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Can't fix POL-1153 error

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  • Can't fix POL-1153 error

    Hi, while playonline viewer is checking final fantasy xi files for the update I get the POL-1153 error.

    I've checked on some forums and everyone says that its because of a firewall or router.

    Well, I've tryed opening the ports playonline uses on my router, puting my computer on the DMZ, disabling router's firewall, disabling my computer's firewall, puting the firewall on low settings(basicaly everything is allowed in and out) and nothing worked, I still get the same error.

    I've also tryed reinstalling and also didn't work, and I'm currently doing a scandisk to check for problems on my hard drive.

    Someone has any more ideas? :S
    Last edited by Nashinoshi; 10-02-2007, 05:03 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Can't fix POL-1153 error;num=1;page=1

    See if that helps. That FAQ is rather old, but It's served people i know well in the past. I think the error number list is from the original draft of the post back in 2004.

    hope this helps good luck


    • #3
      Re: Can't fix POL-1153 error

      Thanks for the help

      I've tryed some of that stuff and I'm not sure what did it but the update seems to be doing ok, before it went up to about 10~15% checking files and now it checked all of them and is downloading the files.

      It could also be because I had utorrent opened all the time downloading stuff...dunno what it was but thanks!


      • #4
        Re: Can't fix POL-1153 error

        np good luck playing. if you join the Midgardsormr server try /tell me somtime

        my ign is Siwar write it down and randomly try tell me to see if im online or add me to friends ^^. we can play togeater somtime

