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FFXI changed much?

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  • FFXI changed much?

    Hello. Its been a whle since I lost my account and thinking about trying ffxi again. Was wondering how much different the game is now after about a year or so.


  • #2
    Re: FFXI changed much?

    This should probably be in the returning players thread, but the only thing ive really noticed that's changed is the prices on stuff at the auction house.


    • #3
      Re: FFXI changed much?

      Yup. Thread moved. Check the sticky at the top of this forum for a complete list of changes. It's messy, but ask a broad, general question, get a broad, general answer.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: FFXI changed much?

        that is also my question, with a new expansion coming out and so forth what has changed much, ...

        i know the one thing that made me quit playing was the fact that there were too many antisocial people on the server i played on and the fact you need people to do anything, the economy was in the toilet, basic gear was ridicoulously priced making it so you had to farm 80% of the time to have any kind of fun. and thats about it.

        has any of this changed, besides these things i loved final fantasy but that was what drove me away...oh yeah is there any PvP besides the 'basketball' type game they came out with a while back?


        • #5
          Re: FFXI changed much?

          Not Really

          I WELCOME YOU


          • #6
            Re: FFXI changed much?

            antisocial people are everywhere, but you can always pick who to hang out with. There are nice players to be found and befriend.

            I have tons of decent friends in my LS. Helpful, polite, funny, we're so close to each other. We go out for food together and having so much fun in game.
            On the opposite side, I have like hundred names in my blacklist.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              Re: FFXI changed much?

              There's another PvP game now called Brenner, or atleast that's how I think it's spelt o_o I guess you could say it's sort of like capture the flag. You have to break a flame carrying thingy, steal the flame and bring it to one of your own flame carrying thingies o.o; I havn't tried it yet so I can't really explain it well, heh.

              Other than that, the only big things that have been added in the last year are... umm.... Fellowship NPCs? You do a quest and get an NPC to adventure with, yay! That's all I can really think of... A bunch of new stuff is going to be added with the expansion though, looks pretty interesting o.o


              • #8
                Re: FFXI changed much?

                I'm still thinking about returning, but I quit around the summer of 2004. I came back in the summer of 2005 for about... a month, before quitting yet again.

                I obviously didn't like the fact you couldn't level past 10 without a 5 man party made of up of a very specific composition. The economy was pretty broken when the game first launched in North America for the PC, when I first got it, but holy CRAP was it screwed beyond belief when I had returned in summer of 2005 for that one mothng. Those +30 attack power gloves, something Kote, were like, 300,000 gil at most when I left the first time. The second time I left, they were selling for 5 million gil on my server. That's just ridiculous.

                Someone told me the economy got better, or making money didn't require you to take up a part time job. Hey man, I already work for a living. I only want to hop on a game for maybe an hour a night... couldn't do that with this game after I lost my perma-group due to all of us getting conflicting time schedules.

                So... has any of this changed at all?


                • #9
                  Re: FFXI changed much?

                  I just came back after playing for alittle while when it was first released and then stopped. I jsut returned yesterday. It is so much better. Now they have pirates and puppetmasters, which makes this game all the more appealing. I like it more than WoW.


                  • #10
                    Re: FFXI changed much?

                    Yeah, but what about the economy? Is making money still a 3 week, nonstop, no fun grind?

                    Is there any soloable content besides being a Beast Master? Or do you have to go LFG for 5 hours straight still in Jueno looking for that blasted White Mage or Tank?

