easy pray left me lying dead on the ground (and there is nothing sadder than watching a poor Taru Taru fall face down in the dirt, slain by a rabbit). What exactly determines how difficult a monster is?
3. Loot: do any monsters drop loot that is usable other than crafting supplies?
4. Crafting: I am used to World of Warcraft in which all crafting recipes are learned and stored in something like a recipe book. It seems as if crafting in FFXI is more trial and error. Is there a good reference guide for crafting?
It is a pleasure to meet all of you. If any of you are on the Kujata server happen to see a tiny little Taru Taru Black Mage named Maladict running around Windurst (or the outlying areas), please be sure to say "Hi". I love meeting new people, and look forward to playing with you all.