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Anyone play on Windows Vista?

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  • #16
    Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

    Originally posted by Bethesda's Official Support Forum

    We do not formally support Vista as Oblivion is not a Games for Windows title. Our internal tests -- and external tests done by outside parties -- have not found any issues with Oblivion on Vista. Should you have problems, it's not something we support or can help you with. The secured installers for downloadable Oblivion content are not compatible with 64-bit editions of Microsoft Windows and therefore downloadable content will not work with Oblivion.
    Originally posted by Knowledge Base Sticky from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Forums
    3. Problems with Vista OS

    - crashes upon the game launch
    - crashes upon saving games
    - occasional freezing
    - occasional soft crashes, which make the system irresponsive

    - install the latest drivers for Vista
    - wait for updates to the game - the problem is being actively worked on
    I understand what you're saying, but both of the games you pointed out as being problem children are ADMITTEDLY NOT Vista compatible.

    If all of the applications that you use on a regular basis have been approved as Vista compatible, then I really haven't experienced any issues that make me want to go back to XP.

    If you NEED applications that aren't Vista compatible, there's no replacement for them, and you can't find any working fixes for them, then yes, I strongly recommend you stick with XP until the bugs can be worked out of those programs.

    The OS as a whole seems fairly solid. It has its flaws, issues, and quirks, just like any other. But since I started using it a few months ago, I can honestly say I haven't had my system crash hard. Yeah, programs crash. But no blue screens, hard locks, nada.


    What Macht said. The odds of a hardware manufacturer using proprietary hardware that you can't get drivers for off teh intarwebz are pretty damn low. Hell, all you should have to do is look up the specs & visit the OEM's page, and no problems.

    Is it a pain in the ass? Yes.

    But if you've got a copy of XP laying around, or can get one on the cheap, I'd say order the new box with Vista.

    If you don't like it, download the XP drivers you'll need, wipe the system, and go to XP.
    Last edited by Tekumel; 05-01-2007, 05:36 PM. Reason: Response to Macht's post


    • #17
      Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

      Teku, it's not fair to say you can run FFXI at 29 FPS and use it as a reason to stand up for Vista. FFXI is capped at 30FPS, and it's nearly 5 years old now. Last I saw, many games run MUCH smoother in XP than in vista.

      The problem people have with Vista isn't that it doesn't work, of course it works, the problem is that it's a step backward and a huge hog for features that OS X can do with a fifth the power.


      • #18
        Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

        Originally posted by Xeion
        I has played FFXI on my notebook but now I'm selling it and will buy a DELL (desktop) and it will be Windows Vista: Home Premium pre-installed.

        I know FFXI support Vista now but will it lag?
        Originally posted by Feba
        The problem people have with Vista isn't that it doesn't work, of course it works, the problem is that it's a step backward and a huge hog for features that OS X can do with a fifth the power.
        It's also not fair to compare an OS to one that won't run on the platform the original poster's talking about.

        My point with the FPS comment wasn't so much Vista, as it was Vista + Laptop. In past experience, sitting in your mog house on a laptop was about as graphically beautiful as Dynamis with all effects turned on. I suppose it didn't add much to my argument, but what I was trying to say is that I've got a computer that's a disadvantage (simply for being a laptop, it's a pretty nice machine overall), combined with an OS that many call a disadvantage, and I'm still doing good.


        • #19
          Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

          Hey some of my OLD games run better on Windows 95 than in XP, so that means 95 > XP....


          It's always the same when a new iteration of Windows is released. I still remember the grumbling when XP first launched, and the people saying it was a step back from Windows 98 SE...

          Once games are specifically programmed to run on Vista, the performance will increase dramatically. Until then, Vista does everything I need it to do, so I am fine with it.


          • #20
            Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

            It's also not fair to compare an OS to one that won't run on the platform the original poster's talking about.
            What the hell are you talking about?

            I said that Vista has been well shown to be more of a resource hog than XP, and that games almost always run better on XP than on Vista. That's my point, it's unfair to say Vista is better than XP just because you're running a half-decade old game alright on it. And no, I'm not saying XP is better than Vista just because it plays games smoother, I'm saying that games simply WILL NOT play as well in XP.


            • #21
              Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

              Aye.. It took microsoft 2 years to get all the bugs out of XP and I'm sure it will be the came case for Vista. The only reason I don't like Vista is because it hogs way too many resources when it doesn't need too. I guess It's microsofts way of forcing everyone to upgrade their PC's. I remember when I installed Vista on my P4 machine and the HDD would never stop moving... even when I wasn't doing anything! I'm sticking with XP & MacOS X for a while.


              • #22
                Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                I will call DELL Sweden and see if I can get Win MCE 05 insted but I doubt it
                Character name: Phyrr
                Job: WHM6
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                Linkshell: ---
                World: Shiva


                • #23
                  Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                  I just talked to Dell Sweden and if I call in my order they could install Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. Which I prefer over Windows Vista Home Premium
                  Character name: Phyrr
                  Job: WHM6
                  Sub: ---
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                  World: Shiva


                  • #24
                    Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                    Originally posted by Xephar View Post
                    Aye.. It took microsoft 2 years to get all the bugs out of XP and I'm sure it will be the came case for Vista. The only reason I don't like Vista is because it hogs way too many resources when it doesn't need too. I guess It's microsofts way of forcing everyone to upgrade their PC's. I remember when I installed Vista on my P4 machine and the HDD would never stop moving... even when I wasn't doing anything! I'm sticking with XP & MacOS X for a while.
                    It was mentioned earlier in this thread the reasons Vista uses more RAM and is accessing the HD often. You can also turn off indexing if you are really worried about the HD being accessed in idle time.


                    • #25
                      Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                      Originally posted by Tekumel View Post
                      Y'know, all the Vista hating in gaming forums is getting really f***ing old.
                      Yes, it has some issues. As any new OS would.
                      It's not gonna totally kill your gaming experience. I recently bought a new Toshiba laptop, and of course it came with Vista.
                      I play FFXI on it just fine. Hell, I never even bothered to install the POL upgrade to Vista compatibility, and it works. I run FFXI in the 29fps range, no weird graphical glitches, no Vista screaming "OMG FFXI MUST KILL!".
                      And Dell's offering both XP & Vista now, by popular demand. So crawl back in your hole, Vista-seeking flamebots.


                      i run both systems and as of right now, vista is not ready. its a decent desktop system but xp is by far more refined for obvious reasons.

                      it's called being objective, something that seems to elude you. i really dont see why you're worked up about. its not like you spent time coding vista and it has some sort of attachment to you. when it comes to this technology, its useless if it doesnt work, regardless of how new or how there isnt any support for it yet.

                      i'm sure one day vista will be refined like xp is now but until then, people have a right to be disappointed in vista.

                      Originally posted by feba
                      the problem is that it's a step backward and a huge hog for features that OS X can do with a fifth the power.
                      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                      • #26
                        Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                        I've decided not to get a DELL computer but got this deal for same amount of money ;D

                        Intel Core 6400 2.13GHZ
                        2GB RAM
                        256MB NVidia NForce 7900
                        250GB HD S-ATA
                        And a 19" LCD display

                        Hopfully I'll get this delivered this week ^^
                        Character name: Phyrr
                        Job: WHM6
                        Sub: ---
                        Linkshell: ---
                        World: Shiva


                        • #27
                          Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                          Originally posted by HairdewX View Post
                          If anything, I would most suspect either

                          a) performance being affected by indexing, which can be turned off with a bit of tweaking
                          b) not enough RAM. For Vista I wouldn't recommend anything less than 1 GB. If you don't have enough RAM, the short term fix would be to use a flash drive as extra RAM. You can get noticeable performance increases from that.
                          c) video card drivers not up to par. nVidia drivers kinda suck atm.
                          How would you go about using a memory stick as extra RAM? I've got a few memory sticks lying around that i could boost it with?


                          • #28
                            Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?


                            Will the macbooks run Vista via bootcamp?


                            • #29
                              Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                              Originally posted by zelliticus View Post
                              How would you go about using a memory stick as extra RAM? I've got a few memory sticks lying around that i could boost it with?
                              It's called ReadyBoost, and works well if you have 512 MB RAM, or less than 1 GB. If your flash memory is really old, there is a possibility of it not being able to be used for readyboost. Vista will automatically test your drive if you choose to use it with readyboost.

                              I think at the moment you can only use one stick at a time, so pick your biggest one. Simply plug in your flash memory into a usb port, and then:

                              (pics in the link)

                              If your drive doesn't prompt you when you plug it in, you can set it to ReadyBoost manually:

                              This link shows the performance difference from using readyboost:



                              • #30
                                Re: Anyone play on Windows Vista?

                                wow thanks thats a pretty useful feature to know about...i just bought a laptop with a gig of DDR2 RAM, its got vista so if !GB isn't enough will be very useful!

