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ffxi/xbox problem

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  • ffxi/xbox problem

    I'd like to think this has happened b4 and i'm just not seeing anything on this subject yet but, i cant seem to log in inside whtgate. im assuming this extends to any heavily populated area. 1st off id say its a connection issue but i can log in jus fine to mule on the same server/acct/handle as well as thru my ps2. which id stick with but there's ubelievable lag whn jus trying to scroll thru choosing a macro that avgs bout 10 secs thru each line (but thats another issue for another time). anyhow, so i log in on 360(2yrs old btw) and i get sys mssgs then it freezes b4 even loading the picture. id like to get some ffedback on this b4 i try upgrading my sh!tcast ....i mean comcast which, since i called them, i found out that my x8 speed is really a x16 speed. they say they upgraded their services and each 1 of their setting doubled. (morons) im pretty sure its ur avg callin a guinea pig a horse and telling the consumers its the consumers fault for not winning the race. but w/e.
    thnx in advice ppl

  • #2
    Re: ffxi/xbox problem

    You getting system error messages may or may not be related to your internet connection.

    What are the errors you are getting?
    Have you contacted SE?
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: ffxi/xbox problem

      no error mssgs. just the system mssgs(mog bonanza..blah blah) then screen freezes black except for textbox, clock/compass and green arrows/S/R numbers(highest number i got was lie >.>)

      contacted SE b4 i sat thru 5days install/reinstalls and updates for the ps2 and told them what i stated above, and of course they said "until we can obtain an error code we cant help". (always useless as usual). once i found out that my ps2 logs into whtgate jus fine, i started thinkn its a similar prob like what i think is wrong with my ps2 taking days to update(hardware problem) or connection issue. but ive reinstalled on 360 like five times jus to have the same prob.

      i thought it was that old "rare" ffxi-3203 issue but as i said, i can log on thru ps2. my internet just chooses to go thru the 10 lvls of hell while laughing at me.

      ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ----------

      i mean im no Comp guru but the way my logic's working is if all i have is a total of 1927 files for an update and im "files remaining: 1707/1927"on my ps2....

      ...its gotta be my connection speed if the time remaining is more than 10hrs /stagger.
      it uploads/downloads faster on my 360 but freezes in highly populated areas.


      • #4
        Re: ffxi/xbox problem

        have you ever tried running your xbox on another internet connection? just to make sure its the connection and not the console?

        just for clarification, what results do you get when running a speedtest on your internet connection?

        go here to find out: - The Global Broadband Speed Test
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: ffxi/xbox problem

          sry for the delay. decided to try some things.
          after some experimenting, ive come to the conclusion that ive got "ultimate" bad luck....

          i bought the ultimate collection crap for my 360. since i culdnt log into "whygate", i assumed it was cuz of it being a highly populated area. but i went to a campaign and things went beyond fine. >.> then tried my good old olduum ring......worked jus fine(not an all out ToAU install prob) then went to al zhabi.... boom same prob as loggin into "laggate". at this point, my logic, though not in any way programmer savvy, screams install prob. but ive installed/reinstall a total of 4 times now.... /sigh. at this point, im guess'n good old SE cut yet another corner and there are copies of their "U L T I MATE C O L L E C T I O N" that are FUBAR'd. so now i gotta waste more money on another ToAU expan disc..... so, ima say ahead of time til proven otherwise after 6 yrs of loyal service.... SQAURE ENIX sucks arse at everything they do. /sigh always good to learn that big companies believe in: "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other." Benjamin Franklin(Fools don't learn in school from textbooks or teachers. Fools learn from their own mistakes. They can't learn this in a school classroom.)

          thnx for the help


          • #6
            Re: ffxi/xbox problem


            if you bought a defective DVD you might want to return it and get a refund/another DVD.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

