hello. ive been away from the game for almost 2 months. i am now trying to get back into the game since i have cable internet again, but when i try to login it gives me the 0006 error. basically it says that the network is busy or there are connection issues. i have the same setup and all cables and everything are connected right, so why is this happening? ive tried MANY times to login and i cant get on. any ideas would be helpfully. i really just want to play the game again and this sucks alot. -.-
wrote it down this time...heres what happens:
Title: Version Update Communication Error
Error code: POL-0006
Network is busy or there are connection problems. Please try again later or verify that cables, networking devices and network settings are properly configured.
then it has option to see network settings, retry or exit...when i hit exit it says:
Disconnectiong from PlayOnline.
Title: Update
Version update failed.
Return to previous screen. (goes back to main login screen)
im on the PS2....using a dorm net connection...campus lan cable. it worked totally fine last semester, not sure what is wrong. guess i need to wait to call tech people and square maybe.
wrote it down this time...heres what happens:
Title: Version Update Communication Error
Error code: POL-0006
Network is busy or there are connection problems. Please try again later or verify that cables, networking devices and network settings are properly configured.
then it has option to see network settings, retry or exit...when i hit exit it says:
Disconnectiong from PlayOnline.
Title: Update
Version update failed.
Return to previous screen. (goes back to main login screen)
im on the PS2....using a dorm net connection...campus lan cable. it worked totally fine last semester, not sure what is wrong. guess i need to wait to call tech people and square maybe.