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Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

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  • Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

    Hello to all who enjoy Final Fantasy XI out there ^.^

    My name is Michelle Dragonwolf, and before I get off topic ( for I don’t know the limit of how much one can type on this post ) I will get to the point…

    It has been two years since I was on, though only lasting a year and a bit ( because my computer went to sleep and never woke up ) my experience there was very memorable and having to say goodbye was a deep loss in my gaming heart… /cry

    But now happiness can now take place where sadness once dwelled, for soon I will be returning to the place I loved so dear, being carried there by the 360. /joy

    I am planning to start out having my usual setup:

    In Windurst: Mithra WHM/BLM as Main

    In San d'Oria : Elvaan Female Monk for AH as well as some outside Crystal and supply gathering

    In Bastok: Hume Female Warrior for Ah as well as some outside Crystal and supply gathering

    Now the reason why I’m here typing to you all is because I am planning on a 4th character.

    A TaruTaru Female White Mage on a different server… why? Because this little TaruTaru girl will be the real me, the one that I will be spending the most on, the one I give my whole heart to… the one I that will have a marriage with.

    This is where you guys come in, I am asking for one of you to be my ( On-Line Final Fantasy XI ONLY, no real life ) husband for that small Taru.

    When I was in that world fantasy I saw happily married people enjoying themselves partying, farming, cooking and many other fun things and I wanted that, not having to party with random faceless and sometimes rued people trying to make it alone in a big game like this.

    Sure there where allot of good times but lonely ones… so I went out and picked out someone as my boyfriend, boy did that go bad… what an ass he was and just before I tried again My computer was down, wow that sucked, and I would have went on sooner but this what I’m typing on isn’t strong enough to play.

    Anyway this time when I get a 360 in a few months, I’m going to have someone to come back home to… BUT this time I want this person to take care of me like a real wife, only it’s on-line in this game, this is what I’m looking for in a male or female ( it doesn’t matter the real life gender as long as your character is male ).

    5 traits I’m looking for in a good on-line mate…

    (1) Show me you need me by regarding me as important, Treat me as an intellectual equal by valuing what I say and do and Be interested in what I feel is important in this gaming life, admit your mistakes; don't be afraid to be humble also Teach me what you enjoy doing.

    (2) Let me feel your approval and affection, comfort me when I’m down emotionally by being gentle and tender with me, also be careful to choose your words, especially when angry, and don’t quarrel over words, but try to understand what I’m saying to you, yet be forgiving when I offend you. Do everything you can to understand my feelings and by allowing your wife to fail; discuss what went wrong, after you have comforted me.

    (3) Never close me out, have a sense of humor and share your thoughts and feelings with me by responding openly and verbally when I want to talk, also let me express myself freely without fear of being called stupid or illogically, accept me the way I am; discover my uniqueness as special, and by the way… also mail me letting me know when you are going to be late or unable to play that day.

    (4) Practice common courtesies like… Ask if you offend me sexually in any way, Ask if I’m jealous of anyone, Not criticizing me in front of others, Do not become excited about the physical features of another women, Be sensitive to other people, Remember anniversaries, birthdays and other special occasions, See if I’m uncomfortable about the way money is spent and let me buy things I consider necessary.

    (5) Protect me by… avoiding sudden major changes without discussion and without giving me time to adjust, Being trustworthy, Defending me not only to mobs but to others as well, Do not expect me to do activities beyond my emotional or physical capabilities, Get rid of habits that annoy me or make me sad, Make sure I understand everything you are planning to do when we are together, Put your arm around me in front of friends, Do not belittle my feminine characteristics and be sympathetic when I am sick.

    This 5 point list is a MUST and is all I ask of a Final Fantasy XI husband.

    I will be there for you no matter what.

    I will never lie to you nor cheat you.

    The five points I also believe in for me as well for you.

    And the best part in this relationship is that it’s only 3 hours a day ( I have a full time job so I only have 3 hours a day to play anyway )and if you only have time to play a few days a week that’s ok too since I’ve got the other server to go on when your not around and that’s just fine with me. /smile

    This is all I half to say… thank you ^.^

    P.S if anyone wishes to be my mate, E-Mail me at…


    Michelle Dragonwolf

    (Age 25)

  • #2
    Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

    *cough* wants free items and gil and handouts *cough*


    • #3
      Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

      I want this person to take care of me like a real wife
      I think you misunderstand, it's the wife who looks after her hubby ^^
      (1) Show me you need me by regarding me as important, Treat me as an intellectual equal by valuing what I say and do and Be interested in what I feel is important in this gaming life, admit your mistakes; don't be afraid to be humble also Teach me what you enjoy doing.
      sheesh, thats about ten points just there.. don't you think you're being a little too picky?
      Do not become excited about the physical features of another women
      Now come on, you are a pixelated taru.. how jealous can you be?

      I think you should get to know people ingame before pouring your heart out to them.(but then again I don't have an ingame gf..) Your idea of a relationship seems overbearing and perhaps you should relax a little, nobody is perfect enough to score a 5/5 on your little quiz. The issues you raise seem to be common to any relationship, and those sort of problems won't be solved by a bullet point list. It seems you are trying to cover the bad points of your previous failed relationship - these things happen, and you can't just demand them not to be. Things like:
      Never close me out, have a sense of humor and share your thoughts and feelings with me by responding openly and verbally when I want to talk, also let me express myself freely without fear of being called stupid or illogically, accept me the way I am; discover my uniqueness as special
      You are lucky if one person in your entire lifetime sees your uniqueness as special. Sometimes people don't want to open up. Fear of being called stupid or illogical is your own fear, not someone else's projection onto you. You want someone always honest and true, yet contradictorally you want him to lie when you are being illogical or stupid. You can't have it both ways.

      Good luck on your search for love, just try to wind back on the demands and let things progress naturally. You have far too high expectations, don't be too disappointed if no-one can match your list 100% (and if they say they can, they are wrong)


      • #4
        Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

        Anyone that actually uses their two mules for extra AH slots and crystal gathering can probably take care of themselves financially.

        I know a few good guys that might step up to this but it's ... an interesting proposition to say the least. I guess I could direct them to this post ...
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

          considering "she" wants a "ffxi onry" BF for 3 hours a day and ecpects to get someone to be her perfect match i say "she" is probably in a bad relationship ATM in RL and has 3 hours a day when here evil hubby/bf is at work and wants a "Perfect" guy who is all the things here "RL" man isnt

          either way "she" is asking to much and being a bit pretentious. and her post is very Vain and it makes me angry just to read it and know that SOME ppl are rly this dumb

          Originally posted by Taskmage
          Anyone that actually uses their two mules for extra AH slots and crystal gathering can probably take care of themselves financially.

          I know a few good guys that might step up to this but it's ... an interesting proposition to say the least. I guess I could direct them to this post ...
          "Now the reason why I’m here typing to you all is because I am planning on a 4th character.

          A TaruTaru Female White Mage on a different server… why? Because this little TaruTaru girl will be the real me, the one that I will be spending the most on, the one I give my whole heart to… the one I that will have a marriage with."

          aka her "real" character thats shes getting married with will be on a DIFFRENT server then her mules

          Last edited by tetsuol; 04-23-2006, 08:19 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

            I can understand wanting to marry you character with someone else's...especially if you know each other or are together IRL. Or if you have played with that person so long that you know them that well.

            But a lot of things in that 5 point list really is over the top, like what you would expect from someone in a real relationship. I mean, its just a game after all...even if you are role-playing. I honestly cannot imagine any player wanting this level of commitment in a game. Maybe its just me.

            But I'm not going to judge how anyone choses to play the game. I say good luck in finding your role-play husband; may you guys have some fun adventures during your time in Vana'diel.
            You know what, you can kiss my...

            Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

            RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


            • #7
              Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

              There's money to be made in this yet.
              I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

              PSN: Caspian


              • #8
                Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with



                • #9
                  Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                  Scary stuff.....just scary....
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                    /em looks embarrassed and very smallI'm so sorry please forgive the miss understanding I typed to you all...

                    I meant for that 5 point list to be mainly helpful tips, not MUSTs ( got a little cared away that's all, no need to try to analyze it so much )

                    In my real life I don't have a BF nor lost love, yet I am quite versed in knowing what most women got to go through finding Mr. right.

                    All I wanted was a guy that isn't so far up the ego mountain that he can't have a soft heart in fear of looking week.

                    And by the way... the reason that I have 3 others on another server is so I can look after myself if I can't play with him ( I did it before, I can do it again... not as fun in my books but what's a girl got to do BUT be alone )

                    Anyway as I said no big deal, just seeing if there was anyone like me that can do that list, for I'm the type that loves to help and show a great amount of kindness... ( also that 5 set was meant for both of us, not just for the guy... but of course you guys knew that right?) guess not


                    Michelle Dragonwolf


                    • #11
                      Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                      Let me try this again…

                      What I am planning on is having two places to go, one server is just for my husband and I only, (since servers can’t mix) and the other one is for when my hubby can’t make it, (Real life, his LS needs him or busy with other things) see… I’m thinking about him and working around his time frame. (I don’t see this as selfish)

                      Next thing I’m thinking of doing is acting as the best wife an on-line one can be by being a TaruTaru White Mage to help him protect us when evil hits. (Is this a bad thing?)

                      It is a given that one can’t just genuinely and completely love me right out the gate, but since this… is… a… GAME can’t we pretend like we are, by being nice and caring. (I’m a girl, so asking for some kindness isn’t too much to hope for right?)

                      Also on the subject on “Practicing common courtesies” like (And this is No joke I’ve seen people do some disgusting things in this game) /em whips it out and pees on <t>... that is just so wrong, so I beg please (for the love of all that has any IQ left) for a mate that has manners. (I have them so why can’t he)

                      And I know men don’t like to talk but can my one at lest say nice things to me and maybe tell me when he is going to be late or unable to play so I’m not sitting alone by myself wondering where he is and if he is alright. (And of course I will do the same)

                      I could keep going on and on telling you what most guys (should) know about having a wife and taking care of her.

                      I’m NOT self-seeking nor am I unfair in a relationship. /em shakes her head in disbelief at the way she has to ask for things that most males should already know…

                      Look if this is so WAY to much to wish for a mate… I’ll stop asking, end of story (I’m not being rude just frank)


                      Michelle Dragonwolf


                      • #12
                        Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                        ok so u double posted more but STILL my point remains.. you SAID YOURSELF
                        your going to have 3 toons on 1 server to take care of yourself and 1 on another to BE TAKEN CARE OF

                        AKA u want someone to give u free crap and hold your hand from 1-75 whether or not thats what your trying to say that is what "I" and im sure many many others hear when they read your post


                        • #13
                          Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                          I still don't understand why your new MAIN character have to be on a seperate server than your mules. It just doesn't make sense.

                          Originally posted by Michelle Dragonwolf
                          I meant for that 5 point list to be mainly helpful tips, not MUSTs ( got a little cared away that's all, no need to try to analyze it so much )
                          Originally posted by Michelle Dragonwolf
                          Anyway as I said no big deal, just seeing if there was anyone like me that can do that list,
                          I thought you said they were merely "helpful tips" in the first quote.....

                          And in the 2nd quote, you still want them to do the entire list. :-P

                          I also think that if you want an in-game husband, you shouldn't have to have them "apply" for the position. If you want to roleplay, than go ahead and do so as if it were real... Meet someone, hang out with them, and if you click, VOILA!. What if someome applies and fits EVERY single category you want them to fit, what guarantees you that you will get along anyway?

                          Just do yoru thing solo and talk to different people. No one will fit every single point that you're asking for.


                          • #14
                            Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                            /sigh The only person who's posted a mature and levelheaded response in this thread so far has an ecchi sig and avatar. There's intense irony in this. Well .. I guess Eohmer's post is mature and levelheaded too.

                            I may know someone in the market for an in-game relationship but it's kinda wierd to say "Hey, there's this girl who posted on the forums I go to who wants to be with someone. You wanna hook up? I can get her a worldpass if you want a blind date." He's lost someone recently and I don't know if you want baggage, either. I dunno, PM me if you want to talk about it. I feel exceptionally awkward playing matchmaker for someone I don't really know.

                            I'd take you up myself, but I'm not able to play all that much lately. If you want someone to buddy up with and help you out occasionally while you look for prospective "mates" then I can be of service. /bow

                            Btw, guys. Too demanding? Gimmie a break. 1-3 and 5 in her original list are just qualities of a good friend. If even faking those behaviors in text is too much for you, then good luck in your real life relationships.
                            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                            • #15
                              Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                              I ordered the game just recently and would enjoy someone to play with when I finally get on. I played a taru to 36mnk/18war about two years ago. It was pretty fun, but I had to finish schooling so I quit.

                              Msg me when you get the time, and we could figure out the worldpass stuff. I was thinking of playing either a mnk/war/thief this time around.

