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Game Glitch??

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  • Game Glitch??

    Hey, I just experienced a really big glitch and I wanted to know if anyone else has ever experienced it.

    At first it was just the pictures that are on items in your inventory. They turned into a bunch of multicolored squares. Then I zoned into Northern San d'Oria. That was like flipping a switch. The entire area that I could see was a bunch of little brightly colored squares that moved around constantly and in some cases were glowing.

    I attempted to take screen shots of all of this but no matter how many times I tried it wouldn't save the shots.

    Anyone else?

  • #2
    Re: Game Glitch??

    Sounds like a problem inside the video driver. If you can re-create the problem at will, try doing the un-install/re-install shuffle with your video driver.

    signature by fallenintoshadows


    • #3
      Re: Game Glitch??

      I have the same problem occasionally on my PC. Make sure that you send a glitch report to POL--this is how designers fix software, so if they should have the time and inclination, the volume of the data will point them in the right direction. I have, of course, reported it and it still happens, so I just live with it.

      One reboot and my computer is good for a very long time. If I do not reboot after a failure a second occurance (sometimes more severe like a system lock) happens, so I just reboot my PC the first time and save myself the trouble. Remember, rebooting is a way of life for the PC, unfortunately.


      • #4
        Re: Game Glitch??

        Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
        I have the same problem occasionally on my PC. Make sure that you send a glitch report to POL--this is how designers fix software.
        Vague reports of 'it looks weird sometimes,' do not make good bug reports. If you can't even give an idea of what caused it, or how you fixed it (rebooting is not fixing) then any 'report' ends up being as useful as viagra spam.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


