i used to play all the time but got out of it for about 5 months. so anyways i wanted to get back in. ive payed the monthly payment to keep my accnt going and everything. so heres the deal, when i enter in my member pw and try to connect it gets stuck at initializing via ethernet. then it sits and sits then go to POL-1040 No response from DHCP Server. how do i fix this?
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Re: Pol-1040
That's a problem with the Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP), the DHCP is the one that verifies the password information and such. This doesn't mean anything is worng with your account, it's just stating that for some reason it can't send the request there or can't find that server to log you in.
Likely problems is that either a port on your end is restricted that it needs for this, check FFXI website for this information. The other possibilities is that there is a problem on your network and it's internet access, verify that the network is alright and verify that the device playing the game (PS2 or PC) is recognized on the network.
The final likely problems are beyond your control ranging to being a DDoS attack on the server so it can't take your request at the moment, massive network failure in the Asia region, or that SE is having networking problems they are fixing or unaware of.
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Re: Pol-1040
Well being certified in network I would not recommend switching the connections like that, at least not without following with a power cycling. May not be aparent but just flat out switching the connection can be more problematic then you'd realize.
The better solution I would suggest is to have a router do that for you, which also adds security. After the router any extra connections that it can't provide (Usually comes with 4 ports) then I would suggest a switch to handle the extras.
Now outside of that, the question I have to ask is have you done this method before? With the Internet Provider and in the same setup?
From the sound of it you don't seem to have a router between the cable modem and the device so ports or hardware based firewalls are not an issue then. The issue that you have to find a way to resolve is if the Internet Provider is allowing you connection out with this setup on the PS2.
ISPs will use MAC Addresses to identify a person so if MAC Addresses suddenly changes it can end up refusing you service. You can try to fix that with a power cycle (personally I wouldn't suggest doing this to often). If this is the case then you can fix the problem permanently without having to do power cycles or call by getting a router setup after the cable modem.
Oh and here is the link: Official FINAL FANTASY XI Website
You can find the port information there if you do have a router or some other hardware designed firewalls.
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Re: Pol-1040
i have a router here but its not hooked up. when i use to play it i had it through the router but the router was on a diff comp. i dunno how to do the whole setup of a router. i have a linksys wireless access point router w/ 4-port switch.
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Re: Pol-1040
Ahh, good router. Know if it's 802.11b or 802.11g standard? Setup shouldn't be to difficult. If the router hasn't really been changed much, then just hook up your computer to one of the ports. Make sure it's set to get an IP Automatically (Dynamic IP assignment) and then should be able to access the routers setup info in Internet Exploring by typing It should come up with a prompt and just type in "Admin" in the password area don't need to put anything in for username.
At that point you'll be in were you can change and configure the router as needed. Routers are usually setup with a default configuration of low security so that a user with little experience in it just needs to make sure the cable modem connects to were it's labelled "WAN" on the router and the devices plugged in to the other ports.
It provides enough security to prevent general privacy issues, but not to an extent that if a trojan or backdoor program gets on your system to stop it.
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Re: Pol-1040
i did that but now i go in says it has 2 connections to ityet i cant access internet on my comp now. re pluggin it from modem to comp justso i can type this. and now on the game i get error POL-0020 no response from DNS server i believe it was.
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Re: Pol-1040
see i tried this like a week or two ago got the same thing and im not all up on networking and internet and crap so i dunno how to fix it. nor do i know who to call to get it fixed. so im hoping you can help it would be greatly appreciated because it would suck to keep paying to keep my accnt up if i cant play haha. so yes please if you know how to fix POL-0020 greatly appreciated
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