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Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

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  • Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

    Hey, I got some questions if you guys don't mind. I used to play a WAR on Unicorn back in the day and quit after lvl 50... it wasn't that I wanted to... I was forced to, it actually brought tears to my eyes because of the friends I met. I spent countless hours on this game and my character was a reflection of myself in the effort I put into him. My first MMO character ever too. In a few weeks I got over it and did what I had to do... and returned to FFXI when things settled down... found out my guy was deleted... (3 months deletion policy) but I started over. I was in the 50s and remembered the hardships as a NA Warrior (near the time of release)... People believeing WAR was only a subjob, only the Japanese community respected the job, and even had it perferred. {Blind}{Japanese}{Please invite me.}{Yes, Please.} all day everyday. I restarted as a RNG. Got my RNG to 27 and quit because I decided to move to WoW. I moved to WoW and I spent many hours on that game. I played a Druid, it was fun, it lasted for a while but I soon got bored and quit.

    I've decided to give FFXI another chance considering the "changes of the game and the different opinion of the general population".

    I heard the gold farmer problem has been nearly solved... prices return to normalcy. I heard that jobs were nerfed/buffed recently to fix the playing feild when people are LFG instead of waiting for certain classes to come on. NPC make solo'ing lvl'ing possible now which is incredibly useful for lvl'ing a job such as MNK where invites don't start to come in until later lvl's. I heard the community is more accepting of other jobs. For instance, WAR was a pain to lvl, it was considered a subjob by the NA pop at the time... now it's a fad job everyone and their mothers taking it to 50+ now! DRGs too...

    It's what I hear at least.

    Anyway, can someone give me some changes... Will I be getting the same game with many changes for the better? A different game from before? Or just the plain old same game?

    Anyway, sorry for long post. Thanks for your ear.

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

    I don't know that I can answer all of your questions, but I can certainly try on a few.
    The economy is still jacked, but its not the super jacked it was right around Christmas/New Years. Gilsellers are still there and there are definately a ton of gilbuyers. However, I don't think its really enough to absolutely ruin anyone's game. Lots of people complain, yet they keep logging in everyday.
    Soloing is kind of possible, but its very limited on what you can fight and how long you can do it for.
    Monks don't really seem to have much of a problem at all getting invites anymore, no more than any other jobs (and probably less than most). War's are definately the new fad job. (BLM's are super popular, but they always have been, so thats nothing new). When RNG's got nerfed war/nin became the new super non magic job that everyone is clamoring for. You won't have any major problems getting parties as War anymore. It still has some faults, but I truly love this game and think you would enjoy coming back, atleast after you got over the economy shock.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

      S'pretty much the same.

      A few minor changes here an there. DRG got buffed, sorta.

      One major change involving mpking (no more trains of goblins to Selbina... no more clogged CN entrance, no more wight zerg to Delfukt... kinda sad lol).

      Gil farmer problem solved? haha, no. Economy normal? Its gone way way up, but its only really bad for the endgame top HQ gear an those MUST HAVE items that all the jobs want.

      Solo with npc buddy? eh... do not think of the buddy as a means of alternative xp but rather somebody to help you farm beechips/silk/etc

      I dunno about the community, but theres been a fairly decent influx of new players to FFXI in the last month from what i've noticed... (been xping some other jobs in valkurm lately). Tons of newbies and bad pickup parties.
      "We're all stupid, so lets go adventure in our ignorance together!"


      • #4
        Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

        Ah so your NPC isn't really a lvl'ing option?


        Well, sucks that I don't have my WAR anymore... heh. Sucks about how I got abused back in the day now they're the Jesus Christ of Vana'diel... >_>

        Maybe the changes my friends told me were lures to get me back and were stretched... very far. /sigh... I was so excited too.

        Hm, I don't know. I liked this game, I liked how you had to put work into your character but... seeking for PTs sometimes was gruesome. I was always good, it just maybe lack of respect for the job, it seems that has changed so I may give it a whirl... see how it is.

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

          Its hard to explain what has changed. Play for yourself and find out. Oh and yeah, gil has been inflated.


          • #6
            Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

            Without a doubt the biggest shock is going to be the inflation. I'd say about a 1/4 of the tiems have returned to normal price since christmas, and about 1/2 are 1/2 way to normal again. Of course, inflation being what it is, I'd expect these curent prices to be the new "normal" until christmas next year when things will go to shit again.

            There isn't really a /WAR mentality like you described. At least not for WAR. Now its /NIN. RNG/NIN, WAR/NIN, THF/NIN, WHM/NIN, RDM/NIN, MNK/NIN, BLM/NIN. Hell, I've even seen PLD/NIN in parties with NIN tanking, and SMN/NIN used in duoing. If it were possible to do so, I'm pretty sure we'd have a fair amount of NIN/NIN just because /NIN is l33t.

            If you play WAR, you can probably find parties for WAR/MNK up until ~40ish - ~50ish. Past that, if not sooner, you are expected to /NIN and backup tank (And up until mid 30's you'll only get parties if there is a second WAR with /NIN to backup tank instead of you.)

            Those are the downsides.

            On the upshot, the inflation has actually helped new characters I think. My roomate hit a million leveling on crawlers and bees by the time he was 10 because the starting level equipment hasn't gone up in price at all since it is purchasable by NPC. The items droped by the low level mobs and used in higher level recipeices (or to make ingredients for higher level recipies) have gone up in price.

            With the interest in the game generated by by FFXI + XB360, a lot of new players are coming into the game from other platforms too (press = interest, regardless of platform), so much so that recent Hydra developed a bug because of its population boom. They had to do a six hour maintaince this moring across all servers to address the issue and prevent it from happening on the other servers XD.

            I believe its also the first MMO available for XB360, so among that fan base its also going to generate a crap ton of interest just for being the first. Sooo... A recent, generalize lul in low level characters seems to be at an end for now, and there is always someone to do something, save for those first 10 levels which you won't find a party for outside of LS members, friends, etc.

            LFG is also different than before, if only because there is more stuff to do while you are LFG. I won't go into too many details, but leveling your NPC is one, the option to solo in Promy is another. Hell, solo in promy while doing an NPC quest...

            Not too many people do it yet, but there are many level capped areas, which means its now possible for level 30 and level 70+ characters to XP together. Chances are you won't get any blind invites, but its great for static parties across multiple levels.

            The point is, there are some flaws still, but there are a lot of good thigns too. And now I'm ranting so I'll duck out.


            • #7
              Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

              I heard the gold farmer problem has been nearly solved... prices return to normalcy. I heard that jobs were nerfed/buffed recently to fix the playing feild when people are LFG instead of waiting for certain classes to come on. NPC make solo'ing lvl'ing possible now which is incredibly useful for lvl'ing a job such as MNK where invites don't start to come in until later lvl's. I heard the community is more accepting of other jobs. For instance, WAR was a pain to lvl, it was considered a subjob by the NA pop at the time... now it's a fad job everyone and their mothers taking it to 50+ now! DRGs too...
              I don't know if im encouraging or discouraging you. But the core of the game is never changed. you still have to wait for PT, but from my own experience a mix PT between NA and JP are getting quite common. Unless, of course, you log in at 2AM US time into japanese prime time.

              I don't know how gilsellers are doing. but the price of items are insane. 2 months ago vermilion cloak was 8m on Titan, it's 30m now. sole sushi from 25k to 60k a stack. Just these 2 made me think gilsellers are flourishing and making a forune out of this game already. Keep in mind tho that junks you farm can also sell for a lot higher price.

              NPC is more like a time sink. Almost nobody use them for levelling purpose. Instead, they spend more time looking for NPC PT to level their NPC up, not themselves.

              warrior and monk are fun to play. DRG is... hmm... I rarely get to PT with DRGs above 40 at all these days. below 40 they are still pretty common.

              a side note,
              2 weeks ago my friends invited me to play WoW too... they used to spread out into many diferent servers but they finally united on Kargath.
              I gave it a try... and man, i reactivated my account, cutomized my char, clicked create and BAM creation disabled -_-'
              words can't express how angry I was. And their devs were total ass about thise issue.
              they kept giving updated saying they would
              "re-evaluate desicion to enable" "we suggest you play on realms that are not full"
              they kept postponding for over a week, giving new dates over and over, keeping our hopes up.
              They then finally announced "we've finished evaluating and decide to keep it disabled."
              yea, right. thanks for wasting my 2 weeks of subscription. what a dumb problem for a mmorpg.
              Last edited by Jei; 02-08-2006, 12:17 AM.
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                I was looking for the core of the game to be the same... inflation wasn't as big as a problem when I played but at least you can make more money while farming so it dosen't seem too bad. Alternative lvl'ing options with the NPC was something I was really hoping. I heard if the NPC is higher or the same lvl as you, you can gain quite the bit of EXP just solo'ing DC/EP it would take a while... but it would be a steady alternative to EXP PTs. Not that you would soley use the NPC for lvl'ing but, when you reach the sinks in the lvl (MNK in 50 for no Distortion) it'd help for that. That's the only thing I wished for. I've never experienced high-end content yet, but I plan to experience it in the future and I've heard that there is more of it now.

                Heard there was more to do at mid-lvls with the Promethia missions, newer BCNMs and just other quests to do.

                It sounds interesting enough to give it a whirl at least so I'm going to try. Anyway, thanks very much for your help.

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • #9
                  Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                  {Search function} did you really need to post this threada jsdjasldkjsad soooo many people have asked the same questiong jlaksjdla "What's changed?"

                  /IM ANGRY NOWAJS:DA
                  Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                  InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                  • #10
                    Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                    Originally posted by eriatarka
                    {Search function} did you really need to post this threada jsdjasldkjsad soooo many people have asked the same questiong jlaksjdla "What's changed?"

                    /IM ANGRY NOWAJS:DA
                    Please forgive me, I didn't mean to make you angry. I'm new to this :O

                    Which FF Character Are You?


                    • #11
                      Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                      Dont worry about it. My only item I can add is about gold coin farming. Its a big thing now. Castle Oz and Mont. Caverns are always full of ppls and sellers going after those coins. >< Its a mad house sometimes. Plus all the high level goldsmiths farm there for gold orc masks to desynth into ingots. If you are going there for a mission or quest,keep your eyes open. ^^
                      If beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.....than what is truth?

                      Sig under construction.


                      • #12
                        Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                        sorry tempest didnt mean to yell ^^ i was a little tweaked cause report cards are coming today, my parents are gonna beat me ^_^
                        Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                        InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                        • #13
                          Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                          Ooops... I forgot my POL id and pword all I got is the box... and I tried to make a new account but it says it's invalid... Do I have to buy a new game?

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #14
                            Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                            I forgot my POL account details but I remembered I wrote them in the booklet (theres actually a place on one of the pages to write it down). Perhaps you did too?

                            Otherwise, I'm not sure if theres a way to contact S-E and see if theres anything they can do...


                            • #15
                              Re: Quit FFXI, quit WoW, back to FFXI...

                              Originally posted by SturmTempest
                              Ooops... I forgot my POL id and pword all I got is the box... and I tried to make a new account but it says it's invalid... Do I have to buy a new game?

                              If you don't have the manual then y eah. That's what has the reg codes.

