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Questions... should I come back?

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  • Questions... should I come back?

    Alrighty, I got some questions for you kind folks. I was a player way back in the day (before the first expansion) and believe it or not I actually had a better PC back then. Anyways, onto the questions:

    1. I got this lowzy Geforce4 MX 32mb. Now I know its supported and I know if I run it on low enough settings it'll be "playable". However, I don't wanna re-setup my account just to find out I get crappy framerates that some might deem to be "playable". I know theres a benchmark and it ran pretty decent, but I wish there was some way to test it actually playing, the benchmark is just not the same. Perhaps theres a trial I can try (outside of the 30 days already used on my old account) or someone here can give me an idea of how it runs? Also, I got 512 RAM and an around 2.0 Ghz Athlon XP Processor, if that might help performance-wise.

    2. (Sorry it's so long) I know this game has a pretty grindy kind of leveling, and I personally find it hard to stay interested in games like that. I have been playing Guild Wars though and it's super-casual gameplay is nice, but when I start getting higher level I dont get that "Whew, I finally made it!" feeling, especially since it feels like there is always someone better than me. In a game where leveling is more difficult, there is a better feeling when you finally make it up there. Also, I am the kind of person that doesnt like quickly playing through the game and the only replay value there is, is to make a new character and go through the same thing with a couple new skills and items. I like playing through the whole game with 1 character, but have a good time the whole way through.

    Now you say, "man, ffxi is for you!" but there's a problem. I actually tend to lose interest in games quickly, if I find myself always unable to find a good group and I either can't solo or am so tired of it that I couldnt stand to run around alone for hours killing wasps anymore, I'd probably stop for the day and not play again for several days, if not more.

    Back in the ol' days of FFXI, I used to hate the starting levels (especially as a white mage) since soloing was an annoying hassle as they really aren't fighters but the warriors generally didn't need groups yet. I constantly found myself in groups of white mages that felt the same way I did (just wanted to group, were tired of soloing and dealing with the grind). Now a group of low level white mages, they aren't gonna get very much done... at least not for decent exp. Well, thats pretty much how it always worked out. It was annoying and I guess didn't really suit my grouping style of gameplay, at least for the starting levels. I didn't get past level 6 I dont think with my white mage because of this problem. I was tired of it and I couldn't bare to just truck along through the starting levels. The white mage probably isn't for me, but I wanted to try it since I heard they were best for Summoners (my particular class of choice).

    Now, in writing all of that, I've confused myself. I really like the FFXI style where if you put the effort in you can get great rewards, rewards that others often don't go after. However, the effort is in many ways too much for me. This could be something I guess I might be able to get over but what are your opinions. Think I should give it another try? Has the grind (at least starting out) been reduced at all since the old days? Is there anything I can do to remedy the sluggish starting out?

    3. Has anything been done to help find groups? Are there like, enough newer players running around to help a low-level like myself bear the early, tedious beginnings of the game? How about later on, back in the day I noticed after a certain point most classes had to group, well... if I can never find a decent group that'd kinda suck for me, wouldnt it? Lol...

    4. And since no one has answered yet, here's one more quick question just for giggles. Is there any way to get rid of that really grainy-ness when playing at lower resolutions?

    I probably have other questions lol, but I think I have burdened you guys enough. I appreciate any help you all provide and I hope the answers help me to decide whether or not to come back to this wonderful community.
    Last edited by Dreakon; 02-03-2006, 05:15 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Questions... should I come back?


    2. the grind is still the same as always. LFP for hours on end, etc. all still there.

    3. nope hasn't changed.

    4. mip-map settings + background res hack, but with your video card, it'll slow it to a crawl.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Questions... should I come back?

      Well, I have recieved some information today that is actually making me lean more towards coming back. But... looking for parties for hours on end... please tell me thats an exhaggeration?

      Are there still a lot of people playing?


      • #4
        Re: Questions... should I come back?

        FFXI is still one of the most heavily populated MMOs on the market, and its a few months short of making its way to a third platform. Don't count on it dying out any time soon
        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
        Rockman - Fairy

        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
        Currently Playing:
        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


        • #5
          Re: Questions... should I come back?

          Well, thats good to hear.

          I dont really have or want to spend hours looking for a party though, was that an exhaggeration or is that something I should expect coming back?


          • #6
            Re: Questions... should I come back?

            I haven't had to spend a long time looking for a mid-level party in a quite a while, and even when I did, there's plenty more to do when you're waiting for one.
            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
            Rockman - Fairy

            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
            Currently Playing:
            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


            • #7
              Re: Questions... should I come back?

              While I happen to be on a bothering people spree, what kinds of things do you do while you wait for one?


              • #8
                Re: Questions... should I come back?

                I farm, skill up weapons, do tons of quests, craft, chit chat, help newbs, explore zones I have yet to explore, log/mine/harvest, scan ah for price drops or jumps, plan my next set of equipment, missions, help friends... I always have something to do. Actually... I've been avoiding pt's and leveling lately >.<;


                • #9
                  Re: Questions... should I come back?

                  Avatar fights, ZMs, CoPMs, missions, to add to the above list. And thats without helping other people do the same thing.

                  Then of course there's always my favorite. I have a steadily growing collection of screenshots showing HNM's standing over my corpse. For some reason I find it really amusing to dodge all kinds of agro just so I can sneak up behind various big things and stick them on /follow until they realize I'm there.

                  Usually I don't even get close enough to /follow...


                  • #10
                    Re: Questions... should I come back?

                    As a BLM 59 (my BRD44 doesn't even need to seek) I don't wait very long for a party. The key is to make a good EXP comment, so if there is another player your level+job you will get picked first. Also take up fishing - it's great whenever you need to wait for something (party, boat,airship,etc).

                    But hey, if you get impatient, log and stay off for a few days, who cares? I do the same thing once and awhile. The important thing is to just play at your own pace, or else you'll stop having fun all together.

                    On another note - you should log in with your old POL ID and see if you can reactivate your old content ID. I just came back, and had deleted my content ID over a year before. I was VERY happy / surprised to have it reactivate without a hitch! ^^

                    Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

                    Murphy's FFXI job roles

                    The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


                    • #11
                      Re: Questions... should I come back?

                      Originally posted by meeyutu
                      As a BLM 59 (my BRD44 doesn't even need to seek) I don't wait very long for a party. The key is to make a good EXP comment, so if there is another player your level+job you will get picked first. Also take up fishing - it's great whenever you need to wait for something (party, boat,airship,etc).

                      But hey, if you get impatient, log and stay off for a few days, who cares? I do the same thing once and awhile. The important thing is to just play at your own pace, or else you'll stop having fun all together.

                      On another note - you should log in with your old POL ID and see if you can reactivate your old content ID. I just came back, and had deleted my content ID over a year before. I was VERY happy / surprised to have it reactivate without a hitch! ^^
                      Thanks for the advice. I installed and updated the PlayOnline viewer the other day and it made me put in my credit card info to reactivate my POL account. I have a feeling my Content ID is long gone (thats the name of the character slot, right?) since it's been a while. I pretty much expect the characters to be gone, but I wasn't too high level before last time anyways. Thank god I wrote all my details in my FFXI booklet (and kept it this whole time!) or else there would be no way I'd even be able to log in...

                      Why would a moderator make such a drastic exhaggeration to a returning player? I would expect it from a random member perhaps, but I would think a representative of a FFXI fansite (and a damn good one at that) would try to make the game look better... not worse.


                      • #12
                        Re: Questions... should I come back?

                        because in my experience (and everyone's experience is different), it's all still there. what would you want me to do, lie to you? then you'll end up hating it again because it turned out not to be the case...

                        if you've already made up your mind on returning, then I say welcome back and hope you enjoy your time.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          Re: Questions... should I come back?

                          For the record, I wasn't really looking for individual opinions on how the grind is/how easy it is to find parties (as that, like you said, is different for everyone) but rather a general concensus on those topics. I figure an average waiting time for most people would give me a better idea then "lfp for hours". As a moderator, I was hoping you might be able to provide me with some of that information (since well, you've probably been around longer then I have). Let's just say, your rushed, unexpectedly negative post left me a little disappointed. But I still appreciate the reply and I am happy to maybe be back in the community somewhat soon.

                          Thank you everyone that answered! And feel free to continue pouring in the thoughts on the topic at hand.
                          Last edited by Dreakon; 02-07-2006, 11:41 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Questions... should I come back?

                            with a question like that, how could you not get anything but individual experiences? I could be lfg for 1-2 hours while Pai Pai could get one in 15 minutes while bikke gets them instantly.

                            besides, start with lower expectations so you won't be disappointed, right?
                            Last edited by neighbortaru; 02-07-2006, 12:02 PM.

                            Thanks Yyg!


                            • #15
                              Re: Questions... should I come back?

                              Just now I don't know what to think. Some seem to think finding a group is fairly easy, even at later levels but I always have that first reply lingering in the back of my mind. Waiting inhumane amounts of time to party (everytime or at least most of the time I try to party) is actually one of the few things that would make me change my mind at this point.

                              I mean, if there are so many players it can't be that hard to find a decent group most of the time... right?
                              Last edited by Dreakon; 02-07-2006, 12:14 PM.

