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Lost ambition

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  • #31
    Re: Lost ambition

    Wow I never thought it would go this far, just a simple post wondering if I should trade MMo's but it's a lot different than that, there seems to be so much more of a connection here with friends than only one certain goal in the game, I really love final fantasy, so much as to get a tattoo of one.. yes a tattoo lol

    I love that video, very inspiring and it should be shown to any who are pondering coming to or re-entering the world of final fantasy online! ^^ tyvm all of you


    • #32
      Re: Lost ambition

      Lol I was in the same position as Wolfstar. Frankly all endgame in WoW is just "OK guys, lets run Molten Core for loot". With Battlegrounds out outside PvP is dead, which was my favorite. High level Battlegrounds is actually ridiculous cause the only team that wins is the one with the best Molten Core or Blackwing Lair gear. I've seen a guild full of people who used to be close friends break up over a stupid Dwarven Handcannon. That and if I wanted to make a new character, I had to either go to another server if I wanted to switch sides since I only play PVP, or start a new character and had to go thru all the trouble of telling my friends and guild it was me. After playing for a year I got sick of it.

      FFXI, although long and challenging, offers more rewards. I can freely change my class to whatever I want, the Linkshell system is FAR superior to the guilds in WoW as I can have a linkshell for serious gameplay, and at the same time one to chill with close friends who I can mess and joke around with. FFXI weeds out alot of the idiots you'd see in WoW due to its steep learning curve. God knows how many Warriors I've seen wear Leather at lvl 20 cause it gave +str >.<.

      For those reasons I quit this Monday. I ordered FFXI for the PS2 and it should arrive here sometime next week(stupid eCheck :'() so since your starting up around that time we can start on the same server. Less trouble finding a party for the Dunes that way <___<
      Cleverness - Hades

