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Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

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  • #46
    Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

    If you want to use it the way it's supposed to work, then you did. It's impossible to get the trigger buttons to work on the wireless version with the adapter, I had to go into FFXIPadConfig and set the Ctrl/Alt functions to the 2 shoulder buttons instead of the triggers, b/c FFXI is just not able to recognize the Z-axis function, which is what the triggers are set to using the wireless adapter, and I for my life can't find a way to change that.

    It's a bit awkward especially when I dualbox using 2 controllers and the left trigger button is so ingrained in my head as the auto-run button, but you get used to it after a bit.
    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


    • #47
      Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

      -.-; Okay. So after going at this for about 3 hours now, I've run into a problem I can't find anywhere else. I followed the instructions in the pdf. Ran into a problem that I couldn't find the xbox 360 drivers in the hardware manager. Skiped that. Went through and finished it. FFXIconfig said that the buttons were being pressed. I went woot, it's working. Got past POL into FFXI... Nothing did anything. Config said it worked. So I went back to the hardwear manager. Looked a bit harder, and found it wasn't in the place that the PDF said it was for me. Updated as I should have. Now, I'm still having the same problem. FFXIconfig says all the buttons are working with the test, but get into FFXI and still nothing. None of them work at all, not even the ones that are supposed to work normally. It may be noteworthy that I'm using the windower. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ; ;
      Prolly shoulda mentioned. I use a Wired Xbox 360 controller and am running Windows XP
      Last edited by TheGrandMom; 09-06-2008, 09:16 AM. Reason: Sorry links to the windower forums are not allowed.


      • #48
        Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

        someone else posted on here the drivers for the wireless controlers previously. Well, same creators came out with a set for the wired versions also. Seems to give more options then the XBCD+, XBCD, and XBCD360 drivers currently out, and easier to install as well. Just open device manager, pick to update the drivers for the microsoft wired controler, and point it to the INF. The only drawback is that just like with all other modifed drivers.. the headset doesnt seem to get reconized. Ohh well, at least rest of all funtions work. hope this help!

        All OSs (vista, xp, etc)
        wired xbox 360 controler drivers


        • #49
          Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

          okay, i downloaded the pdf, but when i click the link to download the xbcd its goes to a junk search site. does anyone know if its been moved or what?


          • #50
            Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

            is there drivers for vista 64bit =3


            • #51
              Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

              If I'm reading right it don't work on 64 bit windows my computer has i 8gigs ram and 32 bit windows can only do 4 gig when 64 bit can do 128 does anyone know where to get xbcd x64


              • #52
                Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                Here's the URL to some updated drivers:

                Xbox 360 コントローラー用デバイス ドライバ


                • #53
                  Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                  SYSTEM INFO:

                  Ok, so I've taken quite some time to try and figure out and set up my new controller for FFXI, but I've run across some problems.

                  At first, I was using the supplied, official Microsoft drivers and calibrated my sticks using the properties feature in joy.cpl. I tested my controls out in the same program, and then proceeded to boot up the game only to realize "Hey, my controller isn't responding at all."

                  So I did a "quick" search and found several references, including this thread, and read up on the various ways to try and get a working button layout.

                  Now, I don't have any sort of wired connection, so the most recent JP drivers and XBCD were out of the question, and I'd rather not install any unnecessary programs (xpadder) that would create a hassle for my play.

                  Out of all the various threads, Edgetheninja/ZeRoLiMiT seemed to be a reoccurring source of helpful information and he just so happened to share my OS/controller combo. So after several hours and a good half-baker's-dozen reboots, I had both the correct JP drivers and RD+ installed and ready to go.

                  With everything seemingly set to go, I opened up FFXI Config and went to Gamepad Settings to emulate the 360's natural button scheme. Got everything paralleling its regular function and went to Test Gamepad, only to find out that my sticks' calibration were way out of whack, hanging to a single corner and unable to offer the full 360 degrees as normal.

                  So, after numerous attempts at fiddling with the sticks' axis, checking and unchecking inversion, and purposefully inputting irregular calibration data in FFXI Config itself, I still can't get my calibration back to a regular setting.

                  So please, I need help. I'm pretty much fed up with it at this point.
                  Should I reinstall the MS drivers and try to uncalibrate my controller to see if that magically fixes things once I get them back to my current settings? Or do any of you have a better plan or idea?


                  • #54
                    Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                    Vista 64 bit
                    WIRED Controller
                    4 gigs Ram
                    idk what video card but FF XI runs fine...

                    Ok. I must be a complete newb... I have tried EVERYTHING! I have tried MS drivers, XBCD (many versions), Xpadder, and even the japanese driver for a WIRELESS remote...

                    Could someone please hold my n00by hand and walk me through the steps to getting the god awful piece of gaming equipment to work.

                    When I go to Gaming Controllers on my control panel, it registers that my controller is working (sticks, butons, etc.) But when I go into FFXI Config, the buttons or sticks do not register. I have tried installing the drivers and the ones I install never show up on the list when I'm updating drivers.

                    If someone could PLEASE help me. I will give you my first born... please...
                    Last edited by aaronmorg; 10-17-2009, 09:40 PM. Reason: EDIT: I have Ready Driver Plus as well.


                    • #55
                      Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                      Originally posted by aaronmorg View Post
                      Vista 64 bit
                      WIRED Controller
                      4 gigs Ram
                      idk what video card but FF XI runs fine...

                      Ok. I must be a complete newb... I have tried EVERYTHING! I have tried MS drivers, XBCD (many versions), Xpadder, and even the japanese driver for a WIRELESS remote...

                      Could someone please hold my n00by hand and walk me through the steps to getting the god awful piece of gaming equipment to work.

                      When I go to Gaming Controllers on my control panel, it registers that my controller is working (sticks, butons, etc.) But when I go into FFXI Config, the buttons or sticks do not register. I have tried installing the drivers and the ones I install never show up on the list when I'm updating drivers.

                      If someone could PLEASE help me. I will give you my first born... please...

                      have you checked the box that says enable game pad? ;p

                      if so.... then I don't know what to tell ya, other then go get another controller, or something.
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #56
                        Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                        I ended up figuring out Xpadder. not how I wanted to get it working, but it works, I suppose

                        Now I have an xbox controller-shaped portion of my keyboard :D


                        • #57
                          Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                          Okay i tried everything; i've read on every forum. But nothing seem to work. And all i want is for my Wired 360 Left and Right Triggers to function on my lab top as CTRL and ALT macros like it does on 360. I've downloaded everything. After each download i went to my FFXI configs and L/R triggers weren't working. I don't wanna remap my buttons cause i play on lab top and 360 at the same time and dont wanna hit RB and LB for one LT RT for another. So, can someone please help me out.


                          • #58
                            Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                            Originally posted by Sorcerervivi View Post
                            Okay i tried everything; i've read on every forum. But nothing seem to work. And all i want is for my Wired 360 Left and Right Triggers to function on my lab top as CTRL and ALT macros like it does on 360. I've downloaded everything. After each download i went to my FFXI configs and L/R triggers weren't working. I don't wanna remap my buttons cause i play on lab top and 360 at the same time and dont wanna hit RB and LB for one LT RT for another. So, can someone please help me out.
                            if you have vista or w7 your out of luck, custom drivers dont work, and mapping CTRL/ALT to the triggers using Xpadder, will result in that little delay. Your only option is to remap them, with Xpadder, I set my two shoulders as macro buttons, and my left trigger as auto run, and right trigger as F8 (replacing SW keyboard)
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • #59
                              Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                              Ah, gay. Thank you thought. i guess i need to remap them... Vista sucks railroad spikes.


                              • #60
                                Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC FFXI - HOWTO

                                Originally posted by Reilk View Post
                                SYSTEM INFO:

                                Ok, so I've taken quite some time to try and figure out and set up my new controller for FFXI, but I've run across some problems.

                                At first, I was using the supplied, official Microsoft drivers and calibrated my sticks using the properties feature in joy.cpl. I tested my controls out in the same program, and then proceeded to boot up the game only to realize "Hey, my controller isn't responding at all."

                                So I did a "quick" search and found several references, including this thread, and read up on the various ways to try and get a working button layout.

                                Now, I don't have any sort of wired connection, so the most recent JP drivers and XBCD were out of the question, and I'd rather not install any unnecessary programs (xpadder) that would create a hassle for my play.

                                Out of all the various threads, Edgetheninja/ZeRoLiMiT seemed to be a reoccurring source of helpful information and he just so happened to share my OS/controller combo. So after several hours and a good half-baker's-dozen reboots, I had both the correct JP drivers and RD+ installed and ready to go.

                                With everything seemingly set to go, I opened up FFXI Config and went to Gamepad Settings to emulate the 360's natural button scheme. Got everything paralleling its regular function and went to Test Gamepad, only to find out that my sticks' calibration were way out of whack, hanging to a single corner and unable to offer the full 360 degrees as normal.

                                So, after numerous attempts at fiddling with the sticks' axis, checking and unchecking inversion, and purposefully inputting irregular calibration data in FFXI Config itself, I still can't get my calibration back to a regular setting.

                                So please, I need help. I'm pretty much fed up with it at this point.
                                Should I reinstall the MS drivers and try to uncalibrate my controller to see if that magically fixes things once I get them back to my current settings? Or do any of you have a better plan or idea?
                                I'm having the same goddamn issue. If anyone knows what's going on, <Please assist.>

