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360(bad tv) or PC

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  • #16
    Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

    FFXI doesn't really use the mouse. Like at all. The mouse actually interferes with seamless gameplay. Seriously.

    The game was made for the PS2, so those controllers are really ideal. But I'm sure the 360 controllers work just as well.


    • #17
      Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      FFXI doesn't really use the mouse. Like at all. The mouse actually interferes with seamless gameplay. Seriously.

      The game was made for the PS2, so those controllers are really ideal. But I'm sure the 360 controllers work just as well.
      lol, then they'll work better, the 360 controlers are basically the same, theirs A where the X is, X where the *square* is, theirs a B where the O is, theirs a Y where the *triangle* is, theirs R where R2 is, theirs R bumper where the R1 is, and vise versa for the left side, and then the difference is the d pad and analog stick are switched around(analog bein on top, and D-pad bein right below it) on the left side, so ....its pretty much the same set up! so if the mouse really is pointles....hell i'll just get it for my 360 and buy that cord to hook the video up to my lcd monitor and set the monitor on like a table or something in front of my ..chouch(sp?)

      Which FF Character Are You?


      • #18
        Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

        (All right!)


        • #19
          Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

          controller kicks ass, trust me. your macros pop up instanly and its easy to control your guy than using a keyboard
          "Oooo oooo, Mr. GM, that guys fishes a lot.
          Oooo oooo, Mr. GM, that guy camps the guilds all the time.
          You know what?
          Shut the hell up."


          • #20
            Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

            That all depends on how you prefer to play. I've been playing FFXI for three years on a keyboard, and I can't stand using a controller. So it's whatever you're most comfortable with, really. Both work well.


            • #21
              Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

              Originally posted by Runningriot View Post
              controller kicks ass, trust me. your macros pop up instanly and its easy to control your guy than using a keyboard
              REALLY??!?!?!?!?! the controles kinda like in the other finaly fantasy's? and how do the macros work on a 360?

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #22
                Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                You hold one button to pull up your macros and choose the one you want with the D pad. Then you select it with another button.

                Did that really require that many question marks? It's not that astounding a statement really.


                • #23
                  Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                  Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                  You hold one button to pull up your macros and choose the one you want with the D pad. Then you select it with another button.

                  Did that really require that many question marks? It's not that astounding a statement really.
                  lol, no, im just really happy to see that a MMORPG is easily played on a console versus to being a pain in the butt

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #24
                    Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                    Not everyone that plays FFXI is so happy that it's a console MMO. I'm just saying.


                    • #25
                      Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                      you just click it lol you told hold it down (unless you wanna switch macro rows...) left trigger and right trigger (ten sets of macros for each tigger)
                      "Oooo oooo, Mr. GM, that guys fishes a lot.
                      Oooo oooo, Mr. GM, that guy camps the guilds all the time.
                      You know what?
                      Shut the hell up."


                      • #26
                        Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                        wow, that sounds pretty easy. can anyone post like a couple screen shots of how the battle screen looks like?

                        Which FF Character Are You?


                        • #27
                          Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                          This is what the macro pallette looks like when open. You have one for CTRL and one for ALT. You have ten sets for each of them, so you actually have 20 palletes to work with.

                          This is the main menu. It has two sides, so there is another set of options just as long.

                          The UI is really unobtrusive. I showed this with the chat panel all the way open, since that's how it would look mid-battle. You can set it to disappear over time when nothing is happening though.


                          • #28
                            Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                            wo, thanks, do you have a screen shot from mid battle, so i can see what it looks like when ur fighting? if u already have one, if not, no biggie

                            Which FF Character Are You?


                            • #29
                              Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                              Give me a moment. I'll edit one into this post.

                              edit: Not a particularly good one. I just grabbed the first in-fight shot I could find. I'm in a party, so you can see the other party members listed in the lower right hand corner. The mob we're fighting is right above (or whatever I was targeting at the time would be there).

                              I'm in the foreground because I'm a black mage here, and I don't melee as a BLM. But you can see people fighting the mob in the middle distance.

                              Oh, and these are resized. I play at 1280x1024


                              • #30
                                Re: 360(bad tv) or PC

                                ok SWEET, you know....people like you make the world go round, ur being so helpful right now, and ur starting to answer the question "FFXI ...or not to FFXI" which i have had a hard time finding a answer to

                                (after pic was edited into post)

                                wow, that looks awsome, definetly FF style which i kinda like more then WOW style, so yea, wow man, thanks a BUNCH, the way...wheres the WHM(which i think stands for white mage) in ur group lol(or wheres the healer, period)
                                Last edited by the_ultimate_shadow; 09-01-2006, 11:37 PM.

                                Which FF Character Are You?

