I've had a ridiculous amount of disconnect issues recently.
I'm on PC version, and I've forwarded all ports for FFXI I could. I've re-installed FFXI as well(whee for multiple 4 hour updates). I've googled it, looked on here for topics up to 4 years old and still can't manage to figure anything out.
I have a 100 mbp/s connection, I'm on a router, shared with 2 other computers in my house. I checked both of their computers for downloads/heavy bandwith usage and nothing. I really can't figure out the issue.
Does anyone have any idea what I could do to fix this constant disconnection I get every time I'm on for more than 30 minutes? I wouldn't mind a disconnect every few hours, but I can't seem to stay on for more than 30 minutes max.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm on PC version, and I've forwarded all ports for FFXI I could. I've re-installed FFXI as well(whee for multiple 4 hour updates). I've googled it, looked on here for topics up to 4 years old and still can't manage to figure anything out.
I have a 100 mbp/s connection, I'm on a router, shared with 2 other computers in my house. I checked both of their computers for downloads/heavy bandwith usage and nothing. I really can't figure out the issue.
Does anyone have any idea what I could do to fix this constant disconnection I get every time I'm on for more than 30 minutes? I wouldn't mind a disconnect every few hours, but I can't seem to stay on for more than 30 minutes max.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.