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Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see how

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  • im running my background resolution at 2048x2048 and my screen resolution is at 1280 by 1024... the detail in the game looks pretty horrible, the edges on background are jagged with white pixels blinking... character detail is even worse with really jagged edges and i cant even see the face clearly because its kind of blurred up

    im currently running a GeForce FX 5700 with pentium 4 3.0ghz processor and 512mb on a 191T Samsung monitor... what am i doing wrong?


    • i have the game on 1280x1024 res and abckground res at 2048x2048 and it looks wonderful on my 2.4ghz >>>3.3ghz p4, 1024pc3500 ram, hercules 9800pro 128mb. i also have antialiasing on 4x and anisotrophic filtering at 8x. but i still get huge slowdowns when the sandstorm hits even when i changed the antialiasing to application preference. i dont experience some slowdowns during Alliance fights in Garliage and lots in Oztroja. but the game looks so damn clear and clean that i dont wnna take the adjustments off >.<. maybe i should turn off the antialiasing and anisotrophic filtering completely and leave everythign in the game maxed out as it is now.


      • I have a question:

        Thats my comp:

        Intel P4 2,54Ghz
        512MB Ram
        GeForce4TI 4200 64MB

        So now I have all extra features like Anti Aliasing and so deactivated and playing
        FFXI with Overlay Graphics Resolution: 1152x864 and Background Resolution: 1024x1024. I wanna know if i can make my FFXI look better but I want to be still able to play it without any stucks ingame. So if anyone has got the same comp or knows what to do plz tell me what I could activate like on what Anti Aliasing and so else

        My Character:

        Genkai 1: (X)
        Genkai 2: (X)
        Genkai 3: ( )
        Genkai 4: ( )
        Genkai 5: ( )

        AF 1 (X)
        AF 2 (X)
        AF 3 (X)
        AF 4 (X)
        AF 5 (X)
        AF 6 (X)


        -Get Hauby
        -Get THF to 37
        -Get WAR to 37
        -Complete G3


        • ok, after reading a couple pages of this, i couldn't find any posts that said what the geforce4 fx5200 card would run good on..

          with my card, would the settings run ok at 1024x1024?

          any opinions?


          p.s. Please respond or send me a private message!!


          • Originally posted by Bagheera
            Can anyone tell me how the registry number and the actual resolution rendered is related?

            I am runing 1920X1200 on an Apple Cinema HD 23". Can I custom-set my value so the video card renderes 3D exactly at 1920x1200?
            Doesn't look like anyone answered this for you so I will. The number in the registry is the resolution in Hexidemical code. If you have a scientific calculator with your type in 2048 while it's set in Decimal then convert it to Hexidecimal you will get 800.

            Hexidecimal Code for 1920 is 780, and 1200 is 480. So if the card can do it you can possibly defy the games setup by altering the correct areas in regedit with the hexidecimal code to get that resolution.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • Thanks for telling me about this. I'll try it and see how it works, but judging by your SH3 pics, it looks great!

              EDIT -- I must say WOW. This made a big difference. Thanks a LOT!
              - Sinomyth
              Please check out my FFXI forum
              Visit DaRK-FFXI Forums


              • Geez. this topic has really been more popular than I would have ever imagined. I am glad eveyone is enjoying it.


                • ok so my turn now, i got a radeon 9800 ALL-IN-WONDER 128 mb

                  comp: pent4 2.8ghz, mb 256 ram
                  montior: max resolution is 1152 X 864

                  so what should be my settings if i wanted the game to run smoothly?

                  thx in advance


                  • I recommend to anyone reading this thread to MATCH their background resolutions to their foreground resolutions. That means make value 0003 the same as value 0001 and make value 0004 the same as value 0002. The problem with FFXI is that it only allows you to select three pre-defined background resolutions, and those resolutions are SQUARE where your screens are RECTANGULAR.

                    I even set my laptop with its crappy nVidia GeForce 256 mobile chipset to have 800x600 with 800x600 background resolution and WOW what a difference.

                    If you have a fast enough machine, set values 0001 and 0002 to the highest resolution in which your computer will support. You can actually do this in the FFXI configuration tool. Just select the highest resolution that it will allow you to select. Ignore the background resolution item. Save your settings, close the configuration tool, then open the registry as described in this FAQ. Find values 0003 and 0004 and match them to values 0001 and 0002, respectively.

                    Ultima_Buster, I'd recommend for your setup, going into the registry and setting the following:

                    Name Type Data
                    0001 REG_DWORD 0x00000480 (1152)
                    0002 REG_DWORD 0x00000360 (864)
                    0003 REG_DWORD 0x00000480 (1152)
                    0004 REG_DWORD 0x00000360 (864)

                    Notice how 0001 and 0002 are your highest resolution of 1152x864, that's the resolution the game will be displayed on your screen. I then matched value 0003 to value 0001 and 0004 to 0002. This eliminates scaling. It makes the game render the 3D images FOR your foreground resolution.

                    Made a huge difference on my laptop, and a noticeable increase in picture quality and clarity on my desktop PC.
                    Kurgan @ Ramuh
                    NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
                    TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
                    Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
                    On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
                    Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27


                    • Matching doesnt matter. The background textures dont need to match your screen resolution. I currently run at 1600x1200 and background 2048x2048. Doesnt get much better than that.


                      • Okay, Im sure people have had the same problem I'm about to say, but I'm too lazy too look through all the posts >.>
                        Okay anyways....

                        I set 003 to 800 then 004 to 800. Everything turned to what it was supposed to, then I exited out of REGEDIT and went to FFXI Config thinggy, but sadly it didnt have 2048x2048 so I went back into REGEDIT and the settings were back to normal. >.>;; Can someone help me with this?

                        Im running on....

                        Radeon 9200 SE 128mb
                        2.6 GHz CPU
                        and 256mb of RAM

                        Im thinkin that having such a crappy Graphics card is my problem. Actually its not too crappy. But erm anyways >.> Some help would be nice (-.-)b


                        • If you set your resolution to something higher than 1024x1024, the option in Config will be blank. Going back and changing that setting in the config tool will reset the registry entries.


                          • Actually, it's super sampling, and doesn't affect the texture size (honestly, do you think the PS2 version supports textres at 2048x2048 native?).

                            If you run the game at, let's say 1280x1024, and then run the background at 2048x2048, it will super sample down, giving the apparent effect of anti-aliasing.

                            Let's say you run the game at 1024x768, and the background at 1024x1024. By setting the background to match your foreground (1024x768), you'll lose very little in quality (not a gain, like was suggested), but gain a decent chunk in performance.


                            EDIT: Updated the website URL, as we've moved.


                            • I'm doing something wrong, I know it but... I try to input the numbers and it says that same name to a file cannot happen. Blah blah blah... btw I'm changing 0003 >>> 800 and 0003 >>> 800.

                              Any help would be appriciated. :sweat:
                              Sorcerer's Gloves: O (Windurst)
                              Sorcerer's Sabots: O (Jeuno)
                              Sorcerer's Tonban: O (Bastok)
                              3/5 peices of AF2!


                              • hmm interesting, though i have a question.
                                my pc is a:
                                p4 3.4 gig
                                1gig ram
                                ati 9800 pro 128mb

                                should i be able to run background 1600*1200 and the normal 1024*768 and still have some advance options enabled?

