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PS2 Problems

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  • PS2 Problems

    Well recently my PS2 fell (stupid dog...), and now makes a strange sound when I turn it on with the Hard drive connected sort of a "nehhhhh" then an odd beep, this repeats about three times.(FFXI will not work because it says it requires a hard drive, blah blah blah.) The PS2 seems fine as I can load other games fine and it doesnt make the odd sound when there is no hard drive. My question is it the Hard drive, PS2 adapter port thing, or the network adapter? I have assumed its the hard drive since it has a warning about possibly breaking after a large jolt. Thank you for your input. ^^
    PS Sorry if this does not belong here, or if a similar topic has been posted, but I couldnt find anything.

  • #2
    Re: PS2 Problems

    If other games are functioning, then it's probably the hard drive. The connection scheme on the hardware for the PS2 HDD is thus:

    PS2 <- HDD <- Network Adapter

    A faulty Network Adapter won't affect the HDD loading and running FFXI, but it could stop you from connecting online.



    • #3
      Re: PS2 Problems

      Originally posted by Icemage
      PS2 <- HDD <- Network Adapter
      If I remember correctly (and I have a horrible memory), the HDD is not connected to the PS2 itself, but to the Net Adapter.... so wouldn't it be PS2 <- Net Adapter <- HDD?

      Anyway... to the OP...

      Did you check if you can connect online with OTHER online games that don't require your HDD? Like sporting games and first person shooters? Try to minimize options by trying everything.

      If you CAN connect to online for other games, but NOT FFXI, then it's your HDD. Check to see if it just became loose from your Net Adapter.


      • #4
        Re: PS2 Problems

        Hmm.. I still have my PS2 HDD connected, but haven't done anything with it in quite some time (I actually have TWO unused ones since I got the first for free during the PS2 beta, and I got the second boxed one as a perk for being in the beta ). I know the HDD connects to the net adapter, but seem to recall it connects internally as well. Maybe not, though, I'll have to look tonight.



        • #5
          Re: PS2 Problems

          No, it doesn't connect internally. Mine is sitting right in front of me, but I'm too lazy to check, lol.

          Edit: :-O I just noticed my REP is now red!


          I think I know why.


          • #6
            Re: PS2 Problems

            Thanks for the help. I'm nearly 100% positive its the hard drive, because 1)it didnt make that noise when I took it out, and 2) I could connect to the net with my game, well almost I think its just the DNS or IP address. tyvm^^


            • #7
              Re: PS2 Problems

              Do you have any other online games like sports and such? Try those just in case.

