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Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

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  • #16
    Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

    Originally posted by Taskmage
    /sigh The only person who's posted a mature and levelheaded response in this thread so far has an ecchi sig and avatar. There's intense irony in this...
    Something tells me that is in reference to me.

    Btw, guys. Too demanding? Gimmie a break. 1-3 and 5 in her original list are just qualities of a good friend...
    I can agree with that. I guess my previous statement about being "over the top" is inaccurate. I also agree with Eohmer's suggestion about finding a mate. Usually best to hook up with someone you have some chemistry with.

    But if you are looking for a good friend and decide to join my server, feel free to look me up as well. Afraid I couldn't be your husband though, because I can only play a few nights a I play a Mithra
    You know what, you can kiss my...

    Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

    RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


    • #17
      Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

      Originally posted by Taskmage
      /sigh The only person who's posted a mature and levelheaded response in this thread so far has an ecchi sig and avatar.
      Sorry but I don't consider the thread to be a serious mature thread so why should I post a serious mature answer?
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #18
        Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

        Courtesy? If you can't say something nice ...

        That and if you don't support a thread's existence, don't give it life by bumping it and giving others something to reply to.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #19
          Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

          If your ever a Female Elvaan, look me up,
          Hacked on 9/9/09
          FFXIAH - Omniblast


          • #20
            Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with


            Originally posted by SevIfrit
            we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


            • #21
              Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

              Michelle Dragonwolf

              Michelle here ^.^

              First off, thank you to the people (I will not name names to be nice) that doesn’t think that I’m a messed up, double dealing, picky, fearful, greedy, childish and just plain lazy female dog that wants to absorb some guy of all his time, items and gill while banking up for an easy life in FF11, again I thank you. ^.^

              Now second thing to say to the lets just say (Being kind is what I do in RL and in a game) “miss understood” ones that still “don’t get it”. The reason that I’m solely going to be with someone alone on a separate server, is so that he can support Me.(Do you really think that one server can play with another? think again)

              I believe that a good husband (RL and in game) should take care of his wife’s finances as well as her heart and body so she can love and take care of him.(What’s the point of having a hubby if I’m making all the gil and taking of myself… that’s like saying “Marry me so you can watch me take care of myself”)

              A relationship it is not just the women’s or just the man’s job. I think it is about two people (Instead of he or she taking care of there own selves) who look after each others wants and needs together as a couple. (It’s a dream I know, but you know what? I’m a dreamer)

              Anyway that’s all for now, any other questions to ask let me know.

              See ya ;p


              Michelle Dragonwolf


              I’m playing two games…

              First game is being cared for (its sweet and kind for a guy to do that for a girl like that)

              Second game is taking care of myself

              The point is not that I can’t… it is that I like the idea of being loved in a game (call me loser I don’t mind, it’s just a miss understanding on your part, you’re a guy that “doesn’t get it”)
              Last edited by Michelle Dragonwolf; 04-24-2006, 11:03 AM.


              • #22
                Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                lol @ omni


                I believe that a good husband (RL and in game) should take care of his wife’s finances as well as her heart and body so she can love and take care of him.(What’s the point of having a hubby if I’m making all the gil and taking of myself… that’s like saying “Marry me so you can watch me take care of myself”)
                OWNED I TOLD YOU

                did i call it or did i call it

                now please shower me with the "you were right from the start Tet" posts please


                • #23
                  Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                  Originally posted by tetsuol
                  lol @ omni


                  OWNED I TOLD YOU

                  did i call it or did i call it

                  now please shower me with the "you were right from the start Tet" posts please
                  /em showers Tetsuol with something... but I don't think he wants to know what that gooey stuff is...
                  Hacked on 9/9/09
                  FFXIAH - Omniblast


                  • #24
                    Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                    aww c'mon omni.. id expect that from mr ecchi.. but YOU? ; ;


                    • #25
                      Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                      lol, looks like you don't need it tetsuol...looks like Omni has it covered...or you covered as it

                      But like I said previously:

                      I'm not going to judge how anyone choses to play the game. I say good luck in finding your role-play husband; may you guys have some fun adventures during your time in Vana'diel.
                      I have helped out new players before by giving them some seed money to start off with, but I honestly say that it is hard enough to support myself, much less another player. Frankly, if you were "my woman" then we would have to be two income "family" just to survive.

                      I guess it all boils down to this:

                      We all have our reasons for playing. If your reason for playing is to find a "husband" then again I say good luck. But you should consider some compromises in your way of thinking, because the way I see it...such a relationship won't last very long without some give and take from both ends.
                      You know what, you can kiss my...

                      Red Mage 38 | White Mage 10 | Black Mage 17 | Bard 10 | Ranger 03 | Alchemy 38 | Cooking 09

                      RDM: Rose Duelist Mithra


                      • #26
                        Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                        also michelle dear...

                        no i dont think u expecting to find someone to take care of you is "stupid"


                        vain = YES
                        selfish= YES
                        concieted = YES
                        needy = yes
                        high maintenance = yes
                        self centered = yes
                        thinking your poop dont stink = yes
                        asking WAAAY to much = yes
                        all of the above YES


                        • #27
                          Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                          tetsuol, continue posting spam and harrassment towards the OP and I'll slap a warning on every one of them. That is enough.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #28
                            Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                            /em try’s to keep her tears back

                            /em asks herself “why can’t men get it?” “Why can’t they see what I’m trying to tell them?” “Why can’t they understand?”

                            How many times to I need say this…


                            I don’t care WHO makes the Gil in the relationship, (Though I think both should) It’s the relationship it’s self, not the stuff.

                            /em face is wet with the frustrations that is stabbing in her heart

                            DAMN >.<


                            • #29
                              Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                              O.o; i'm not sure how to react...

                              i think most people dont seem to believe if you are being serious or not. i guess that's just how it is over the internet. text is a lot less convincing when it comes to expressing feelings and tone.

                              if you are serious, im sure there will be someone that ignores the cynicism and goes along with you. anyhow, im just confused as others. i hope you find your mate ^^
                              Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                              ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                              • #30
                                Re: Will be on soon, looking for someone to be with

                                /em Looks away as the tears show what is happening to her in the inside

                                In war, it’s not who is right… but who is left, and I’m broken… you win… I just can’t take it anymore

                                I will not bother trying to look for someone in the posts and when I get the 360 I’ll just play with Me, Myself and I… like I did before.

