Got a bit of a problem here.
I was playing with the windowed mode that SE made so that I could do Pankration while doing some writing and stuff. Today I switched it back to full screen mode and logged in. Graphics and stuff are fine, however the text size, menus, maps, and the status icons like sigil/protect/whatever are roughly 1/3-1/4 of their normal size. Basically, the menus and text and all that look like they did while I played using the windowed mode. Everything else is back to normal.
Halp! How do I fix this?
Well, not exactly sure how I did it, but I fixed it! Woohoo!
Might have been that rock I hit it with >.>
I was playing with the windowed mode that SE made so that I could do Pankration while doing some writing and stuff. Today I switched it back to full screen mode and logged in. Graphics and stuff are fine, however the text size, menus, maps, and the status icons like sigil/protect/whatever are roughly 1/3-1/4 of their normal size. Basically, the menus and text and all that look like they did while I played using the windowed mode. Everything else is back to normal.
Halp! How do I fix this?
Well, not exactly sure how I did it, but I fixed it! Woohoo!
Might have been that rock I hit it with >.>