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Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

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  • Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

    I have a GeForce 7800GTX which runs the game at max settings without fail, except during Bard song animations. I'm not sure what makes them so unique, but it's really, really aggravating (I play a 75 bard).

    I'm almost certain that it's a driver issue because well.. I can run every other game I own at max settings with no issues. I know there's nothing wrong with the card. But how to fix it.. hmm.

    I've tried a handful of different drivers and nothing has worked. I don't know where to begin because it could be anything, as far as unique video settings are concerned. Would my codecs have anything to do with it? I know K-Lite codec pack messes with a couple of the main ones and doesn't change them back if you uninstall it.

    Is there a way to completely wipe all codecs/video drivers from your system without formatting the drive? I think that would be my best bet unless someone has some experience with this.

  • #2
    Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

    It's because you have an nVidia. nVidias don't handle bard songs well at all, i'm guessing you especially notice the lag on Ballad and Firaga? I bet you also lag a ton at telepoints, right?


    • #3
      Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

      Yeah, Fire does it too, now that I think of it. Not sure about telepoints. At least they recognize the problem on their site, but have no fix for it..


      • #4
        Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

        Fix: ATI.

        I know, i'm in the same boat, although my GPU is considerably older (MX 4400, two years old now)


        • #5
          Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

          It's the newer nvidia drivers that are the problem, not necessarily the card itself (although that doesn't really make much of a difference). I have a 6800XT and I have the same issues. It's frustrating, but I've learned to just make do until they figure out how to fix the issue.

          I have no idea when that will ever be.


          • #6
            Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

            Anything that has something to do with particle effects will slaughter your frame rate with N-vidia cards for some reason. /shrugs

            But then again Radeon gets a frame rate hit too, so it's more about a not-so-good ported software than anything else.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #7
              Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

              Not all nvida cards. Just the ones that are incompatible with older drivers. My old 5200FX had no problems with particle effects whatsoever.


              • #8
                Re: Dropping to 1-2fps on Bard song animations

                Your best bet if you play BRD andc it's really hindering you is to change the dats to something that doesn't lag you to hell.

