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POL error 5312 and installing POL viewer

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  • POL error 5312 and installing POL viewer

    Hi all,

    I recently download FFXI Ultimate Collection from Steam. Day 3 of attempting to set it up and I've gotten nowhere.

    I've set up my Square Enix ID, my PlayOnline ID, and purchased a Content ID. So far so good. But when I load PlayOnline Viewer, I got Error: Pol-5312, because my Square Enix ID or password is wrong. Problem is... it never actually asks me for this ID, just my PlayOnline ID. So, I came to the conclusion that it was the fault of the older version of PlayOnline that Steam provide, and I tried to download the most recent from Square themselves.

    Next problem: I installed PlayOnline, but when I try to open it again I get an error messages saying "cannot write to the specified destination folder" or something like that. It just won't open. (This is Windows 7, by the way). And when I try to uninstall, it says it can't find the installation source and the uninstall fails.

    so I'm now stuck in a terrible limbo... Has anyone else faced these problems before? Anyone know a solution?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  • #2
    Re: POL error 5312 and installing POL viewer

    Error: POL-5312
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • #3
      Re: POL error 5312 and installing POL viewer

      Thanks, but unfortunately that solution doesn't work for me. The guy says the screen should look like this:

      Member Name: Whatever!

      *Playonline ID: ABCD1234

      *Set Password: Save/Not Set

      *Password: (Only if you save it)

      Member Password: Optional

      Confirm Password: Optional

      *Square Enix ID: (similar to a Username) (I believe this is also the forum username)

      *One-Time Password: Use/Do Not Use

      The final two options are missing from my login screen however. There's just no space to enter my Square Enix ID (and no one-time password, either)

      Am I the only one to experience this?

