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DHCP server

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  • DHCP server

    Iuno what to do anymore,i'v tried about everything i can think off.When i attempt to Temporarally sign on around the begging of the setup sequence..thing.It says "No responce from the DHCP server"

    What do i do?

  • #2
    Re: DHCP server

    Some advice...if your on a PS2. turn off your PS2 then turn it back on...see if the time is correct. if it isn't change it. Basically do the same if your on a PC or if y our going thru a router...i suggest restarting the router.

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


    • #3
      Re: DHCP server

      Yes : PS2

      I narmally do that on a daily basis.if you mean turning it off by the back switch then yes i do.Nothing is working.

      And,what do you mean by time? not sure..


      • #4
        Re: DHCP server

        silly question, but does your ps2 have a network adapter?

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Re: DHCP server

          Isn't a network adapter required for the PS2 to connect to the HDD?
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: DHCP server

            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
            Isn't a network adapter required for the PS2 to connect to the HDD?
            dunno, i don't play on ps2 -- just throwing out ideas

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #7
              Re: DHCP server

              No DHCP means it cant find an IP address for itself because the DHCP server is not there or it can't connect to it.

              As NT said, make sure your network adapter is present and it works.
              Also, make sure that you have some sort of router (anything that provides an internal network) which can give out IP addresses.

              I thought the HDD attaches to one of the serial ports in the back? I dont play on ps2 either
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              • #8
                Re: DHCP server

                The PS2 HDD mounts inside the PS2 (which is why it is incompatible with the new slimline PS2 units, since they don't have the internal bay), and is connected to the hardware via the Network Adapter.

                I guess the first question to ask here is if you've run the installation process for your PS2 network adapter and tested it (it should have come with a installation disk). This puts your network setup information on your memory card (make sure not to remove that card, as I'm pretty sure you'll need it).

                Alternately, if you've already done this, make sure you haven't switched memory cards.



                • #9
                  Re: DHCP server

                  Or, maybe he's on a cable line that verifies the NIC's MAC address, and that of his PS2's network adaptor isn't registered w/ them (or they don't allow any more than 1 MAC address per line/account).

                  Either way, we need more info on what he was trying to do, what his normal network configuration is (i.e. normally using router but this time tried direct connection, no router, etc.), whether it happened all of a sudden or it's the first time trying to connect PS2 to the internet, etc.


                  • #10
                    Re: DHCP server

                    >.> ok. I'm on a PS2. I'm using a Network Adaptor. I use the DSL Modem. No routers


                    • #11
                      Re: DHCP server

                      Originally posted by ridaut View Post
                      >.> ok. I'm on a PS2. I'm using a Network Adaptor. I use the DSL Modem. No routers
                      Did you go through the network connection setup for your adapter, as well as for FFXI? Either one could also be causing this problem if it was done incorrectly.



                      • #12
                        Re: DHCP server

                        Have you ever gotten your setup to work before? (i.e. did FFXI work on your PS2 previously, and then it stopped working, or are you still in the process of trying to get it to work?)

                        If you've never had FFXI work on your PS2 before, have you been able to successfully use the network adapter for other online gameplay? If the answer is "no" (for example, FFXI may be your first online PS2 game), then I suggest checking the type of cable you are using.

                        If you've previously had FFXI working on your PS2 before, or you've had other online games work with your DSL set up, I suggest unplugging the ethernet cable from your PS2, and then reconnecting it. With my PS2, I've found that sometimes disconnecting the ethernet cable from the PS2 and then reconnecting it will fix connection issues.
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                        • #13
                          Re: DHCP server

                          Eww, American Online. I so hate them, but yeah I'm not sure about their policies and registering a single MAC Address. If you've used that same connection for the PC already it's likely it's recorded that PC's MAC Address and only allows it access.

                          If you want to bypass this you need a router capable of MAC Cloning to mask itself as the PC's MAC Address.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            Re: DHCP server

                            ok a lil diagram...

                            ---->phone line>>>DSL Router>>>connects directly to PS2 right??

                            suggestion #2 when you start up your PS2 with no CD in the bay. it will have a menu with 2 options. 1System 2 Browser info I want you to select the browser info you should be able to select a bunch of things...scroll down untill you can change the time and date to current...BUT!!! if you're main linning thru your DSL router it shoudl automatically update time and date for you...but its always good to check...

                            sug #3 when logging in...go to network options from the main log in screen when loading FFXI. make sure everything is set to "Automatically Detect" usually if you entered info incorrectly that will cause a problem...but just runb thru and check everything.

                            like it was said before chekc your memory cards for that network info. if its not in there that could be the problem...

                            Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                            • #15
                              Re: DHCP server

                              Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
                              ok a lil diagram...
                              ---->phone line>>>DSL Router>>>connects directly to PS2 right??
                              suggestion #2 when you start up your PS2 with no CD in the bay. it will have a menu with 2 options. 1System 2 Browser info I want you to select the browser info you should be able to select a bunch of things...scroll down untill you can change the time and date to current...BUT!!! if you're main linning thru your DSL router it shoudl automatically update time and date for you...but its always good to check...
                              sug #3 when logging in...go to network options from the main log in screen when loading FFXI. make sure everything is set to "Automatically Detect" usually if you entered info incorrectly that will cause a problem...but just runb thru and check everything.
                              like it was said before chekc your memory cards for that network info. if its not in there that could be the problem...
                              Not very likely the way the PS2 works with the cards is before it ever even goes online it requests which network connection to use. If none are listed it will force you to set up one. So if he's getting to were it's saying a DHCP error that it's very likely the MAC Address.

                              A DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protol) is used only if the IP is set to automatically detect. That is what the DHCP is for, when a system is auto-detecting it sends out a request to find the DHCP using a RARP (Reverese Address Request Protocol). If it's saying it can't find the DHCP then his system is detecting automatically and the other end is refusing it or not getting it.

                              Either test the cable make sure it is a 568B standard cable and not a Cross-Over or Roll-Over. One way is visual look at the RJ-45 jack the color sequence on both sides should be: White w/ Orange stripes, Orange, White w/ Blue Stripes, Green, White w/ Green Stripes, Blue, White w/ Brown Stripes, Brown.

                              If it a roll over one side will follow that the other will be reverse of that. Easier way if you are not a network professional is just hook that cable up to something like a PC and see if it works with it. If that doesn't solve it can either try another cable to make sure it isn't that or will need to contact your ISP to get the MAC Address reset.
                              Last edited by Macht; 10-10-2006, 10:38 AM.

                              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

