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Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

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  • Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

    Seeing as how I've played both games, I will list the pros and cons of each game so that you may decide which game to play yourself, instead of making a new topic. I feel this should help people who are thinking about switching bandwagons. (I can see it coming!)


    • THIS:
    • Over ten different job classes to play as, each offering a unique experience.
    • Original races, including new takes on old races. Five in total.
    • Incredibly deep backstory that you'll discover through missions and quests.
    • Incredibly deep storylines that you'll discover as you progress including over fifteen unique stories.
    • Vast world to explore with beautiful scenic views, including vast dungeons.
    • Overall mature community, with the exception of natural drama queens who'd be problematic in any game they play.
    • General respect between members of the same job. /salute
    • Lower level players tend to look up to higher level players.
    • Crafting systems that really make you work.
    • Crafting systems that offer great rewards not found in stores or auction house.
    • A lot more.
    • Slow progression through the levels.
    • Waiting for parties can last up to multiple hours.
    • Terrible economies due to greedy players.
    • A lot of end game drama between HNM LSs, but is avoidable.
    • Gil seller witch hunts.


    • Instant Gratification
    • What you put into the game you generally get out.
    • A choice between normal and PvP servers.
    • Quests that offer EXP as rewards.
    • Quests all over the place that send you into instances all over the place.
    • Fairly large, yet oddly diverse world.
    • "Opposing Factions" style game play on PvP servers
    • PvP centric arenas.
    • A race named Undead that isn't actually considered Undead. (You wake up in a coffin!)
    • Limited job classes to play.
    • Too easy to max our your level.
    • Terrible job class balance.
    • Terrible racial feature balance.
    • Instances get old after the second time around.
    • Battlegrounds PvP arenas get old pretty quickly.
    • Extremely immature community, which is only worse on PvP servers.
    • Troll run forums.
    • Blizzard regularly nerfs jobs, who's turn is it next? Why havn't they nerfed shamans yet?
    • Terrible customer support as well as community relations.

    These are all off the top of my head. Please feel free to contribute anything or argue for/against certain points.

    Now for something completely new and interesting. I wrote something out that was really long and intellegent, but my mouse has a f*cking "Back" button on the side that I keep hitting and it wiped what I had written....... I'm going to paraphrase...

    This is an extremely interesting, and what I feel to be spot on, theory about what we consider fun. I know it sometimes seems like common sense, but we aren't always so aware of our common sense. Must read!!!

    There's a quasi-hypnotic state that people fall into that makes it seem like time has passed faster than it actually has. This is due to deep yet effortless involvement which can be found in almost every game but in different quantites. It's a lot more accessible in WoW due to the amount of mindless activites, whereas in FFXI you'll find most of the tasks require constant supervision. This excludes general melee and damage dealers, I've spaced out tons of times while playing Dragoon and still managed to remain active in skillchains. I believe people feel their accomplishments are enhanced by how long it took to complete, which is further enhanced by how long it felt it took.

    Make sense? Yes? No?
    Last edited by DakAttack; 10-20-2005, 12:56 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

    [*]A race named Undead that isn't actually considered Undead. (You wake up in a coffin!)[/size]
    It was considered Undead at one point, except Undead are Immune or resilient to many status effects it was a major imbalance. So this isn't really a con, it's done in the name of balance.

    [*]Limited job classes to play.
    All of the jobs have a place in WoW. This is unlike FFXI where you technically have too many jobs. The differences between WAR, THF, MNK, DRG, SAM, DRK, and RNG in what they do are really minimal :\

    [*]Too easy to max our your level.
    No easier than FFXI was at the same point as WoW in its lifecycle.

    [*]Terrible job class balance.
    WoW's classes are actually exceptionally well balanced considering the game is built around PvP/PvE. Each and every class is wanted in a group, there is no super desired class in the game as in 5 person groups certain classes can change roles (No warriors online? Druid can tank). And in PvP every class can compete fairly evenly with some exceptions (for example, as a Mage I can't really kill a Druid) so there is a bit of a rock paper scissor element.

    If you look at FFXIs PvP system there is some definite disparities between classes. And in the PvE system there are some major disparities, especially when it comes to melee jobs and their "usefulness" in parties.

    [*]Terrible racial feature balance.
    There is some imbalance, but it isn't "terrible" and definitely not game breaking.

    [*]Instances get old after the second time around.
    So does sky, and basically any other game.

    [*]Battlegrounds PvP arenas get old pretty quickly.
    See above.

    [*]Extremely immature community, which is only worse on PvP servers.
    As I play both FFXI and WoW still, and being on one of the larger servers (Shattered Hand) the differences between the communities are minimal. There's plenty of stupid people in both FFXI and WoW.

    [*]Troll run forums.
    This happens with any large scale forums (see Slashdot)., despite the moderators best efforts, would probably be the same as WoW's forums if it were as large.

    [*]Blizzard regularly nerfs jobs, who's turn is it next? Why havn't they nerfed shamans yet?
    And SE doesn't? (Rangers) Actually, in the last two patches many classes have gotten BUFFED not nerfed. Warriors, Druids, Warlocks, Hunters, and Paladins so far have been buffed, and they're going through the rest of the classes. In fact, they've changed some of the classes so much that they've had to reset Talent Points for those classes (think merit points).

    [*]Terrible customer support as well as community relations.
    While some of their CS is horrible, much of it isn't. Again, comparing it to FFXI, the developers of WoW at least do answer the community and give substantial answers, unlike some of the interviews in FFXI where the developer basically repeats "It's a secret" and "Please submit this to the suggestions box". As well, you will often find that the developers of WoW personally read many of the community message boards (such as Fires of Heaven) and do post responses, you don't see that happening at or any other fansite for FFXI.

    I still play FFXI for the missions and other stuff, and still have fun while doing it. But trying to compare FFXI directly to WoW tends not to work. FFXI is not better than WoW, neither is WoW better than FFXI. They are both just as deep, and have as many options. As well, having experienced both, it really depends on personal preference more than anything.
    Last edited by Manatra; 08-30-2005, 04:42 PM.
    Happy happy gogo Mana is full of


    • #3
      Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

      Originally posted by Manatra
      While some of their CS is horrible, much of it isn't. Again, comparing it to FFXI, the developers of WoW at least do answer the community and give substantial answers, unlike some of the interviews in FFXI where the developer basically repeats "It's a secret" and "Please submit this to the suggestions box". As well, you will often find that the developers of WoW personally read many of the community message boards (such as Fires of Heaven) and do post responses, you don't see that happening at or any other fansite for FFXI.

      I still play FFXI for the missions and other stuff, and still have fun while doing it. But trying to compare FFXI directly to WoW tends not to work. FFXI is not better than WoW, neither is WoW better than FFXI. They are both just as deep, and have as many options. As well, having experienced both, it really depends on personal preference more than anything.
      I don't think you've ever played WoW, or have ever surfed their forums.


      • #4
        Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

        lun4tic... weren't you banned a long time ago?


        • #5
          Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

          Originally posted by Manatra
          [size=2]All of the jobs have a place in WoW. This is unlike FFXI where you technically have too many jobs. The differences between WAR, THF, MNK, DRG, SAM, DRK, and RNG in what they do are really minimal :\
          Actually.. I believe those jobs are very different in what they do.. A WAR can be a very good (not perfect) tank if the player knows how to.
          THF has their SATA. Though both THF and RNG can be pullers.. (RNG slightly better due to widescan).
          MNK is needed for their Chi Blast.
          Nobody can beat a SAM when it comes to TP gain. (Well.. RNG.. used to..)
          DRK can be very similar in their party role to MNK, except they have Stun.
          DRG... I can't say anything about them. I've never had the chance to pt with them outside dunes.
          RNG is the only class that can use Ranged Weapons WS. Plus, nobody else can use ranged weapons as good as them. (with the exception of SAM/RNG when fighting VT & T, mostly due to their faster TP gain)

          WAR, SAM, THF and RNG are somewhat distinct, IMO. Though I can't really argue that DRK and MNK are that much different. They basically play very similar roles with Chi Blast and Stun taken out.

          Anyhow, I've been thinking of getting the WoW cd.. I just don't think I'll have the time to play both games. Maybe I will when I get sick of FFXI and take a long vacation away from Vana'diel. (which is very likely to happen soon) :tongue:
          Ailleann (E)- 28MNK / 30WAR - Shiva - Bastok Rank5
          Beauseanne(H)- 36WHM / 31BLM - Shiva - Bastok Rank5
          >> Woodworking33; Smithing22; Alchemy16


          • #6
            Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

            DRG is good for hate control. DRK and DRG are most similiar, mainly if DRK is subbing THF too. But all the jobs are rather different, they just fill up the same party spots.


            • #7
              Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

              you can't compare them, just two different types of games, depends what you are in the mood for i guess.

              as for me, i was getting bored/drained of WoW so i'm giving FFXI a try


              • #8
                Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                Originally posted by Kinsella
                you can't compare them, just two different types of games, depends what you are in the mood for i guess.

                as for me, i was getting bored/drained of WoW so i'm giving FFXI a try
                Same here wow is a bit too easy, the server i played on lagged alot and trying to get help from a GM is damn hard took me 3 months to get a reply from a GM.


                • #9
                  Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                  No easier than FFXI was at the same point as WoW in its lifecycle.
                  Average playtime to 60 in WoW is 20 days.

                  Average playtime to 75 in FFXI can be measured at over 100 days.


                  • #10
                    Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                    Wow really? I spent ages on WoW and am now starting FFXI 2moz... looking forwards to several months of gaming ^^


                    • #11
                      Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                      Originally posted by Arctyc
                      Average playtime to 60 in WoW is 20 days.

                      Average playtime to 75 in FFXI can be measured at over 100 days.
                      What's the average playtime to level 50 in FFXI~?
                      Happy happy gogo Mana is full of



                      • #12
                        Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                        I think I got to level 50 in FFXI in about 30 days, maybe a bit less, but I did it a little faster than the average. Or are you talking about time span as opposed to total time played?


                        • #13
                          Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                          really depends on the type of gamer you are. are you a casual, log in for 30 min or so type person, or do you sit and really immerse yourself in the world? if your the first type of person, i would suggest WoW. if your the second type of person, than go for FFXI. i've personally played into WoW a bit, and my brother plays, so i'm familiar with it. aside from the fact i don't like the controls (i'd prolly get used to them if i played more) it seems like it would go by to fast. i almost felt after i completed 10 quests in a span of 30 min, that i got nothing accomplished. nothing earned. but in ffxi, i have to earn everything....its a better feeling if you ask me.


                          • #14
                            Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                            Originally posted by AgentBrownEye
                            really depends on the type of gamer you are. are you a casual, log in for 30 min or so type person, or do you sit and really immerse yourself in the world? if your the first type of person, i would suggest WoW. if your the second type of person, than go for FFXI. i've personally played into WoW a bit, and my brother plays, so i'm familiar with it. aside from the fact i don't like the controls (i'd prolly get used to them if i played more) it seems like it would go by to fast. i almost felt after i completed 10 quests in a span of 30 min, that i got nothing accomplished. nothing earned. but in ffxi, i have to earn everything....its a better feeling if you ask me.
                            I bolded the parts that people should pay specific attention to.

                            It IS easier to max out a character in WoW, and their end game content is lacking. There's always new goals to set, more areas to explore, more cutscenes to watch, etc when you play FFXI.


                            • #15
                              Re: Thinking of quitting WoW for FFXI? Check here.

                              Question for Manatra.....Why are you defending WoW on an FFXI forum? Why don't you go to Blizzards forums and defend FFXI from the mindless 1337 speak of all the 12 year olds that play WoW?
                              Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                              90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                              Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.

