Well recently my PS2 fell (stupid dog...), and now makes a strange sound when I turn it on with the Hard drive connected sort of a "nehhhhh" then an odd beep, this repeats about three times.(FFXI will not work because it says it requires a hard drive, blah blah blah.) The PS2 seems fine as I can load other games fine and it doesnt make the odd sound when there is no hard drive. My question is it the Hard drive, PS2 adapter port thing, or the network adapter? I have assumed its the hard drive since it has a warning about possibly breaking after a large jolt. Thank you for your input. ^^
PS Sorry if this does not belong here, or if a similar topic has been posted, but I couldnt find anything.
PS Sorry if this does not belong here, or if a similar topic has been posted, but I couldnt find anything.