I'm a returning PC player now on a completely new machine. I've got a store bought HP with Vista, plenty of RAM, and a Radeon X1650. Upon gamestart (after POL navigation) I run into an indecipherable screen where the text is only jumbled grey blocks and the scenery/characters in the creation screen are grey and lack detail. I've just now updated card drivers and plan to try running Benchmark 3 after this post. Might this be something I can fix through my ATI or FFXI config?
Here's an example:
Anyone got a clue? Help me get back to Vana'diel quick!
Update: Benchmark 3 gives me the same results.
Final update: the first run through the config led nowhere, but I just now enabled MIP mapping and it's running fine... Should that be necessary? Oh well, glad to be back. Anyone on Carby wanna' hang?
I'm a returning PC player now on a completely new machine. I've got a store bought HP with Vista, plenty of RAM, and a Radeon X1650. Upon gamestart (after POL navigation) I run into an indecipherable screen where the text is only jumbled grey blocks and the scenery/characters in the creation screen are grey and lack detail. I've just now updated card drivers and plan to try running Benchmark 3 after this post. Might this be something I can fix through my ATI or FFXI config?
Here's an example:
Anyone got a clue? Help me get back to Vana'diel quick!
Update: Benchmark 3 gives me the same results.
Final update: the first run through the config led nowhere, but I just now enabled MIP mapping and it's running fine... Should that be necessary? Oh well, glad to be back. Anyone on Carby wanna' hang?