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Returning and seeking family

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  • Returning and seeking family

    I am soon to be returning to LS. I was not a high level player when I was last online FFXI. I will almost be basically a newbie since it's been so long, plus I never knew too much anyway.

    Anyway, I was wondering if any family style LS would accept me and pay for the world pass so I could join them. I think that's what I need right now.

    I will most likely be playing some mixture of a Mithra Melee/Caster/Healer. I will probobally start off as a monk, then hit a few levels and then level up the white mage job using my h2h skills to lvl up a bit easier.

    So if anyone out there has room for another, plz lemme know.


  • #2
    Re: Returning and seeking family

    Family style LSes aren't born so easy. You don't even know when you are in one until one day you notice, "Hey we've been friends for +1 years".


    • #3
      Re: Returning and seeking family

      Well, by family or etc I mean one that isn't just a chat channel for specific players.


      • #4
        Re: Returning and seeking family

        Melee/Caster/Healer narrows down your choices by a lot. >_> If anything that sounds most like you'd want to be a summoner, you get a good amount of each from that job.

        My suggestion would be level Black Mage to 18, complete sub job quest, level White Mage to 37, complete Summoner quest, Level Summoner to 75. Best subs would be Blm/Whm, Whm/Blm, and Smn/Whm.

        In the caster world Whm is basically the sub job back bone, whereas Warrior is the sub job back bone in the melee world. There's a lot of other combinations but they're not as widely accepted as the two afforementioned. I would also advise you not go Whm/Mnk, or level Whm with hand to hand skills because without a Monk sub job they'd only hit with one hand. Try Club/Shield or Staff for mage jobs. Staff for Blm and Smn, Club/Shield for Whm when leveling from 1-10. Later on it gets more about preference.

        Summoners will do a lot of healing early on until about 65, where they start to gain valuable Blood Pact abilities that can really contribute to a party. Frankly whenever they get Stoneskin and Blink they've become useful to a party. They can heal, and provide damage absorbtion for the party, not to mention other not so useful abilities. Sometimes Ifrit's Warcry can be useful if there's no Warrior in the party.

        Happy hunting!

