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The old Router problem. Please Help me

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  • The old Router problem. Please Help me

    Well I started playing again after having previously had router issues that forced me to quit. I figured signal strength was the problem, and I got a linksys-G router that is replacong my old B. It worked for a couple days, but now I'm getting the exact same disconnect errors (the 4001, 4002, whatever...).

    Knowing that signal strength is not the issue, I think I've figured out what is. Though my signals very strong, the signal speed tends to fluctuate (jumping randomly to 54, 48, 36, and even 24 Mbps). This was never a problem with any other MMORPG's, but this games server code seems to suck horribly.

    I'll save us some time here by telling you I've got the latest firmware, all my firewalls are down, and I've opened all the correct ports. I've also confirmed that the routers the issue several times by connecting directly to the cable line. Also, going without the router and using the line is not an option.

    Should I just give up now, or do any of you have any idea's or solutions that could help? Anything would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by Dreakon; 10-17-2006, 10:47 AM.

  • #2
    Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

    Though my signals very strong, the signal speed tends to fluctuate (jumping randomly to 54, 48, 36, and even 24 Mbps).
    Sounds like you've got a neighbor operating at same frequency. Have you tried changing the channel your router uses?

    signature by fallenintoshadows


    • #3
      Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

      instead of playing wireless, have you tried just going the old-fashioned plugged-in way? might save you some headache (btw, I never game over wireless even though I have it)

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

        Are you plugged in directly into the router or are you using a wireless card and wireless portion of the router?
        Hacked on 9/9/09
        FFXIAH - Omniblast


        • #5
          Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

          Originally posted by Gentoo View Post
          Sounds like you've got a neighbor operating at same frequency. Have you tried changing the channel your router uses?
          Don't think this is the problem, but thanks for the idea.
          instead of playing wireless, have you tried just going the old-fashioned plugged-in way? might save you some headache (btw, I never game over wireless even though I have it)
          I'm on a Linksys Wireless G adapter and don't have a cable line running up to my room, so I can't plug-in. Have to use the adapter.
          Are you plugged in directly into the router or are you using a wireless card and wireless portion of the router?
          I'm using the wireless adapter.


          • #6
            Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

            Actually the neighbour one is the most likely. Channels used are also signal strengths, if a neighbour has one at say Channel 9 and you are on Channel 6 he's got about a 1.25 KHz stronger signal. Especially if his router is close enough to yours (As in my neighbour's being that way) then his signal will overpower yours and bump it's performance down.

            My salution since I couldn't move my router and neighbour refused to relocate his is I bumped mine to the max channel and increases the signal bursts mine produced to drum out his (Since he isn't tech savvy he has no way of countering, sadly this does mean my router will have a shorter life-span ; ;, also means my wireless security system is pretty useless now since doing that it also drums out that system's channel. Ok with that though since I pretty much stopped using it anyway.).

            The channel 9 vs. channel 6 is the exact situation I had with the neighbour his caused my router's strength to drop down to 20%-30% even when I'm right next to it. After drumming his out mine achieves 98% and a 75% at the farthest point from the router in our house.

            Other alternative is if the router is getting very random transfer rates is just to force a transfer rate. Otherwise I can't say much else I use a Linksys 802.11g standard router along with a 802.11g wifi adapter and do not have that fluctuating rate as you do. Then I also have uPnP configured as well as optimized router performance for strongest signal and best responce time. Mine so far has outperformed other players, so I know wifi shouldn't be getting trashed here like some are doing.

            Yes it's burst technology but it's burst design works much better then satellite so it doesn't have the same downfall as satellite does for gaming.

            Before counting out neighbour's interferring I would suggest if you have a Wifi capable PDA device. Activate it's Wifi and have it scan for signal strengths and then take a walk by the neighbours (Make sure your wifi is down to get a better test result). Should be able to get a general idea of were their router is to see if one might have a router close enough to interferre.

            Because of were my house is I know there are 8 wifi routers near mine (Front, Front Right, Front Left, Right, Left, Back Right, Back Left, directly behind us). The one closest enough was the one to the right of us who has his located to the far left of his house and refuses to centralize it in his house more.
            Last edited by Macht; 10-17-2006, 11:48 AM.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

              I don't think my neighbors even have a cable connection, but I might check that out. What makes me think it's not them is that my brother is running off an adapter in a different room, and his speed stays constant. He's not using a linksys adapter though, he's using one that came built into his laptop.

              Your idea to force a consistant transfer rate sounds good, but I don't know how to do that. Could you please tell me how?


              • #8
                Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

                Originally posted by Dreakon View Post
                I don't think my neighbors even have a cable connection, but I might check that out.
                The term "neighbor" is a loose one when talking about wireless networks. I can pick up the Eagle scout lodge's Zyxel router ~.6 mile away from my house.

                Just do a site survey with your card to see what other networks are around you (if any), and try to pick a channel that has at least a 1 channel buffer (the more the better). For example, say you find networks on channels 1-3, 7,8, and 11; channel 5 would be the ideal choice because channels 4 and 6 are clear.

                Where I live, for example, I have 4 competing networks even though none of my physical neighbors has a wireless network (two wireless ISPs, one of the neighboring family dwellings, and the lodge).

                Your idea to force a consistant transfer rate sounds good, but I don't know how to do that. Could you please tell me how?
                You can do that in your router adminstration -- usually via the web interface.
                You can also usually set your adapter to pick a lower speed in the device property settings.

                It notion heres is to *not* pick the highest rate of transfer, but pick the most stable. For you, that would probably be something below 20MB/s.

                You don't have anything like a microwave, washer & driver, or refrigerator between you and your router do you?

                signature by fallenintoshadows


                • #9
                  Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

                  Unfortunately, wireless connection is not as easy as "1, 2, 3." There are too many things that could affect it negatively, such as those mentioned.

                  The rounter you're using uses the 802.11g standard, thus uses 2.4GHz range of radio waves. This range is very widely used accross many different kinds of things, such as what Gentoo mentioned, and more importantly, cordless phones and radios. 2.4GHz range isn't reserved for anything, unlike 802.11a that uses the 5GHz range which is dedicated for wireless computer network (in most countries, that is; allocating the frequency range is up to each jurisdictions), so anything in between could affect it, not just other networks present within the range.

                  Not to mention your claim "I don't think my neighbors even have a cable connection" means nothing, as they could be using wireless on a dial-up line, or maybe even without internet connection and just for in-home LAN; all of them are possibilities you can't ignore just based on the fact that you don't think so.

                  By the fact that your connection speed is fluctuating, it's very likely that there's something that's affecting the connection, other than the router itself, while its nature is too unclear to name. Nevertheless, wired connection is always better than wireless, and you should seriously considering wiring the line to your room (it's not that difficult; everything you need is easily available at many retail locations) if none of the suggestions above works.


                  • #10
                    Re: The old Router problem. Please Help me

                    You implied that the router is downstairs and your computer is upstairs. Perhaps you have a lot of physical obstructions between you and the antenna? Obstructions and reflections off of them can also reduce signal strength.
                    Character: Bricklayer
                    Server: Ramuh
                    31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM

