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Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

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  • Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

    Hey guys....

    After having a couple of problems with my PS2 to USB adapter I've decided to try out a spair Xbox 360 controller on the PC.

    Ive installed it all but in the FFXI config I can get the movement, camera & the d-pad. I cant set it up properly... its all over the place. I also want to remove an old driver I used for it but everytime I remove it then plug the controller back in it re-installs the old one. Can anyone here who uses the xbox 360 controller for FFXI on their PC shed some light? What drivers do you use and how do you have it setup?


  • #2
    Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

    hmm... I can try it out tonight and see if I can figure something out.


    • #3
      Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

      Ok thanks..


      • #4
        Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

        so I have a wireless 360 controller. I also the the usb charge cable, so when I plugged it into one of my computers (running XP), it did not recognize it.

        I went online and downloaded the drivers, and it still did not recognize it.


        • #5
          Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

          I've heard of problems with this before, don't remember the solution. Out of curiosity, why don't you use the PS2 controller? FFXI was quite literally made for it.


          • #6
            Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

            I tried it out, but alone my computer wouldn't recognize the triggers. There was a program I was instructed to download that was supposed to fix that issue but it quite literally did nothing.

            You might want to try calibrating the controler in its native driver menu.


            • #7
              Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

              if you have a ps3 try that cause i use my ps3 controler when i play at work on my laptop. and then my boss looks at me like this
              TERA - Dark.Anubis 70 High Elf Preist - RETIRED
              WOW Ihornedyourmom 85 Tauren Paladin - RETIRED
              FFXIV - Sergei Volkov - RETIRED
              FFXI - Massaranger, Daytimes and Sunghee - RETIRED


              • #8
                Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                I mainly use the PS2 to USB adaptor. But recently if I nudge it.. it disconnects then I have to re load the game and re-plug the device in. Piece of crap lol. I might get a new one. Or a Logitech Controller.


                • #9
                  Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                  a controller made by a name brand company that goes directly to USB is probably your best bet. Just be sure it has at least as many buttons as a dualshock


                  • #10
                    Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                    Aparantly there still hasn't been a "fix" for this yet. I've been thinking of getting a wireless xbox 360 controller for use in ffxi, but havn't really found a need to. The problem I have with my ps2 one is that it doesn't detect 2 controllers even though it's a dual box version.

                    If anyone has a fix on this, please post. Thanks.
                    Hacked on 9/9/09
                    FFXIAH - Omniblast


                    • #11
                      Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                      So I bought the wireless receiver for my PC.

                      While the triggers cannot be calibrated for the game, it's not a big deal. I just moved them to the shoulder buttons. For the two shoulder buttons, I moved their functionality (auto-run, screenshot) to the start and back buttons, which their original uses aren't really used a lot. (clear screen, log off).


                      • #12
                        Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                        Quick fix to why the charge cable didn't work for you. The only thign the charge cable does is charge the battery via USB, it does not make the controller function though the USB port (it still uses wireless). Tis why it didn't work.
                        -Baka Inu!
                        Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                        Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                        Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                        Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                        • #13
                          Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                          Originally posted by InuTrunks View Post
                          Quick fix to why the charge cable didn't work for you. The only thign the charge cable does is charge the battery via USB, it does not make the controller function though the USB port (it still uses wireless). Tis why it didn't work.

                          I figured that was the problem, so I just went ahead and got the wireless receiver.


                          • #14
                            Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                            XBCD drivers are still in the works for allowing the X360 Wireless controller the use of its Left and Right Triggers.

                            I'm keeping an eye on this one myself as I tend to go from PC to 360.

                            Until then ... my setup is exactly as HairdewX has listed. Left and Right bumpers control my macro sets.

                            I'll let you know if there are any updates for this, as I get more information.


                            • #15
                              Re: Xbox 360 Controller on PC [PROBLEM]

                              Originally posted by massaranger View Post
                              if you have a ps3 try that cause i use my ps3 controler when i play at work on my laptop. and then my boss looks at me like this
                              Do you mean I can plug in the PS3 USB cable on my pc and use the controller? Or do I need a bluetooth doogle?
                              Character name: Phyrr
                              Job: WHM6
                              Sub: ---
                              Linkshell: ---
                              World: Shiva

