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Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see how

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  • Enabled higher resolution on background textures. Game looks amazing. Look to see how

    Frustrated why the game wont let you set background textures past 1024 x 1024?? Look below to set it even higher!! The game looks amazing running background resolutions of 2048 x 2048!!

    Step 1:go to your run command and type REGEDIT and click ok.

    Step 2: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then click on software.

    Step 3: Click PlayOnlineUS and Square Enix folder, then the FinalFantasyXI tab.

    Step 4: You should see 2 files 003 and 004. Double click and change the value on 003 to 800, and change 004 to 800. You will notice the values to the right after you click ok will change to the corresponding resolution.

    2048 x 2048 = 800 and 800
    1600 x 1600 = 640 and 640
    1280 x 1280 = 500 and 500

    ***I am not responsible for problems this may cause by entering incorrect info! be sure to check to see if your hardware can handle these settings.****


  • #2
    I have some pics to show just how much the difference can be, but they are pics of silent hill 3 on the PC :-\ I will make some of FFXI as soon as I can find a few mins to make them.

    Get ready to start drooling!!

    Courtesy maskrider:


    • #3
      Can ATI 9800 Pro handle it?


      • #4
        It def. can for sure with no problems. That is what i am using now. (9800 pro 256MB Ultimate version)

        Honestly, tho it shouldn' t take that demanding of a card. I dont know if I would try it at that resolution on anything below a Radeon 9600.


        • #5
          So if my Monitors max resolution is 1600x what ever I would use the second choice correct?


          • #6
            What values would you enter if you want to use 1600x1600? Any pics to compare in FFXI yet?
            Sabre - 75 DRK - 37 WAR - 45 THF - 62 RNG
            Rank - 10

            Leaping Lizzy - 12/90+
            Valkurm Emperor - 1/2
            Stroper Chymes - 2/? (not NM, but still)


            • #7
              2048 x 2048 = 800 and 800
              1600 x 1600 = 640 and 640
              1280 x 1024 = 500 and 500

              If your monitor and gfx card supports 1600x1200, I would use the 2048x2048 on both lines. It will work just fine at that setting. I promise I will get pics asap, but I am at work.

              I will be off around 4pm EST. I will post some soon after.


              • #8
                Very nice. You would probably need at least 128mb video memory to do this.

                RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sabre
                  What values would you enter if you want to use 1600x1600? Any pics to compare in FFXI yet?
                  probably wouldn't work. Alot of graphics card need texture sizes to the power of 2.


                  • #10

                    could a ati mobility radeon 7500 handle the highest default settings(without going into the reg. to edit it)? I only have 32mb of ram, it runs fine at 1024x768 res and bg res of 500x500(or w/e that res is, the middle one), could i bump the bg res up to the highest setting?

                    i'm running this on my laptop that's why low graphics card, going to make desktop soon hopefully
                    [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
                    .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


                    • #11
                      Higher resolution

                      Wow, looking at the Silent hill resolutions it looks great. Though the difference between 1024 and 2048 is pretty negligable except for the anitalising that is occuring on the edges of polygons. Did you edit the registry keys for the SH resolutions or did those options come stock with the PC version?

                      Comming from a programmers standpoint I dont see how editing registry keys changes the highest resolution supported by the game, which as far as I can tell is hardcoded, unless they are querying the video card, though it may be a workaround measure I am unaware of. This is deffinately something to pose to my business partner since he is the Lead programmer and Im the Art lead. haha~ Rychiar this is pretty kewl and deffinatly a code/dev puzzle that I have never thought of.

                      I would have to warn users though that what Rychair is proposing may either unstablize the game or damage the video card though the risk is very very low~

                      ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


                      • #12
                        The differences seen in the Silent Hill 3 screenshots were also done using changes to the registry.

                        I cannot confirm that these settings are not stock on SH3. I am going from word of mouth that the changes could only be done thru the registry.


                        • #13
                          Although manually editing the Background Resolution is obviously not on the list of "supported activities", and thus you do it at your own risk, I must chime in saying that this practice has been used during the beta with no ill effect on several machines.

                          Certainly makes it look a lot prettier; reduces the scintillation of far away objects that is typically the worst aspect of the graphics.


                          • #14
                            Just trying to keep this seen.


                            • #15
                              Could you post some FFXI game comparisons between the default settings and 2048x2048?

                              RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17

