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FFRep Translation Project.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Faranim
    I sent you a PM.

    I have experience with C and C++ and I'm currently learning/using C# and .NET as a summer intern.

    Does anyone have links to other Log Parsers that I could maybe download / look at?
    - Valefor - PLD75/WAR37 - Rank 10 - Fishing skill 100!! - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35 - PROFILE LINK


    • #17
      I've been away for the past few weeks and will send the source code out to the translator I have selected for this project, when I get back the translated comments I will send it out to the c# coder to see what he can make of it, and will be talking with him.

      To do list:

      Make a webpage for the english side of this.


      HTML coders.
      -Baka Inu!
      Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
      Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
      Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
      Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


      • #18

        Written in Python for *NIX.

        Have a "harvester" which updates the logs that are changed. I haven't used it before, so not really sure if it actually works.

        Is there a webpage for the progress?


        • #19
          how's this going? ^^


          • #20
            Well, I just got out of minor sugery after having to work about 95 hours in the past 2 weeks. (No, the sugery wasn't caused by the stress of work, I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. So, I'm sitting on a week long vacation from work, as well as doing anything else, so this week will be dovated to this project.

            The website will be up in a few days, (by the end of the week). I've got a 2nd translater that I can work close with because he has some other form of communication other then e-mail ^^.

            (But, I'll still be working with the e-mail guy).

            I really really need someone who know's C# and is willing to help with this project.

            On the Lead Project Staff:

            EarthDraco = HTMLCoder/C# coder
            Citanu = Main translator
            Me: Project Leader, as well as some C# coding, and debugging.

            2 C# programers please.

            Look for an update tomorrow some time. And hoepfully the website will be up in that time.
            -Baka Inu!
            Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
            Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
            Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
            Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


            • #21
              ok so id love this so i can know how much damage i do but does it also count pet damage so i know how much total damage me and wyvern does together


              • #22
                It does alot more then what the FFLP does.

                You can check the program out (if you can read some japanese) on the website (check the first post here).

                I'm about 99% sure it seperates the damage into "Anaki's pet" and Anaki. Not sure though, seeing as how I can't full read alot of japaense, nor Kanji, but ... We should be seeing a good "test version" soon as we can get a C# coder out here ^^
                -Baka Inu!
                Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                • #23
                  It's times like this I wish I knew C++ or Japanese ^^

                  Ironicly I hardly even have time to play, let alone learn a language; computer or otherwise.

                  It looks like a very nifty program, I am eager to see the tranlated version. I'm sure it will show more then just att damage, but at least I can see how poorly my PLD hits lol.

                  RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17


                  • #24
                    What sort of coding are you needing? Are you going to need design as well as coding or simple code this code that?


                    • #25
                      Well... The project kinda died again because Spyle had a good praser already up for FFXI (Almost as good as Repo) But, it looks like spyle got screwd somehow by that guy that was here posting that the main site was down.

                      I tried to give everyone awareness on that post (And it's gone now) but looks like lots of people might have got screwd.
                      -Baka Inu!
                      Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                      Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                      Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                      Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                      • #26
                        doh, thats too bad, i finally read the post and I think i could have filled the spot you were looking for, got a huge background in java, and did my last programming project in c#, lovely language btw. oh well, good luck in future projects.

                        As for those that would like to debate with my reason, or flame me for my opinions, please send me a PM so that I remember to come back to this thread and respond to your post in an appropriate manner.


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            This might be revied again because I'm now learning Java, and I got someone who likes to code C# all day long.
                            -Baka Inu!
                            Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                            Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                            Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                            Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                            • #29
                              REVIVED! Check out the new look :D

                              Wahoo! :D
                              -Baka Inu!
                              Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                              Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                              Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                              Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                              • #30

