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Making Friends In-game

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  • Making Friends In-game

    Hello. I'm a long-time forum lurker (since before FFXI was released in NA!) but this is probably my first post. I've left and gone back to FFXI twice now and this will be my third attempt at returning. I really do love the game, but I had a lot of troubles, mostly when attempting to do missions and special quests. I feel this is because I was never really in a linkshell. Granted, I was in a few -- even started my own once -- but the other members were usually too high level for me, annoying, or the linkshell died as time went on.

    I think what drove me to quit those times was the lack of friends in-game to help me with those quests and missions. All my real-life friends who play are spread across servers and are already extremely high levels for a new character like me. On top of that, I can be a very shy person around people I don't know very well (maybe that's why I'm a forum lurker). Doing missions and progressing with FFXI's story were some of the most fun times I ever had on FFXI, but I didn't have the opportunity to do them very often. So, I suppose my question is: what is an effective way to make friends so we can do those missions? What is a good way to meet linkshells to join so we can do those BCNMs that I hear are so fun?

    I really want to come back to FFXI. I just don't want it to be as lonely as last time.
    Last edited by Prettz; 02-08-2006, 02:49 PM.
    Red Mage 25 | Black Mage 19 | White Mage 18 | Thief 4

  • #2
    Re: Making Friends In-game

    Well first find a LS, meet someone nice while partying, and if you like that LS, STAY WITH IT. As wierd or mean as it sounds, those that stay or try to he active within the LS, i am more inclined to like and help out more often than those i see every once in a blue moon or switch LS so often and only popping in to ask for help...just interact and find a group that you can stay with, and work with them.


    • #3
      Re: Making Friends In-game

      If you are returning and starting new, see if one of your real life friends will get you a World Pass into their server. Perhaps you can join their LS there and begin things that way. Just a suggestion.


      • #4
        Re: Making Friends In-game

        I used to have this problem as well. Except that I'm very talkative, I talk to everybody and their mother. The thing though, was that since I talked so much and am very sarcastic and carefree, no one took me seriously.

        You must have good social skills to play this game. Be assertive and strike up meaningful conversations with other people. If you don't understand something ask lots of questions. Get to know your LS members, it's easier to understand ones thought process during a PT, quest, or mission if you know that person better.

        Don't be the deadweight who just seems to be along for the ride. Do not be rude or cocky. Don't only use people to get what you want.

        I mean it's nothing too hard, it's mostly common sense. =P Just be polite and get to know some people a little bit personally, and you'll do fine. =D


        • #5
          Re: Making Friends In-game

          Originally posted by lionx
          Well first find a LS, meet someone nice while partying, and if you like that LS, STAY WITH IT. As wierd or mean as it sounds, those that stay or try to he active within the LS, i am more inclined to like and help out more often than those i see every once in a blue moon or switch LS so often and only popping in to ask for help...just interact and find a group that you can stay with, and work with them.
          This is great advice. This is how I met the people from the first LS I was in, and although that LS has since disolved, some of the people I met in it have moved up from being merely in game friends to being friends in my normal life as well. It's also good advice to not just ask for help, but try to give help when you can. When I joined my current LS, I was lower level than most of the other members, and so they helped me out quite a bit, but even most HLs have a few lower level jobs, and they occasionally need help getting things done for those jobs. In cases like this, you may still be able to help. So don't be too discouraged if the people you meet are all much highe rin level than you. Also, many (not all, as any who have played this game know) HLs are great resources, as they have a lot of knowledge and experience in the game and can help out with questions or problems.

          Good luck in the game, and I hope you make some new, and lasting friendships.


          • #6
            Re: Making Friends In-game

            Noticing people were still responding to this, I figured I'd go ahead and give my progress so far.

            Well, my friend had bought me a Gold WP to Diabolos server about two weeks ago and I've been playing there ever since. During my first few days in-game, I was amazed at how many people asked me to join their linkshell. I politely turned them down, saying I have a friend in-game who will be giving me a pearl. Finally, I met a very charismatic bunch who managed to convince me to take their pearl. As it turns out, this Linkshell is a "newbie-helping" linkshell and all the members have been very helpful and friendly. I've been as social as I can, and we're all getting alone really great. Just last night they helped me get my Magicked Skull so I could get my subjob. A few days ago, I helped some Rank 1 members do a few San d'Orian missions. Almost every time I go out to level in the dunes, I'm with a member of the LS.

            So, thanks to all your advice (although I suppose it IS common sense), I've managed to meet a nice LS. Thank you, I appreciate it.

            EDIT: Grammar and fixed some details.
            Last edited by Prettz; 01-27-2006, 04:01 PM.
            Red Mage 25 | Black Mage 19 | White Mage 18 | Thief 4


            • #7
              Re: Making Friends In-game

              Good to hear that everything worked out for you. It's also good to hear that even though you are still in the lower levels, you help out when you can. Try to keep that up. I can't count how many people get to the higher levels (gernerally 70-75) and suddenly think they are too good for everyone who is below them in level or if the same level, possibly rank. We all got help on our way, so return the favor, and teach the newer guys to do the same thing, and the in-game community will continue to be a helpful and productive one.

