alright, Last night i was able to run ffxi just fine. went in, partied a little, came out and everything was great. I came on this afternoon to play a bit and my pc was acting gay, so i restarted it. I came back on and went to play ffxi and low and behold, it'll load up and then bam, instant desktop with this : "Terminated as Error occured in Final Fantasy XI. Please install direct x 8.1 (-1)"
I have dx 10 on my system as I am running Vista Ultimate Edition 64-bit. As stated previously everything ran fine from before, i am going to try a restart again and see if that'll help or not. Also, no updates were done at all. any help?
I have dx 10 on my system as I am running Vista Ultimate Edition 64-bit. As stated previously everything ran fine from before, i am going to try a restart again and see if that'll help or not. Also, no updates were done at all. any help?