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Lost ambition

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  • Lost ambition

    One night I was playing WoW and it just clicked.. I've become extremly bored of it =( and the requirements are exausting

    1. I need 39 other well geared well experianced players, with a balance of classes, to experiance end game content. The 40 people that raid together need to work together and actualy get along which for a whole 40 people is a lot harder than it seems.. people in guilds i've been in never mixed well and after months and months of work it would fall apart in 30 minutes of argueing.

    2. In these guilds you need to be on 4-6 days a week raiding these dungeons for 4 hours + in which after a year and a half of playing WoW (because of guilds crumbling) I havn't been able to experiance any of the new content that has come out in the past 5 months.

    3. The main content is made for these 40 man groups so the 5 man groups have lost all interest and purpose for most end game players. You turn a quest in and you get a page of text explaining "good job! now we can live safe thanks to you wolfstar!" 3000xp and happy music (The same 5 seconds of trumpets i've been listening to for over a year)

    ok so WoW has pvp but higher end guilds with great gear can easily set up a preformed group for this pvp and roll over any public group they choose.. it's lost all its fun.

    /end rant

    so sorry for this extremly long post

    I guess I'm just looking for some lore.. some adventure, instead of being bored at lvl 60 in WoW and makin another character for fun (no real benifit) I'd rather have somthing else I need to work on or do with my main character. I want to get lost in quests and storyline, and most important maybe a "You don't have to worry about most of that here! ^^" I tried ff11 when it came out and got a war to level 19 but things came up and I had to let go of the account.. I think I want to come back.

  • #2
    Re: Lost ambition

    I think the best thing about FFXI can be the fact that you create a character, and you can be ANY of the classes in the game, granted depending on the race you pick your character may be better suited to some over others, but if you start an 'all rounder' Hume character, then really the world is your cuttlefish.

    Also, we have new jobs and content just over the horizon, I think now would be a really good time to come back, get a few jobs to mid levels and enjoy the new quests that are coming with the new expansion.

    We also have elements of PVP, and a new twist to the current PVP system in the next expansion.

    Come on... come back... we have mithra with waggly tails and hot female character models.

    Plus the FFXI graphics dont look like they were drawn by a 6 year old with a crayon, lol, it's up to you, but I think that right now is a good time to get back into the game.

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #3
      Re: Lost ambition

      But endgame FFXI is almost the same...


      • #4
        Re: Lost ambition

        gathering people wil always be hard I suppose.
        Maybe just me, but I don't see too many drama in FFXI. Unlike when I played WoW drama is a daily part of life -.-
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: Lost ambition

          There is also a vast amount of story content in FFXI for those who look, if you're hungry for that kind of thing. Not just the legends and history of the world, but the daily goings-on of the NPCs in town that you learn about through quests. Not all of it is golden, but there are some genuinely intriguing plots floating around.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Lost ambition

            I guess all I need to know is a few more things

            1. Is the max # of players needed to experiance end game 18? and if so has the 6 person group lost most of it's purpose.

            2. In WoW you could build certain classes to be able to pvp or solo greater than others but doing so hindered your pve experiance in the 40 man groups. Is there anything equivalent to this in ffxi?

            I don't mind spending time lfp if I have somthing to do. I love the idea of working towards somthing, earning it, my original post might have been misleading but what I ment from it was the dependence on a whole 39 other people for you to proceed is asking a lot.

            A couple of friends of mine starting playing WoW with me near release, two of them were horrible at leveling, 1 couldnt decide what class they wanted, and I leveled to 60 before any of them.

            We started looking for guilds and due to our levels, long story short, we all became split up and also due to our chosen classes certian guilds we were in wouldnt except somthing they already had enough of.

            Being saved to an instance and it being against guilds rules, me and my friends have never recieved a chance to play together.

            Thanks guys ^^ I really appreciate the responses, a lot of help.


            • #7
              Re: Lost ambition

              1. there are many things end game you could do. some solo, some 6, some 18, some require multiple alliances.

              2. not really. You can't build the job you're levelling up. Stats/spells/abilities are fixed. You can however carry multiple gears and switch your sub jobs around for multiple purposes.

              in FFXI, the level differences in level up party is really a huge thing. You will have to plan it out if you want to be able to party with your friends.
              Like, if you play a lot faster than your friends, you might want to have 1 job to play on your own time and keep some other job to play with your friends.
              Being able to change job anytime you want is certainly a good thing in your case.

              For missions, quests, and most things out side of exping, you can really play with your friends all you want.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: Lost ambition

                But endgame FFXI is almost the same...
                "almost". In FFXI they havn't just promised fabled "4-8" player content, they have already delivered. Also the fact that the game doesn't have to be based around end-game at all(a shockingly new concept many havn't grasped), and that most events in FFXI are not more than 4 hours unless you want them to be, usually don't require more than 16-20 people(save Dynamis of course), and you are usually playing with people who know how to work in a party. Not all its best pieces come from Kings, only a good portion, which can be playable without(you don't need a Konieg body to be the best PLD) and most high leve LSes don't do kings entirely. PvP isn't gear based. Yeah. almost the same I guess, cept, FFXI knows what it is doing. Despite people who hate its 'endgame'.


                • #9
                  Re: Lost ambition

                  don't forget that it will take you almost forever to even reach that endgame (which is not a bad thing. it's fun having something to do, and always having another level you can reach)
                  i've been playing for about a year, and i still haven't reached the level cap yet.

                  ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                  Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                  I live to entertain!


                  • #10
                    Re: Lost ambition

                    "Almost" is just fine with me, I wouldnt expect to walk through the entire end game with only 6 people. I still like challenges but I like variety.

                    Not being ONLY based around end game sounds wonderful, and the fact that you dont HAVE to have the max # of players in order to do anything at the end of the game.

                    I love the sound of the freedom this game offers, the idea that there might be too much to do! So much more to learn about jobs and sub jobs mixes, proffensions ect. I like that idea too.

                    Great responses, very motivational. ^^


                    I've been reading over a lot of the forums and it seems like the FF comunity is going to be fun and easy to get along with (unlike other forums i've been to) just the responses to my post alone is good enough for me

                    A dragoon hume sounds really interesting to me ^^ i'm glad I wont be able to cap in a month like WoW and i'll have so much to do! I used to get real sad when my guild would attempt a boss in black wing lair (In WoW) and we would wipe the entire raid for the whole week cuz of a couple wink links in our chain.. raid times would end i'd be sitting in the main city playing hop scotch with the floor tiles because there was nothing else to do if I didnt have the other 39 to back me up

                    So you guys have me convinced.. I'll be buying the expansion I need in about a week or two and starting my character!

                    Thanks to all for the boost to be motivated to come back to this game!
                    Last edited by Wolfstar; 02-17-2006, 05:37 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Lost ambition

                      Just a quick response to the previous comments (all looks like great stuff btw), I find myself in a similar predicament as Wolfstar in regards to my recent WoW experience. I played FFXI since its NA release and stopped playing in April 2005. From a combination of burnout and exp grind, I decided to take a break after reaching level 67 with my drg. I picked up WoW and have been playing that since June. I keep up with these forums here because lots of the info and the community here is great. There is so much that I love and miss about this game that I've been giving lots of thought to returning.

                      I think your experience in WoW is becoming my experience and I'm looking for a return to the things I look for in a game, good community, lots of challenges, great story line and graphics... this game still has so much to offer and look forward to. I've reached level 60 in WoW... now what? same old same old, while FFXI offers a lot of variety that I miss.

                      Anyway, Wolfstar, I wish you the best of luck as you start your re-entry into the game. I love Drg and hope you enjoy it.

                      Last edited by Coryn; 02-22-2006, 12:47 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • #12
                        Re: Lost ambition

                        Thanks coryn ^^ I've been reading all sorts of forums for ffxi and in a way it's fun to be a nub all over again as much as some of em get flamed on here but hey there actualy tons of help here and mature responses even for the extremly easy questions and that's rare, much props to those that help.

                        I have to go back to FF it's always been bothering me ever since I had to give it up, even though I havn't ventured as far as most, I've been playin FF since age 8 =/ even went out and got me a final fantasy 7 logo (opening scene tribal one) tattoo 3 years ago, lol yea it's a nerd brand on me for life but meh I love it.

                        It's taking me forever to go out and get the expansion and all but I will be joining soon even though WoW intends to fix problems simular to my complaints such as giving out gear for solo peeps up to 5 man groups but they still hold their highest end challenges to the 40 man group in some ways I guess thats kinda cool but it becomes a horrible repetitive sequence of waiting for the next 40 man thing to come out after you've mastered the first, but in turn forcing everyone to work together to figure out the puzzle of defeating the boss you're on using all your classes in differint ways while others are just hold heal and wait.

                        You get your char to 60 to do this and on the way up I guess it was moderitly fun but it was all about "hey look at my gear". I want to have fun questing or fun doing proffesions (which I'm not to familiar with in ffxi) plus im easily entertained by lore or scenes/follow ups of quests WoW didnt cut it for me in that dpt.


                        • #13
                          Re: Lost ambition

                          There are things about FFXI that keeps pulling me back to the game for some reason.
                          Sometimes I feel discouraged and bored playing FFXI, sometimes I got excited with newer games. And lots of times I move on to play other games (WoW for a while too)
                          But at the end, I log in to my FFXI and got stuck to FFXI again -.- It's not a bad thing I suppose.

                          my char in FFXI is probably the only game char that I love... no other game can make me feel so connecting to my char.
                          Running through some newbie areas and hearing the music can make me cry.
                          I'm crazy >.>

                          There are things you can enjoy alone. I spent a good portion of my play time the last 6 months fishing, mining, cooking and training smith.
                          I rarely exp or do big boss battle anymore but I'm still enjoying this game so much.
                          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                          - Pablo Picasso


                          • #14
                            Re: Lost ambition

                            That's what I love to hear and seem to hear across the boards.. not only is it that I love how aegina said it takes a while to level a char to top level but how you enjoy your character, sure WoW has it's greats but most other MMO's do too I'm sure but they intentionaly made it easy to level your char to 60 it's incredibly easy to do so.

                            They made their game a show off contest only imho, of how good your gear is and how cool you look, I can honestly say I really don't remember ANYTHING of how cool a boss fight was or how cool a quest was, or at least enough to mention to any of you.

                            Here they are now figuring how to balance the hardcore gamers and the casual in WoW, well give me a game where I can play casualy and when I want to.. I can show you how hardcore I can be when I want. Instead of step 1. go to tier 1 10 man instances so you can go to 40 man #1 instance. Step 2. Go through #1 40 man instance and get tier 2 gear. Step 3. take tier 2 gear through #2 40 man instance to get tier 3 gear. Step 4. Take tier 3 gear through #3 40 man instance to get tier 3.5 gear... wait for another 40 man to come out ktks. ^^

                            I'm not trying to bash I'm just saying that's not my cup of tea, that kind of grinding requires a rigorous schedule, almost like a part time job, there is no room for casualness there and even playing casual wth is there to do? most professions lose their interest and some become obsolete.

                            And the drama, yes totally agreed jei, always seems to be there.


                            • #15
                              Re: Lost ambition

                              Yeah, for some odd reason I've become VERY attached to my Momijii... some people even call me by my character's name outside of FFXI.

